I had a fresh transfer on 22 March and had a very faint positive on test day and the few days after, by 14dp5dt the line was nice and strong.
Blood result at 14dp5dt - hcg 62 and Progesterone 45.9
Blood result at 16dp5dt - hcg 133 and Progesterone 17.9
Although Progesterone remained in the 'normal' range, the drop scared me, especially after having bled before 6 weeks in my 2 pregnancies last year and ultimately losing them both.
I had been on lubion support until 13dp5dt which I guess is why the first result is so high but I had been self medicating with pessaries at 3 per day since it ran out as Progesterone was a worry in my mind.
I have got more Lubion from the clinic but they are most unhelpful and don't believe in monitoring Progesterone. My GP surgery is great and will help in any way they can (thank goodness) so I just wondered if anyone is 'in the know' from their clinic as to optimal Progesterone levels to aim for? I don't want to overdose, as my clinic were quick to tell me the link between too much and Autism... 🙈
Thanks in advance!