Had high hopes for this little low level mosaic but sadly it wasn’t to be. We were plagued a bit from the start. I felt so sick for embryo transfer (and was very sick when I got home) because all of the drugs made me unwell, then I had a very upset tummy for several days, then I got a very nasty cough and cold (which I still have!) I know some may consider 9dpt early still, but based on previous experiences I know I’m out plus I can feel my body preparing for my period. It just feels different now.
This may be our last transfer so I’m feeling pretty sad. We have one more low level mosaic (although considered not as good an option as they one we’ve just transferred) but I’m just not sure I can go through it all again. This time felt quite brutal. It’s taking a huge toll on my mental well being, not to mention being a financial and physical challenge. Do we just quit whilst we’re ahead (we’re lucky enough to have one little girl from IVF) or bite the bullet and have one more transfer so we know we’ve exhausted all our options? Either way, nothing for now. Rest and licking my wounds before bouncing back.
Thinking of everyone going through the 2ww right now. It’s torture. Hopefully we have lots of success stories.