Miscarriage at 5 weeks : UPDATE... - Fertility Network UK

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Miscarriage at 5 weeks

Mai94 profile image
26 Replies

UPDATE** unfortunately I miscarried at 5 weeks absolutely gutted! This is our second miscarriage, first a year ago with a natural conception so petrified now that somethings wrong! We’ll have one more transfer on our nhs cycle now and I’m wondering do i pay for tests privately before then! Anyone had much experience with testing or any advice? I have PCO so have started back on the Inofolic alpha and will try naturally between now and my next transfer! X

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Mai94 profile image
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26 Replies
DianeArnold profile image
DianeArnoldPartnerNurseFertility Network UK

Hi Mai. So sorry to hear of your swecond miscarriage. I do hope you've got plenty of support just now. Perhaps you could speak to your specialist about using low dose soluble aspirin/heparin next time, if not already tried. Just to help prevent any clot formation and ensure even blood supply to your womb lining.I am sure some of the ladies here will jump on with their experiences and advice for you. Thi nking of you. Diane

Mai94 profile image
Mai94 in reply to DianeArnold

Thank you for your reply Diane. I did mention aspirin at my planning appointment ahead of our transfer but the nurse said we didn’t need it.

I have requested a call with the consultant to further discuss things prior to pot next transfer so I will definitely bring it up with her.

Thank you

DianeArnold profile image
DianeArnoldPartnerNurseFertility Network UK in reply to Mai94


Clover5 profile image

I'm really sorry for you'd loss hun 💕. I definitely think it's worth having a talk with your consultant to see if there is anything they could do differently like possibly upping your progesterone, or checking your levels at least. After my last miscarriage they said they think it might have been down to low progesterone levels (I bleed between my periods every month which they think is due to this) so they are trying me on pessaries and Lublin injections when I eventually do my next cycle. Sending hugs ❤️XXx

Mai94 profile image
Mai94 in reply to Clover5

Thank you honey. I had a completely natural cycle so not progesterone support but think I might this time round! I had some as well and consultant did say I could use them if I wanted but when I spoke to the clinic/nurse just before transfer they said not to bother.

So I’ll talk about this with the consultant again I think! Xx

Millbanks profile image

Oh Mai - I'm so sorry to hear this. I don't have any experience to share I'm afraid but I'm sending you lots of love and hugs xxx

Beatrix_K profile image

💔 💔💔💔 I’m so sorry Mai xxx

MiniS5 profile image

Oh Mai I’m so very sorry to hear this. I’ve had 3 miscarriages all at exactly 5 weeks - they diagnosed this as egg quality rather than anything else. (I had Karotyping done on one of the miscarriages) xx

Zebedee1971 profile image

I had two natural miscarriages and two chemicals, all in the space of two years.... I'm now 25 weeks pregnant-naturally, after three failed ivf rounds including a round where I got two embryos that pgs tested abnormal. There are some good eggs in there, they're just taking their time x

As for testing, I got tested for nk cells- I do think the drugs I was given for this were the reason I'm at where I am now. I'd def look into getting some tests done- what have your clinic suggested?

What's your amh?

Ellie1005 profile image
Ellie1005 in reply to Zebedee1971

Hi, I hope you dont mind me asking further questions on someone elses thread! This news is so lovely to hear and I hope you're doing well with your current pregnancy :), could I ask how old you are and what drugs you used for the NK cells? Thank you xx

Zebedee1971 profile image
Zebedee1971 in reply to Ellie1005

Hi, so I'm 39, 38 when I conceived. My amh is 16.5Drugs were:

Humira injection x1

Hydroxychloroquine daily

Intralipids once every 4 weeks until 16 weeks pregnant

Steroids daily until 12 weeks pregnant (25mg)

Hope thats useful.

Ellie1005 profile image
Ellie1005 in reply to Zebedee1971

Really useful thank you, its great that you got those prescribed when conceiving naturally, I thought that may only be the case if it were through IVF, thanks again x

Zebedee1971 profile image
Zebedee1971 in reply to Ellie1005

We did ivf in July so had intralipid and hydroxy in my system... Got pregnant in September, started taking steroids and booked in for intrlipid the same day... There is an option to try naturally with the drugs. We thought ivf would be quicker, but ivf for us just didn't work

Ellie1005 profile image
Ellie1005 in reply to Zebedee1971

So glad its worked for you x

Mai94 profile image
Mai94 in reply to Zebedee1971

Thank you for your reply Zebedee1971 ! Amazing news you’re 25 weeks! I’m sure there are some good ones in there somewhere. I’ve since spoken to the clinic and they were under the impression I had to have 3 miscarriages however when they checked with the consultant she said because I’m having IVF I only need to have had 2 so they’re sending paperwork out for blood work and I’ll get those initial tests done ASAP! Apparently they can take up to 8 weeks to come back so we won’t be having our transfer next month as hoped but without a doubt so important to get these tests done!

