Hi my beautiful ivf warriors would like to have your opinion on my journey so far , had my first ivf cycle in the cheapest ivf clinic in England with conventional ivf where they collected 13 eggs with zero fertilisation . 2nd cycle age 35 advised to go for icsi and would help with fertilisation collected 20 eggs out of which 8 mature and 5 fertilised . 3 embryos in the end. Freeze all due to ohss risk.
1 fet 3days embryo arrested before becoming a fulll blast , transfer next 5AB which resulted in chemical and now left with a 4bc to transfer. So my question is shall I call it a day and go for donor eggs ? Or should try another cycle?
We are unexplained with myself having slightly high prolactin levels but periods are super regular . Any advice or help will be great. Your own experiences might help.
Baby dust to you all