I’m currently on day 6 of stims and at my scan yesterday on day 5 I was told I had 18 measurable follicles and over 30 smaller ones coming up behind. My last IVF I got quite bad OHSS and had kissing ovaries before egg collection. I’ve started to get uncomfortable again and can feel my ovaries when I walk and when I bend and I’m getting worried I’m going to end up in the same situation despite being monitored more closely and a change in meds and dosage. I’ve been drinking sooo much milk, water and electrolyte drinks and I’m eating so much protein, I don’t think there is much more I can do than that. Did any of you ladies have lots of follicles and manage to avoid OHSS? I feel bad moaning about too many follicles as I know I am lucky to be in this position but this is my last NHS go and I’m so scared I won’t make it to transfer again!
Lots of follicles and OHSS risk - Fertility Network UK
Lots of follicles and OHSS risk

Sounds like you’re already doing everything right. I had a freeze all to avoid OHSS. I did coast at the end and used Buserelin as my trigger which I think saved the day. Are you using something similar?
I feel for you - I had 80+ follicles and was really lucky to swerve OHSS (or at least only get a mild case) but was still really uncomfortable. It’s not nice so try to rest if you can and look forward to a bumper haul! Good luck xx
I’ll just keep drinking tonnes and hope for the best then! They have sent me ovitrelle 250 for my trigger which is what I had last time, I didn’t know you could trigger with anything else. I was feeling so confident about this cycle and that I was on top of it but the thought going through OHSS again is such a worry! I had to freeze all last time, I still have 3 frozen from that cycle because on the NHS in our area we are entitled to 2 IVF cycles and 2 FETs. I had my 2 free FETs so this is my last chance of getting a free transfer. I so hope I manage it!!
I had ohss the first time. It was horrendous and I had to have freeze all. I was breathless, constantly bloated, in pain, couldnt walk fast, climbed stairs with difficulty and couldn't get comfy sleeping or sitting. I had 18 eggs. 2nd cycle I changed protocol, ate loads of protein, loads of protein shakes and managed to avoid severe ohss. I had 13 eggs. I think I had mild ohss this time. Gone after 4 days. I've read this it's the trigger shot that brings on the ohss and some clinics collect the eggs without the use of the trigger?
Sounds very similar to my first experience. The pain was just awful. I had to freeze all too. I will be so upset if I have to freeze all again this time as it’s our last NHS freebie. Encouraging to hear you didn’t get OHSS this time round though, maybe I’ll be lucky! I’m just hoping I’m ready to trigger on Monday, thinking the earlier I can trigger the least likely I’ll be to get OHSS maybe?! 🤞🏻
Thank you that was really informative and helpful! I think they only thing that I have going for me this time is they have scanned me so much earlier so if I can trigger earlier before more mature and I can hope for less eggs is probably the only way I’m going to avoid it. Last time they first scanned me on day 7 stims which is where I’m at now and I was almost ready for collection. They left me over the weekend and then come Monday I was in an absolute mess and obviously couldn’t collect until Wednesday. Just got to hope tomorrow at my scan I have a few over 18mm and they will let me trigger 🤞🏻So grow grow grow follicles...but not too much haha
Definitely ask about using buserelin for trigger. I had egg collection on Thursday with 38 eggs collected. Although I felt awful the first two days I now feel much better and I think I've managed to escape ohss. I think this might partly be down to not using hcg to trigger. X
Wow 38 eggs that’s amazing but you must have been so uncomfortable. I will speak to them tomorrow about trigger for sure. Are you still able to have a fresh transfer? I’m presuming you are having to freeze all with that number!
No the plan was always for a freeze all. Speak to the clinic about your eligibility for nhs funding if a freeze all is 'medically indicated'. In my area I only get 1 fresh cycle on nhs. But because a freeze all is the safest option they will still include one transfer, even if that's a FET. We will have to pay for any medication but that will be much less than paying for everything. We knew this would be an expensive journey even though we are lucky enough to have one free attempt on the nhs. And I would much rather be safer having a FET and avoiding ohss than pushing for a fresh and then getting poorly. Hope that makes sense xx
That’s good your clinic do that. They told me last time that I had to freeze all when I went in for transfer and that that was my go and funding gone for that round. I will ask them though. I wasn’t too worried as we had plenty of really good quality blasts with 2 frozen attempts on NHS and didn’t ever think we would be in this position having to do another round of IVF. I certainly didn’t want to do another round of IVF either!! I do still have a lot of meds left over from previous FETs so if we do have to pay for the next one hopefully it won’t be too expensive, but I know it’s bad but I still have to hope that I can do a fresh transfer. It’s not off the table yet! 🤞🏻🤞🏻
I had OHSS on my first cycle quite badly (I ended up on a drip in my clinic). I was insistent I wanted a fresh transfer and then it ended in chemical pregnancy. Although my doctor assured me the pregnancy wasn’t affected by the OHSS I can’t help but wonder given how ill I was. The second cycle I could feel OHSS starting again. I froze all which meant I could have a non-HCG trigger shot and my OHSS symptoms quickly subsided and I had a frozen transfer the next month which was successful. I’d recommend you consider freeze all as I found it much easier on my body and obviously it worked for me! Good luck.