Hi all,
So my clinic aren't really sure what to suggest with my continual early losses (i've only had one through IVF but 3 natural ones and 2 ectopics). They are NHS funded so can't really do a lot else in terms of extra testing, which is fair enough. We might try to get a referral to Tommy's recurrent miscarriage clinic for additional tests, or see if we can pay for any others (such as ERA etc) privately but not for another few months I think. They did mention about doing a hysteroscopy or maybe a scratch, which she's asking the consultant about but she did say that was often for people with bad lining (which isn't my problem) - did anyone have either of these done and found it helped with recurrant miscarriage?
With the last IVF chemical, I had good lining, a good embryo and my previous blood tests all came back normal so in their eyes everything should have gone to plan - of course we all know that it could be something wrong, or that it could just be 'bad luck' and the embryo wasn't chromosomally okay. These things are never straight forward!
I keep seeing that a lot of women needed extra progestrone support, or just to take it a day or two earlier than the norm (which is why I was keen on the ERA test). My clinic only offer a progesterone test the day before transfer with medicated cycles but not with a natural one as naturally you should be okay and producing enough. I only respond to natural cycles so that's my only option but I'd love the progesterone test JUST in case I could be on the lower scale, even naturally.
Has anyone else found that they've had low levels of progesterone naturally through IVF (so needed extra support with injections)? Is this even a thing?
Unfortunately I feel like I'm just searching for answers when there might not even be any, I just hate that we have to just keep going through the early losses, it's so hard to keep the hope going. I feel grateful I can get pregnant but wish that it would stick (or be in the right place).
Any advice would be welcomed!