Progesterone testing advice - Fertility Network UK

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Progesterone testing advice

Sarah_a_2018 profile image
13 Replies

So next Tuesday I have my first scan to measure my lining ready for our FET which will be 5th or 6th December.

I've asked after every failed cycle am I getting enough progesterone and each time I'm told yes and that getting my period before the end of the 2WW just means that the embryo didn't implant but everything I've read suggests that this shouldn't be the case as there should be enough luteal phase support that bleeding shouldn't start until after the 2ww and the medication is stopped.

I want to bring this up again at the clinic and insist that they check my progesterone before transfer but need some advice on how I can approach this without looking like an irrational hormonal mess - which I am right now but I have little confidence in our chances of this FET working and have even less in our clinic, I just need some reassurance that my body is getting the support it needs to maintain my progesterone levels whether the embryo implants or not, it's just one less thing to worry about that might not be right?

Having our IVF NHS funded and we're in Scotland but do I still have the right to ask for this? I was even going to offer to pay for the testing or to pay for the medication if I ask for injectable progesterone rather than pessaries?

Thanks xx

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Sarah_a_2018 profile image
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13 Replies
Greyeverything profile image

I haven’t had the bleeding before the end of the 2ww but I felt the same as you in terms of wanting the reassurance after 2 BFN’s and a chemical so I asked the consultant my follow up about it. He was very dismissive, said I was on 2 x lubion injections which is plenty but I said I still wanted to be tested so he agreed I can have a blood test next FET. Will cost me £40, I am NHS funded too. Well worth £40 for the peace of mind. Sometimes you have to be a bit stubborn with the nhs xx

Sarah_a_2018 profile image
Sarah_a_2018 in reply to Greyeverything

Thanks that helps a lot xx

Littlepeax profile image

Hey, I came on my period exactly one week after my ET so now the NHS hospital I'm under have advised me to pay for the injections instead. Although I'm NHS funded I have paid nearly £200 for this and for the medication to take before. I did however have a blood test to check my progesterone levels before my ET and it seemed fine. But I did come on my period during the 2ww x

Italy300618 profile image

Hi there, I brought this up at my clinic last week after seeing so much on here about the importance of getting levels checked. They said theyve actually just recently implemented progesterone testing on the morning before transfer. They currently prescribe pessaries, and if it is found that I'm under they will then give lubion injections.

I think you have every right to ask for it and if it's not funded then even if you have to pay for it it's worth it, so definitely ask and be persistent with them, good luck x

Lots8788 profile image

Hi Sarah, we are NHS funded too and our clinic don't routinely test. I bled in my first tww, naturally have a short luteal phase (which I understand can be a progesterone issue) and my progesterone levels came up low before ivf when they were doing tests to see if I was ovulating (though it could just be that the test timing was out slightly). For the FET round we have just been through, I asked for my progesterone levels to be checked. I said something along the lines of I'm sure it's fine but for peace of mind and to know we've done all we can we want to get it checked. They agreed and charged £45 which we were happy to pay. Turns out the levels were not fine and they were lower than they wanted, so they increased my dose (they initially had me on 2 cyclogest a day + lubion once every 3 days but upped it to 1 lubion a day plus 2 cyclogest a day). We've since had our first BFP and I didn't bleed in the tww. It's early days and who knows whether it was the progesterone that made a difference but I'm so glad we asked. I know what you mean about not wanting to sound irrational or hormonal and I felt the same but at the end of the day it's your body and your cycle (and your money!). Lots of love and luck to you for FET xx

Hi Sarah, I have my treatment abroad, my first pregnancy ended in a missed miscarriage and I've had two chemical pregnancies, 3 out of 5 blastocysts have implanted, I had a Chicago blood test which showed I have immune issues so I was put on high dose steroids and also have Intralipids. On my last transfer I asked for my progesterone to be tested which they agreed to on day of transfer and I was told the levels were ok and I didn't need an additional injection, I then got a BFP and the day I went for my blood test (a private company I use in the UK) I also asked for my progesterone to be tested at the same time, my HCG came back very low which indicated there was a problem with the pregnancy and my progesterone was also low so they recommended I added in injections but sadly it didn't save the pregnancy,anyway long story short my clinic have now said that my progesterone was on the low side so next time I will go to the clinic the day before transfer to get my levels tested and they have also added in the daily progesterone injections as well as Utrogestan so if I were you I would keep pushing and if they so no have a look to see if there are any private scanning places that could do it for you. I have never bled in my 2ww other than implantation bleeding.

Wishing you the very best of luck xx

emmab178 profile image

I asked my clinic about this testing of progesterone due to the chats on here advising it. However i can't find the largest thread on the subject to read up.

My clinic said I'm on long protocol so they've turned my progesterone off for that and two cyclogest is enough. I asked about testing it before transfer and they won't. However this was with a nurse and i didn't push it. We are self funded.

She said testing for progesterone isn't straightforward but I've got no basis to argue as i can't find that thread!

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to emmab178

Hi Emma, I was on 2x400mg of cyclogest and that isnt enough or me so if you can get it tested then do try to push for it. Here is Scarlett's post below for both you & Sarah_a_2018 .xx

Hi Sarah, I am also scheduled for my first FET at that time! I self fund my ivf treatment. Perhaps you should ask your clinic to check your progesteone level via a blood test before the transfer. Stay positive. Best of luck to you!!!

I was thinking about it before my transfer which was 4th December. I failed my first ivf on day 9 in May when my period started. Then I didn't know much about hormone levels and thought I was just unlucky. I've just failed my 2nd on friday. Again it was day 9 after 5 day blastocyst transferred. Really good quality one so I had higher hopes this time. But period came again exactly on day 9 after the transfer. I should have asked my clinic( same as you Sarah, ninewells) to check my hormone level. I regret so much that I didn't do. I still have some hope with my only one frostie and I'm gonna 100% ask my clinic to check my HCG level before the transfer.

Sarah_a_2018 profile image
Sarah_a_2018 in reply to

Sorry to hear that you've had 2 failed transfers 💔😢 for your FET definitely ask for testing and for extra progesterone. I asked for injectable progesterone which they said they will give me if I need another cycle, I insisted on testing my progesterone and they said they would if I wanted but it wouldn't tell them anything because they don't have a range to measure it against to know what's enough and what isn't 😏 for my FET they did give me extra cyclogest and now I'm on 9dp5dt and haven't bled, which I had on both my fresh cycles 💔 not sure if it's the medication that's holding off my period or the transfer was successful as my OTD isn't til Friday. Good luck with your FET and hope it gives you your BFP xx

in reply to Sarah_a_2018

Sarah, I'm so glad to hear that it seems going well so far. I will send you every wish that I have for your successful pregnancy this time. I was watching your journey when the documentary was aired. I was crying with you and feeling the pain with you when I was watching. This should be your time. I really do wish for you.

And well done for persisting with the hormone checkup. My fingers and toes crossed for you. I'll waiting for your good news on this Friday. :) xx

Sarah_a_2018 profile image
Sarah_a_2018 in reply to

Thank you 🥰 really hope it's good news 🤞🙏 I change my mind so many times from nope it's not worked to maybe it's working, this is definitely working and then feel an odd twinge or cramp and it's back to nope not working 🙈 the 2ww really is the hardest, I'm hoping that even if we get a BFN this time and as long as I don't start bleeding before OTD then at least it's one less thing to worry about for next time and maybe the clinic can focus on testing my womb receptivity or trying to improve my egg quality to make better embryos for round 3 😳🙈 xx

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