I just had my first double embryo transfer. This is #8 and 9 (excluding one that worked 4 years ago). My story is the same every time. I take lentogest, crinone, cyclogest for progesterone. My first level done on the day of transfer is always in the 60’s so they increase to 3 cyclogest suppositories per day and it’s always over 100. This time, I asked if I could take 3 to start with in hopes it would just be above 100. They said yes and my first check was 85 so they added another progesterone med vaginally once a day and 5 days later it dropped to 54!? What!? They increased the new med to twice a day but I am so sad and confused. Has this happened to anyone and still got a BFP?
Drop in progesterone after FET - Fertility Network UK
Drop in progesterone after FET

Hi hope! It's not happened to me, but I've seen lots of people with much lower levels go on to have successful pregnancies and just wanted to try to reassure you! My clinic want it above 50, although some say 40, and some even sayi 20!!! So you're still over all of those amounts!If does seem you don't process it very well as youre on so many different types. Hopefully you won't need it, and this one will work. But if you did need it in the future, ask to try lubion instead of lentogest? It's subcutaneous rather than intramuscular and I've heard it can be a lot better for some people. What worked on your successful one though? Do you know your levels for then? It's quite normal to fluctuate massively, so you may have done then too?
Fingers crossed for you, all looks fine. Its such a roller-coaster though isn't it. So many highs and lows and pulling you in every direction. When's your test day?!!
Thank you so much fir the comments when I had my daughter, I took 2 cyclogest suppositories a day and two uterogestine tablets vaginally. My levels were never checked. I since switched clinics. I have taken lubion before but it leaves big 3-4 inch raised welts and I run out of space to take them, when I called the clinic to see if I could give the injection over the welt they said no and stopped it and said I shouldn’t take it. The last seven transfers my progesterone was above 100 on 3 cyclogest suppositories per day, 2 crinone gel per day, and lentogest 3x per week. With that plus uterogeston vaginally once per day it dropped and now I’m taking two uterogeston per day vaginally. I can’t take it orally because it made me so dizzy I couldn’t stand or walk for 2-3 hours after I took it, checking level in two days, thanks for the support. They also told me every two to three days in shower to stick my finger in my vagina to clean out any waxy residue that could interfere with absorption, after crinone swish it around inside my vagina wi try my finger, and lay for 30 min after to make sure it’s not running out………. Fun…….. fingers crossed.
Sounds lovely! 😄 But something we've all done none the less!!It's interesting that you don't know your levels for your successful one! I wonder if they were fluctuating and dropping but you just didn't know.
Sounds like you've caught it in time though, have high enough levels and have a plan to keep them that way! I have faith that you'll be above where you need to be and really hoping this is the one for you!! good luck xx
My levels were >190 on cyclogest on two fresh rounds and although I got BFPs, both ended before 6 weeks and I still spotted on one which the consultant said was odd. I have all the symptoms of progesterone resistance/oestrogen dominance (in particular spotting way ahead of periods, and over reaction to oestrogen) - apparently it's more common with endometriosis or silent endometriosis and can mean high blood levels but no or little effects on the uterus. Following advice on here and some research I went on vaginal progesterone and lubion for my FET. On the day of transfer my levels were 52 which the consultant said was fine but a bit low for the amount I was on so he added another lubion. I was worried as my prior levels had been sky high and even with the extra lubion they went up soooo slowly and dipped once over the 2ww. I also ended up missing over a day of meds because of a delay with meds delivery and I thought the whole thing was a right off. My clinic said the levels fluctuate a lot naturally and you just want a good average over a few days so not to worry. I got a very early BFP on that FET and it was so much stronger than the previous two transfers (am now 28 weeks). So whether it was the type of progesterone or chance, I would go with that combination of progesterone again and not be as worried about the numbers. Having said that I would ask the clinic if you can add more of the vaginal pessaries and/or be prescribed lubion even short term as my consultant said you can't have too much progesterone so it shouldn't hurt and it made me feel like I was trying everything I could.
Have just seen you had problems with the lubion - I found them painful and stung/radiated down my thigh and I got hard raised red patches (like an allergic reaction) - was surprised at how they were much worse than the meds I'd had on collection. I alternated legs and locations and by the time I got back to the same place the swelling had gone down. But if they weren't going down best to go with what your clinic advise.
So they’re pretty high levels for progesterone. So I’m not sure why you’re taking so much. But 54 is good. If it helps I was worried about coming off it when I was 7 weeks pregnant but they said I could as the ovaries were producing hormones - I had the progesterone level checked after coming off it and it was 48. I haven’t had a problem with the pregnancy since. So I don’t think you should worry too much
Well labs today show only 64 so came up slightly but will be starting lubion twice per day and watch for my allergic reaction. Testing hcg and progesterone in 3 days….. update….. it’s 2.5 days early but I got a very dark BFP! 😍 Hoping for the best! Praise God!
Just following up. After 3 days of lubion my progesterone went to 188 today. My hcg blood test today (14 days post two 5 day embryos is 1137. Hoping for the best. Scan in 2 weeks.
Thought I would give one more update for anyone worried about their progesterone early on. My 6-week scan showed twins! Both with a strong heartbeat. We are over the moon.
Thank you so much for that update! I find myself in the same position now and it’s helpful to hear. Such wonderful news re: twins!!!!