So cycle 1 I got 18 eggs on long protocol. 16 mature, 13 of which fertilised (good fertilisation rate) but only 3 made it to day 5. I was only taking folic acid first round and developed OHSS. I finally got to fet which failed with a 1x4AB. I was and still am devastated. I have high amh 45.2 at age 38. No pcos or endometriosis. I have 2 good embies in the freezer.
I start cycle 2 tomorrow. Norethisterone for 9 days. It's been a long time coming. I'm doing antagonist this time so hopefully avoiding ohss. I've been taking inofolic, high strength vitamin D, c and e, high strength coq10, folic acid, dhea and melatonin religiously. My clinic told me I do not need dhea as I have high amh and plenty of eggs but I've been taking it anyway to improve egg quality hopefully. I've stopped caffeine and high sugar diet and been on salads for weeks.
My question is has anyone seen major improvements from taking supplements compared to their previous cycles??
I've tried everything in my power to improve egg quality this time so they don't run out of steam by day 5. I'm terrified antagonist (short protocol) will give me less eggs to play with. I'm scared all these supplements could be detrimental too. I'm having Endometrial scratch this time too and also cajoling my oh to take supplements every day do he's been taking them infrequently really. Im also trying to get my clinic to transfer 2 embryos next time. They're really reluctant to transfer more than one as there's literally nothing wrong with me. Fsh 4.4, amh 45.2
Never been pregnant before so I'm questioning is there something actually wrong with me. My oh fathered 2 children during his marriage before his vasectomy. I'm also scared could my low blood pressure and poor circulation be the cause of implantation failure during my last cycle. I'm really small at 5'2 and 49kg. I'm within healthy bmi but my brains got me thinking all sorts since it failed at the start of August xx