I hope you're all doing OK. I'm sadly awaiting the bleed following a chemical pregnancy after an FET.
As we all do, I have thrown myself into research as a way to cope. Our clinic may not be able to do another FET until next year now, so we want to focus on trying naturally in the meantime. (So far we are unexplained,, although my AMH is lower for my age and FSH high).
I've always thought ovulation was my problem, as I I very rarely get a smiley face when using the ovulation predictor kits. (OPK). However, my progesterone blood tests do indicate that I ovulate (my clinic looks for over 10n/mol) even when I haven't got a positive on the OPK. I know the opks test for a LH surge and not progesterone, but something does seem a little off.
Has anyone else experienced this?
What progesterone levels do your gps/clinics look for to confirm ovulation?
My cycle is and has always been very short. Typically 21 days, sometimes a little more or sometimes a little less. And I'm now convinced our issue could be that I need luteal phase support when trying naturally. I'm going to talk to my GP/clinic about prescribing progesterone for when we try naturally between ivf rounds.
If anyone has any wisdom i would love to hear it.
Thank you!