My AMH was 21.9 I think! Xx

Zebedee1971 profile image
Zebedee1971 in reply to Mai94

That is a really good amh, it 100% can't be egg quality. Obviously I base it on my own experiences but I always knew with an amh of 16.5 that it must be something else affecting implantation and making the baby miscarry. Good luck with your tests, hopefully you're on your way to getting some answers x

Mai94 profile image
Mai94 in reply to Zebedee1971

Thank you lovely! It also dawned on my yesterday that I have a cousin who was moved away when we were young and about 5 years ago reconnected. She had multiple losses some quite late as when pregnant with her daughter found out that she had an issue carrying boys! I have no idea what it is or whether it’s hereditary but I’ve just messaged her to ask as it suddenly popped into my head! Might be a long shot but want to explore as much as possible! X

Jess1981 profile image

So very sorry that is just heartbreaking. One loss is too many 🥲I've now had 4 losses-2 chemical pregnancies one before our 22 month old daughter ( who took us 7 years and 3 surgeries to treat my endometriosis to get pregnant) one after I lost my daughter Amelia at 20 weeks pregnant last November and I've just lost another pregnancy this time 7.5 weeks. Finally been referred now we hit 3 losses in a row which seems cruel and barbaric to make a women suffer 3 losses to investigate . All CCGs will vary with criteria - yours might allow referrals after 2 losses- alternatively Tommy's have clinics that allow you to be referred after 2 losses- you will need a GP referral tho. I hope your GP will agree ☝🏻 I hope you have plenty of support it's so bloody awful Xx

Mai94 profile image
Mai94 in reply to Jess1981

Thank you for your response Jess1981 gosh you have been through it haven’t you! I’m so sorry you have had to go through all of that. I’m glad you’ve been referred now, you’re right it seems so awful doesn’t it. The nurses spoke to the consultant for me and she’s come back saying because I’m having IVF it only has to be 2 miscarriages so they are sending me the paperwork to have my bloods tested! I’m assuming they’ll do everything so I won’t need a GP referral now xx

Ellie1005 profile image

Hi Mai, so sorry to hear this for you, much the same as the other ladies on this thread Ive had 3 miscarriages and lost my little girl Ellie at 20 weeks, its completely heartbreaking and so much to do deal with so be kind to yourself. I went for private tests but many of them you can get through your GP so hopefully they will refer you, its helped me to feel like I was doing something proactive in trying to understand more, so its definitely worth investigating further. Additional progesterone, aspirin, checking thyroid levels, vitamin D and other vitamin levels, blood clotting I think are the main ones first off, I hope you get some answers xx

Mai94 profile image
Mai94 in reply to Ellie1005

Thank you Ellie1005 so sorry you’ve been through so much! I have spoken to the clinic again and they’ve checked with the consultant who says because I’m doing IVF criteria for blood work to be done is 2 miscarriages so I’m just waiting for the paperwork to get that done!!

Did anything come back with your tests? Xx

Ellie1005 profile image
Ellie1005 in reply to Mai94

Hi Mai, thanks for your kind words. I was put on Levothyroxine for Thyroid, I had a small fibroid removed and if we get to transfer stage then I'll have low dose steroids. I also had extra progesterone when pregnant but unfortunately that didnt work. Good luck with everything, keep pushing for as many investigations as you can! xx

ChloeL934 profile image

So so sorry x

Sammy246 profile image

Hi Mai94, I'm so sorry to read about your loss. I hope you have a good support system to help go through this difficult time.

I've had 2 miscarriages within 6 months of each other and was referred to the recurrent miscarriage unit. The tissue remains was tested and there was a chromosomal issue. I then subsequently had 3 of my other frozen embryos tested and they all were chronically abnormal. I'm not sure whether you would go down the pgs route. Me and my partner were also tested for the karyotype test which came back normal xx

Mai94 profile image

Hi Sammy246 thanks for your reply and I am too sorry to hear of your losses! It’s so hard but I do have a great support system thank you .

Glad your karyotypes were normal, so where do you go from here ? Hope you get a good outcome lovely 🤞🏽

I’m going to have the usual blood screening done for recurrent miscarriage next. I haven’t thought much about pgs testing but I will consider it. Silly question but can they test frozen embryos or does they need to be tested prior to freezing? X

Sammy246 profile image
Sammy246 in reply to Mai94

Hi mai94, i had tested my frozen embryos. They had defrosted them and allowed them to develop at a certain point prior to taking a sample for pgs testing. One of my embroyo had stopped developing at day 6 so I was told there may have been some chromosomal issue and the other 2 which were tested I was told were chromosomally abnormal. If it wasn't for my recurrent miscarriage and knowing the outcome of the tested miscarriage I probably wouldn't have done PGS testing on the frozen embryos but mentally I knew I couldnt go through another miscarriage and with my age I didnt want prolong any future cycles, if we were going to continue with IVF.

We are going to start another fresh cycle this month and depending on the number of embroyos I will be having them pgs tested prior to having them transferred. I'm very nervous and just praying we get one healthy embryo xx

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