Hi ladies,
I really enjoy watching everyone’s journeys. It’s especially wonderful to see quite a few of you are within a couple weeks of me along this process. As many of you know, this is my first IVF cycle and it’s so helpful to feel like I’m going through it with friends.
My scan went great this morning and my egg collection is scheduled for Friday! I have three large follicles, 10 in total that look like they’ll contain mature eggs by Friday and many more small ones. That coupled with the fact that I’ll have 4 days with my husband while we go through this together (thanks to the weekend and an American bank holiday for my DH’s work), I was thrilled. I still am.
I knew I’d be at a higher risk of OHSS as my AMH level is 66. I’ve been on a low dose of stims and all seemed to be going smoothly. Then, my estrogen level came back quite high today at 18,700. I was told I’ll likely develop OHSS and we’ll most likely be doing freeze all. Thankfully we’d actually been planning to do elective freeze all due to great FET success rates, much higher than fresh at my clinic for my age group. I’m still a bit disappointed. I’d started to let myself day dream about being PUPO by next week. I’m also feeling a bit scared of getting sick with OHSS. Hopefully it’ll only be mild and I am beyond grateful to have my hubby to take care of me.
I’m still feeling quite excited to get to have my egg collection and looking forward to seeing how everything comes together in the days after. Thank you to everyone who has provided me with comfort and support through this time. I really can’t imagine going through this without you. Also, the IVF hypnotherapy CD I purchased as a recommendation from a couple other ladies has been a lifesaver for my anxiety. Xx