Hi all
I haven't posted for a while but I have been around. Following our managed miscarriage two weeks ago I am desperately keen to get going with our next round with fet, but also keen never to go through another miscarriage. Everyone advises to wait for 2 miscarriages before doing further tests but I am not getting any younger and also don't know if I have the energy to go through this all again before testing. In saying that we don't have a bottomless pit of money.
I am looking for recommendations of tests, and if you had to prioritise which ones you would suggest over others and why? So far I have come up with:
- Diagnsotic Hysteroscopy
- Endometrial Biopsy
- Thrombophilia Screening
- NK Testing
- Hidden C
Has anyone got any suggestions.
Just to recap, I am 41 at the moment, turn 42 in November and in March we had our first ever BFP. Unfortunately it ended in an anembryonic sac and I took Misoprostol for management.
Previous to this last round I had 2 rounds on ivf with low response and bfns, never anything to freeze, an abandoned cycle due to lack of response through a private clinic, then onto Barcelona for donor eggs. Bfn in December then miraculous bfp in March.
I am o-neg and my husband is o-pos therefore I was given 500mg anti-d when I had the Misoprostol in order to protect against creating antibodies which would fight off any future attempts.
Looking for advice here. What would you do? Go ahead with the next rounds without any further testing? Do some tests? Do them all?
I am keen not to delay my next round but understand that will be into July anyway.