Hi guys, I know there’s been loads of BFNs lately and unfortunately I’m adding to the pile on! I’m at a total loss of what to do with myself!! Apologies but this post has turned into a loooooong one 😬 We had our 4th BFN this week from our 4th fresh cycle this year. I’m in a bit of shock to be honest, had our best blast ever this time (a hatching 5bb). But if you have a look at my profile for some back history you’ll see we’re really struggling to get quality embryos and have never had anything to freeze from any of our cycles 😭.
So what do we do 🤷♀️ ??? We’re both 38 (I turn 39 week after next yay 😒), take loads of supplements incl fertilix for OH and 300mg ubiquinol for me, don’t smoke, drink minimally and only outside of ivf cycle time, balanced diets. I’ve had the usual basic tests, tubes clear, good AMH for my age, progesterone levels on 4th cycle checked and were good. OH has history of terrible morphology and worst grading varicocele, but antibiotics and lifestyle changes have improved results and dna frag test was just within normal range (our 4th round was IMSI and they said he had mostly grade 1 swimmers). Should we get a 2nd opinion on his varicocele? Or is it back to testing me? What tests are worth investing in?
Each cycle we’ve changed something hoping to get a better outcome, but we don’t seem to have quantity or quality in our favour. Inexplicably and by some miracle of nature we have a naturally conceived 4y/o son, I’m just not sure he’ll ever have a sibling 😩 It’s so draining, emotionally both myself and OH are just so fed up, and financially we’ve sunk a lot of money into treatment with nothing to show for it. But the thought of giving up physically pains me, so I’m not ready to throw in the towel.
I just don’t know what to do with myself. I’m usually someone who has a plan and used to be able to deal with setbacks. But these last few years have been horrendous, my resilience is now so low and I’m so fragile emotionally. I’ve put on weight and feel weak as I’m not exercising much any more beyond lots of walking. I don’t recognise myself when I look in the mirror. I feel like I’m in a constant state of grief, just getting punched back and forth by setbacks and unpleasant surprises. Does anyone else feel like this?