Hi ladies, I'm currently in the middle of our 3rd icsi cycle. A little background...I have low amh for my age (11 at 33yrs), but our main issue is male factor. My first cycle I was on max dose of menopur and ended up in hospital with moderate ohss, 10 eggs, 1 fertilised, nothing to transfer. 2nd cycle no changes to my meds 10 eggs again, I was uncomfortable after egg collection, but all was well, transferred 2 embryos BFN, nothing to freeze. Now private and at a new clinic, first time doing long protocol, with 375 gonal f for 7 days then 300 gonal with 75 menopur. At 2nd scan I had 22 follicles, but they weren't large enough to trigger to bring egg collection forward so the clinic reduced my meds to 150 gonal and 75 menopur. I started to get quite bloated but have felt really good throughout stims. On my scan on friday, I had 36 follicles, but they had grown well and happy with the progress. My oestrogen levels were 15000, is that high? However the nurse gave me some cabergoline tablets to take each night for 8 days to settle my ovaries, i didnt do a stimulation injection friday and theyve halved my trigger to 5000 gonasi which i did last night.
I'm quite uncomfortable today, and i look pregnant, I'm really worried about ohss again even though I have had more monitoring at our new clinic and feel reassured. Both the clinic and us want a fresh transfer as we have never been able to freeze anything in previous cycles.
I've always found recovery after egg collection painful and I so so scared for egg collection tomorrow.
Apart from lots of water and protein anything else I can do to help? I'm pretty much sofa bound.
I just think it's strange with low amh to always be at the ohss end?