BFN using donor eggs : So I had my... - Fertility Network UK

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BFN using donor eggs

Pink23-8 profile image
12 Replies

So I had my pregnancy blood test results yesterday morning 8:30am and got a call after 6pm to say its negative. This is our 4th cycle but first cycle using donor eggs. It didn't work, I just crumbled. Not sure what to do now. We got 8 eggs, 6 made it, 3 embryos survived, 1 transferred, 2 frozen. I asked the nurse if I needed to top up on meds as if the result is positive I will obviously need to continue taking meds up until a certain point as I had ran out for that morning and the response was, it's up to you. Anyway I decided to buy extra just in case and continued taking the meds until I got the results. They have offered a follow up consultation but I'm not feeling great about this at all. My case isn't very straightforward so am expecting to receive the best possible chance. I have endometriosis, I had about 4 laparoscopies, hysteroscopy, Emma and alice test biopsy to check for uterus infection. I was given canesflor to help maintain good bacteria. I was meant to do a scratch but because I did the biopsy that sort of does the same thing. I felt that my body this time has been the best it has ever been. I was taking clexane injections 1 daily at night, cyclogest twice a day, baby aspirin, progynova 4 twice a day, steroids(prednisone) 4 a day, a fertility multivitamin. I'm now thinking is there something else missing. I've been told my womb is retroverted, I still have some fibroids. Is my body just not about to do this. Do I try another clinic. What do I do. I'm so sorry to put so much info but feeling really lost and would really appreciate any advice. Has anyone been through anything similar. Thank you x

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Pink23-8 profile image
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12 Replies
Orla9298 profile image

I’m sorry about your news. We recently did our 6th round, but also first with donor eggs. I got 8 eggs, 4 fertilised and only 2 made blast. First transfer of a 5BB didn’t work, not even a chemical. I was shocked and so did lots and lots of tests via locus Medicus in Greece - all the immune bloods for cyctokines and nk cells, high vaginal swabs and the menstrual blood test for hidden infections and all came back perfect! I was quite surprised! But we also tested my husband and even though his sperm analysis have always been good, he came back with oxidative damage on high levels of his sperm so we need to sort it out.

My worry is that my last donor embryo may also be poor due to poor sperm.

I was thinking something was missing, but I don’t think it is me anymore and think it’s just a case of keeping on trying I’m afraid!

It cost us £1300 to do all these tests which to me was worthwhile in the scheme of things and the price of ivf overall xx

Pink23-8 profile image
Pink23-8 in reply to Orla9298

Thank you for your reply. So sorry you also didn't get good news. It's so tough. Inwas so down at the weekend but trying to keep strong and keep going. How are coping? Our 2 embryos that we have left are both 5BB. Our first was a 5BA. We have a follow up on Monday to discuss next plan. I think you are right to do the extra tests. I am also going to ask if there are other test we should look into. I've been told sometimes the dna of the embryo doesn't always respond to the uterus. You mentioned you did 5 previous rounds eith your own eggs. Did the clinic say why these had not worked. Is it the grades of embryos, were there other health issues/concerns? For me apart from my endometriosis, I have adenomyosis and fibroids in the cavity walls, so these may also have an impact but I guess if they didn't feel we had a chance they wouldn't have done the transfer. Its do much to take in. But I am glad I did all the previous tests and like you even though it cost alot of money, this cycle is the best my body has been. x

Cinderella5 profile image

Im so sorry for your BFN. Ive had my fair share of BFN's using OE and now DE - 2xBFN with OE, then 2xBFN with DE (which we lost), 2xBFP and another recent BFN and thought we had everything covered this time. Its really tough as when you go to DE we do have our expectations raised but of course there are no guarantees however I have seen ladies on here not be lucky first time with DE and go on to have success. I do still think there is a lot of luck involved and sadly some of us are not very lucky!!xx

Pink23-8 profile image
Pink23-8 in reply to Cinderella5

Hi, so sorry to hear about your journey and thank you for reaching out to me. It's a tough journey! Have the doctors suggested anything that may help to improve your chances? Did you have any medical issues before using donor eggs? The fact that you got 2 BFP is a good sign. I really hope it works out for you. I have a follow up appointment on Monday to discuss plan b. I'm so nervous about it. I'm thinking is my body just not strong enough for this. Are there things can I can do naturally to help improve implantation? Let's hope it's our time soon!

