Single or double transfer?: Hello, I... - Fertility Network UK

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Single or double transfer?

SJBJGB profile image
18 Replies


I just wondered what peoples thought of double embryo transfers for my try? I'm a healthy 34 year old so the clinic advise a single, I would have to sign a disclaimer to say I've gone against medical advice if I have a double, which is really scary. I obviously don't want to do anything to put my baby/babies or myself at risk but I know so many healthy twins and it makes me wonder if the chances are really that high of developing problems?

I have no health issues, we needed IVF as my husband was on chemo for years. Unfortunately he died before we could get pregnant but I am carrying on myself. I have 5 embryos frozen. Siblings were so important to both myself and my husband and I love the idea of twins so they always have each other. It scares me that if anything happened to me, that I would leave a baby all on their own. Also, as I'm going to be a single mum, one maternity leave means that I could get back to work. I know it would be a crazy amount of work but I'm strong and have so much support from our families and friends close by.

I've gone through so much to get to this point and don't want to be greedy and make a desicion that could cause lasting health issues. I'm desperate to hold my husband's child because it's been 2 years since I lost him. Miscarriage is higher in twins and I can't bear the thought of going through that.

Am I being silly considering a double transfer? Please tell me the truth! My family and friends all supported me in having a double transfer but after reading more about it and sharing that with them, they all think a single now. It's such a huge desicion. I could have a single and then try for another very quickly after. Would appreciate any advice! I have a scan tomorrow and hopefully a transfer on the 18th!

S x

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SJBJGB profile image
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18 Replies
Ivfgotadream profile image

I’m so sorry to hear about your husband

I’m 37 and 34 weeks with twins. I considered myself fit and healthy but I’ve found a twin pregnancy brutal. I’ve pretty much been on sofa rest since 18 weeks - thankgod I can work from home as I wound be screwed work wise If not. I haven’t been able to walk far or stand for long since 18 weeks. My resting heart rate has gone from 67 to over 90. I can’t bend down to tie shoe laces and need husband here to help with basic things. (He’s having to take the last few weeks off work to help me as we also have a 5 year old at home)

I was in hospital at 28 weeks with bleeding due to physical strain everything taking and have had another 2 massive bleeds this week and spent another week in hospital. My twins are almost certainly going to need a NICU stay. They’ll be born by c section so will need post natal support from husband during that time too.

No two pregnancies are the same and I’m sure others will be along to say they breezed through pregnancy and birth but it’s luck of the draw?

Only do a double transfer if you know you are going to have guaranteed support on standby - I couldn’t have done this pregnancy on my own physically or emotionally and I consider myself very strong mentally. My mum comes up once a week overnight to clean and iron and help keep on top of things as husband works shifts. Husband does all the shopping as can’t get online deliveries for love nor money at the moment. And yeah financially the cost will be huge when paying out for double the childcare x

Cmc2020 profile image

Hello this story is so sad and happy at the same time 💖 I’m 31 and currently 15 weeks with 1 transfer it was my first transfer and it worked the hospital advised me just to have 1 because of the risks so that’s what I done even having one transferred can spilt into twins too so there is risks of more than two after a double transfer good luck on which ever you decide I’m sorry to here about your husband :(

Peanutchips profile image

Hey lovely, I’m so so sorry for the loss of your husband. That’s a horrible thing to go through, particularly at such a young age. There are pros and cons to both single and double transfers. As this was our 3rd attempt, we went for a double transfer. I am pregnant but we don’t know whether it’s with one or twins yet. What I will say is that whilst 5 embryos is a great number, as they are so precious and unless you have frozen sperm from your husband (?) , you can’t create more. For that reason I’d be tempted to transfer 1 at a time. Your chances aren’t doubled by putting two in as so much depends on the uterine environment, timing etc. Hopefully you’d have success on your first transfer but if not, I’ve certainly found things get tweaked each time until you have success. For cycle two a few things were changed and I had success (although mc) and I was pleased not to have wasted 2 precious embryos on my first attempt knowing the environment wasn’t quite right. I suppose you could mitigate that by having lots of tests first, like ERA but it might be time consuming / £. I just think if having one (hopefully two!) healthy babies from these embryos is your goal, it might be more time consuming but I think you’re more likely to reach that goal transferring 1 at a time. So many good wishes to you xxx

Orla9298 profile image

I would agree with peanutchips just because of how precious your embryos are ❤️. Not just that the timing or environment might not be perfect and you could waste two at once, but if both stuck and one then failed and jeopardised the other one and both failed, you would be heartbroken.

Lovemylion profile image

Hi there,

I'm so sorry to hear about your husband. You are a very strong lady and I completely understand you wanting to do this with the help and support of your family and friends. Whilst I completely understand you wanting to transfer two...twins would be fab....I would also love that. I agree with they are so precious, perhaps giving each one a chance at a time, is the best route. I transferred two recently and had an early mc and part of me wonders what would have happened if I'd transfered just one.....most likely would have had the same outcome....but it's hard for the mind not to wonder whether one jeopardised the other. Its all an unknown and whatever decision you make will be the right decision for you. You could always transfer one this time....then if it doesn't work....transfer two? Wishing you all the best on this hard journey.


Hey lovely. Im so sorry to read about your husband lovely. I admire what you are doing and hope you have plenty love around you.

