I had my FET on Sunday 27th Oct and also had my progesterone tested. Before this test I had been on utrogest (oral) x 3 daily, Crinone (gel) x 2 daily, & lentogest (IM injection) x 3 weekly.
My bloods came back on the same day as 33 so my Crinone was upped to x 3 daily and cyclogest (pessaries) x 3 daily were added in.
Bloods were repeated on Wednesday and same day results again showed my levels had increased to 66. This is still under the 100 target my clinic want so lubion (subcutaneous injection) x 2 daily was added.
I had my progesterone checked again on Sunday and was told it is now 474! I was told to stay on all my current meds. My doctor has reassured me these levels are not of concern but my question is has anyone else experienced such a huge increase? I find it hard to believe 2 x daily lubion injections have caused this increase.
I’m currently 8DP5DT (2 x hatched embryos) and won’t test until 10DP.