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to Pink23-8

Im going to do the ERA/ALICE/EMMA test before going any further. Ive literally added in something each time and I had my progesterone upped and checked on transfer last time. That was the only tweak left, Im already on clexane and steriods. Yes, Im hoping that the 2xBFP that we have seen are a good sign and just need to get implantation window correct! I dont think there is anything we can do after we have all the meds right, we just need a sprinkle of luck! Yes, let hope it is our time soon!xx

Pink23-8 profile image
Pink23-8 in reply to Cinderella5

I wish you all the best with your tests. I did the EMMA/ALICE test. It is worth doing. I am now going to do the ERA test to help determine the right implantation window. I was also on clexane and steroids, progesterone and progynova. Will see if there are any natural things I can do in the meantime to help myself. Taking a proceive fertility vitamin, vitamin c, calcium, fish oil. Trying to drink water! The doctor recommended acupuncture. I tried a few sessions in the past. It's so expensive on top of everything else! I hope all goes well for you and as you said we just need a little sprinkle of luck! Take care and keep me posted!

I’m sorry you got a bfn. I also have endometriosis and a fibroid . I’ve done 3 donor egg transfers from a cycle producing 5 blasts. The first two transfers I transferred 2 embryos at a time , I got bfp s but sadly lost both at 10 then 8 weeks. The final tranfer we did was out last embryo which was a 4bc I didn’t hold out much hope to be honest but I’m now 9 weeks . The only thing I did different this time was take clexane to keep blood thin. Good luck with what you decide and I wish you all the luck in the world xx

Pink23-8 profile image
Pink23-8 in reply to

Thank you for your message and congratulations. That's great news. I hope all goes well for you! How exciting! It's a long journey. That really gives me hope. I am now waiting to do my next transfer. My doctor wants to transfer two embryos this time. It's all we have left. They are going to check my implantation window first. I was also on the same meds mentioned so will continue with all this as before. Let's pray and hope this is our time.

All the best and thanks again x

Good luck sweetie and hold on in there xx

sadievalentie profile image

Hi Pink! How are you? I hope you are feeling better now. I am so sorry that even donor eggs didn't work out for you. You are going through the same things like me. I think it's better for you to just go for surrogacy. It's a wonderful treatment and you can use your eggs to make the baby yours biologically. Just make sure you change the clinic and start somewhere new. Sometimes it's the clinic which is not working out for us. I hope this helps you. Good luck! Stay blessed. Take care. Bye!

Alyssa123 profile image

Hi Pink! I hope you are feeling better. Sometimes the clinic we are opting for is not the right one for us. So maybe it's not you, it's the clinic you are visiting. In my journey, I was facing the same problem but when i changed the clinic, things got better for me. I went for treatment two times after that and both times it was a success. I even had to travel abroad for my treatment. But I did because it was the only way things would have worked for me. So try to change your clinic maybe it can help you as well. I hope things get better for you. Stay blessed. Take care. Good luck. Bye!

LorrieWalden profile image

Hi there! How are you now? I can understand that this is difficult for you. Dealing with infertility is not an easy thing. It takes time to find the treatment that is right for you. But we don't focus on one thing in this journey and that is the clinic we are opting for. Clinics play an important role in these treatments. If the clinic is good then the chances of your success are high. I hope you understand. Try to find a better clinic for yourself. To opt for a better clinic I traveled abroad but it was worth it. I will pray for you. My blessings are with you. Take good care of yourself. Best of Luck. Goodbye!

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