As said by peanuts perhaps one is better in your situation (believe me im greedy and i would love a twin more than anything) just to make sure you have the maximum chance.

Also first round is in so many cases also meds wise a bit trial and error.

I really hope you have a good clinic that takes all the precautions x x x

SJBJGB profile image

Thank you all so much, I think this is exactly what I needed to hear. At the beginning I was so set on a double transfer but have been recently thinking more and more about the risks. Hearing about twin pregnancy Ivfgotadream is a real wake up call. I have a huge amount of support around me but at the same time, this is my desicion and I don't want to get to the point that I need people to look after me. I am lucky in that I still have 6 vials of my husband's sperm. They only defrosted one vial at my egg retrieval. Although in saying that, I had hyperstimulation at egg retrieval and it is a process that I do not want to go through again if I can avoid it!

I think a single transfer is the right thing to do, I can try for a sibling at a later date.

I really appreciate you all being honest with me, thank you! And good luck to you all, you always hear about IVF but it's really quite something to go through! It's really nice to speak to people who understand the emotions behind it all X

Peanutchips profile image
Peanutchips in reply to SJBJGB

Glad we could help! All the best to you xx

RubyVet profile image

No advice. Just needed to say how strong I think you are xx

XOXO13 profile image

So sorry for the loss of your husband. I think you sound like a really strong lady, and I wish you all of the luck and love on your journey to becoming a mummy ✨💫 xx

Lots8788 profile image

I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. I think I agree with the others re transferring 1 but whatever you decide will be the right one. Lots of love and hugs to you xxx

Zebedee1971 profile image

I have no experience being pregnant with twins but my understanding is that being pregnant with 2 can be tough going. Not only that, but the chances of having a c-section are pretty high... After everything you've been through, the one thing you will want to do is pick up and hold your babies. If you have a c-section you'll be reliant on family members to help you out for the first few weeks, often with the most basic of tasks.

Friends of mine had ivf in the US. They had 6 unsuccessful cycles and in the end, shoved in the last 2, hoping for the best. Miraculously, they both took and they did get twins. The boy though was born with a hole in his intestines. They were in intensive care for weeks, the boy, months-- he had to have surgery which was really stressful for them. They are both fine now but it wasn't easy for them.

You mention the work situation but, in this current climate (who knows how long this covid stuff will go on for), you're risking spending a lot of time in hospital and, added to that a lot of time off work for very little time with your babies. Personally, I get really anxious in hospitals at the moment-- even though the antenatal department is on the opposite end to the covid wards, it just feels so dangerous.

This isn't meant to put you off, because I had two double transfers last year! It's just to present a different perspective on what others have already said. Obviously ultimately its your choice and it's a hard one to make. Good luck with whatever you decide to do xxx

Murielsmom profile image

I’m so sorry to hear about your husband. My heart goes out to you.

I just had 2 embryos transferred but that was recommended because of my age (41) and the quality of my embryos. The clinic thought it was unlikely that both would survive so I had better odds with 2.

However, you are young and this is your first attempt. I agree with the previous posts that you should try one first, especially as you only have 5. You don’t want to waste those precious embryos.

Ultimately do what your gut says; the rest will fall into place.

I wish you all the best. I admire your courage and resilience.

pinkrose55 profile image
pinkrose55 in reply to Murielsmom

Hi Any news ? I'm going in Thursday FET, thinking of having 2 transferred, I'm 42 and had many failed attempts. Any advice welcome and did you use embryo glue? TIA

SJBJGB profile image
SJBJGB in reply to pinkrose55

Hello, I decided to go for the single transfer. I was worried both about miscarraige and the dangers of twin pregnancies and after waiting so long to get here, I didn't want any extra risks. I fell pregnant but unfortunately miscarried just before my 7 week scan. I'm now so glad that I only used a single embryo! I've read so many stories of successful twin pregnancies so I don't want to put you off, but for me it was my first time trying to get pregnant and I'm glad i decided on the single. I'm hopeful my next try will be the one! The important thing is that I fell pregnant so likely will again. I hated reading about miscarriage before my transfer as I just didn't want the thought of it in my head, so please go and read some happy success stories! I'm sending you so much love and positive thoughts, good luck! X

Lowamh profile image
Lowamh in reply to SJBJGB

Oh lovely I’m sorry it didn’t work out. I hope the next one does xxx

Lowamh profile image

I’m sorry you lost your husband, you sound very strong and I’m sure he’s proud of you for carrying on your journey. My twins are 1 now - I had 2 embryos transferred on my 3rd cycle (ours were never good enough to freeze). You’re lucky to have frozen embryos so I think opting to transfer 1 at a time is the best idea. Twin pregnancy was really tough for me, I suffered with pelvic pain and was signed off work from 28 weeks and it was a real struggle to get that far (I’m quite stubborn and have a high pain threshold but I couldn’t walk without crutches and even then I couldn’t do anything except hobble). Even sleep was impossible. Good luck 🤞

SJBJGB profile image
SJBJGB in reply to Lowamh

Wow. Hearing about these twin pregnancies has really been an eye opener! I'm delighted to hear that you have two 1 year olds though! I've got my transfer tomorrow morning and am going for a single transfer. Thanks for your message! X

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