So i aoologise now, this is long!!
So I am now 3 ivf cycles down, the final 2 nhs rounds were with icsi. I have low AMH and I am a carrier of the C4M2 mutation (which means my blood could be too think for implantation or could cause early miscarriage) which I take Clexane for to thin my blood. My husband's SA is above average. I have taken dhea, ubiquinol, pregnacare conception, vit d and royal jelly for 6 months and lost a stone in weight (even though I wasn't overweight). I started acupuncture and have been walking for miles each day.
The issue is on the last 2 nhs cycles of ivf I have had 1 and 2 eggs collected on the highest dose of menopur and gonal-f. The clinic has said that my eggs have not been good quality. My concern is that they have given me too much meds, my body hasn't even felt a thing and I had better results when I took clomid and a lower dose of menopur (6 eggs collected and 5 fertilised without icsi) I had cramping etc on stims. My clinic seems to discount my first cycle at my private clinic which I only had 10 months before my first nhs round.
At my last follow up my clinic told me that their advice would be to go for doner egg and if I really felt the need to try with my own eggs again and because I'm concerned about the high dose meds they used, that I could try a natural cycle. They were very anti using my eggs and very pro doner eggs. I really more than anything want to try with my own eggs and feel that the clinic didn't work with my body but their own timescales and when staff were available.
The issue now is that my husband feels like the ivf cycles have taken a toll on him (he works away 2 weeks and is home 2 weeks) and has missed many of my scans, injections (which I have to do anyway) and usually is home in time for egg collection and to do his part. I want to forge on and keep going as soon as possible, I do all the hard part on my own anyway, and as I've just turned 35 and we have now been ttc for over 6 years, I feel like if we stop now, that will be it.
Does anyone have any advice on what to do please?
Hope you have all had a great Christmas and here is to a happy and healthy New Year. I hope 2019 is our time xxxx