Hi ladies. I want to do another ivf cycle early next year. Need some suggestions whether to do single or double frozen embryo transfer. I have the last two embryos left in storage. I had 4 previous failed ivf cycles . Not sure what to do. Previously I had single embryo transfers n ended up with chemical pregnancies. My doctor has left it for me to decide. She said both have advantages n disadvantages. Anyone has any suggestions.... I have been trying to get pregnant for last 12 years....
Single or double frozen transfer - Fertility Network UK
Single or double frozen transfer

Is hard decision! Are they pgs tested? Is like gambling for some it works. Hope it sticks this round xx
Only do a double transfer if you can financially afford the implications of raising twins and also are physically “able” to carry them. If you have any health concerns at all I wouldn’t risk a double transfer
I’m 37 - considered myself fit and healthy and am 25 weeks with twins. I’ve been on sofa rest since about 18 weeks which is fine as I work from home. If I didn’t I’d be stuffed. I can’t walk more than to the corner shop and back without my pelvis, hips, bump aching for the rest of the day. My resting heartrate has gone from 67 to nearly 90 - twin pregnancy puts an incredible amount of strain on your body
From personal experience I would say double! Both my single transfers didn’t end well but my double worked. I have also seen posts on here over the last few months of quite a few others having double transfers and them both sticking.
Yes like ivfgotadream says twin pregnancy is no walk in a park but everyone’s pregnancies are different. I was lucky I didn’t really start feeling the strain until about 32 weeks. I enjoyed my second trimester. I ended up having to have a c section at 34 weeks as my girl had restricted growth.
Good luck with which ever option you decide xxxx
Ive always done double transfers where possible as it does slightly increase your success rates. That said there is always a chance that both embryos can take which is what happened to me after such a poor record of failures which I know you have had your fair share of. I know of a few ladies that have had twins and no regrets so far but all have agreed its hard work which again Im sure you've already considered. The other thing to mention is I know a fair few ladies that have put back 2 and only had 1 baby so its really just down to personal choice I guess. Im not sure if you have access to this but we had an ERA done which Im sure helped us get our BFP and was on high levels of progesterone and this this had a major factor in us keeping our BFP (long way to go though)....just a couple of things to consider as I know you have had your fair share of heartache. Good luck with your decision.xxx
Hi sweet. Thanks for your advice. I think I might consider double transfer. I haven't had ERA done before. May I know what does ERA mean
Its a biopsy test that check your endometrium for receptivity. Some people require extra or less time on progesterone for their implantation window (endometrium to be receptive) for implantation. I did this test after my pretty disastrous history of chemicals, BFN's and late implanters etc. My results showed that I need to be on progesterone for a bit longer than the average woman so instead of being on progesterone for 5 days (120hrs) before transfer, I need to be on 6 full days of progesterone (144hrs) before my endometrium would be habitable for implantation. Hope that all makes sense.xx
Thanks for the infor sweet. I wonder why my Dr didn't suggest this to me after so many fails. I am certainly going to suggest one this time. Especially I have only 2 embes left I should consider each possiblity which could lead to success. Hope you are doing well sweet.
Hi, I think it’s a really tricky decision. My clinic gave me the choice but said that they strongly advised a single transfer because I am over 40. They said that whilst a double transfer technically increases your chances of getting pregnant, a multiple pregnancy would have far more chance of ending in miscarriage.
I hadn’t been able to do a fresh transfer due to having pneumonia at the time so all of my embryos were frozen. I had four. Psychologically I think I saw this as the opportunity for two or four attempts and decided that I would rather have four attempts than two. Also I didn’t want them to put the two best quality ones in on the first go, leaving me with lower quality ones for the second go, which I’m my head said less success. When the first round failed I felt like I still had another three attempts. I’m now on attempt two, I don’t know if it will work out but I am 17 weeks in so keeping my fingers crossed.
I hope you are able to work out which one is best for you. X
Thanks sweet. I got two embryos left which are not of the best quality. But fingers crossed.
I had a double transfer purely because I was told chance of pregnancy was 50-60% but live birth was 35% for a double transfer & I wasn’t willing to accept risks lower than that.
At 7 weeks we found out both of the embryos had heartbeats but at the 10 week scan we found out we’d lost one, so it’s definitely an odds thing.
But as others have said make sure physically you’d be able to handle a twin pregnancy, I knew I could as I used to weigh more than double my weight and though it was uncomfortable I carried that around and my heart, lungs etc coped with it.
You’d also need to consider premature birth of course but again I have experience in this as my now 20 something brother was born at 30 weeks when I was 15 years old, I had a good idea what we’d be in for with a preemie/s.
Best of luck.
Probably double-if you're over 36 and have had failure with a few rounds of single especially. I found that in the Uk, I was always pressured for 1(more to do with NHS funding in the future etc). After consulting 2 specialists abroad, where double was recommended, I realised pros outweighed the cons. Double increases your odds significantly x

Thanks for the info sweet. Certainly it's a very tricky decision to make
Hi lovely, I've just had a double transfer (FET). My previous two single transfers ended in chemical pregnancies. I also had two left in the freezer so decided to transfer both.
My consultant was pretty clear regarding the risks of twin pregnancies but was happy for us to transfer two. My oh and I discussed it and decided that of we did end up with twins then we could financially afford it. The big swinging factor for us was the ever so slight increase odds of pregnancy.
Best of luck. Xx