Do you think the doctors are fobbing ... - Fertility Network UK

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Do you think the doctors are fobbing me off? Feel like il never have a baby.

Sarahlou23xx profile image
19 Replies

I'm 31 and tried 4 months for a baby and nothing.

Went back and forwards to the doctors and finally ran blood tests 3 day 21,thyroid lh etc etc and all came back normal.

Sent me for a pelvic ultrasound and that was fine,she said I was ovulating from right ovary this month and this weekend was a good time to try.

She said everything looked good and that was that,the lining looked nice and thick.

I asked doctor for other tests but she refused,I mentioned the test where they put dye in to see if tubes are blocked and she said no and I asked for a laparoscopy and also refused.

Surely if everything was fine I would be pregnant by now..are they fobbing me off?

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Sarahlou23xx profile image
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19 Replies
Laura3101 profile image

I don't think they will do anymore tests until you've trying for longer, they say after 1 year of trying they will do further investigation & only after around 2 years of trying (depending on area you live) will they consider you for ivf etc. It might be worth if you can afford to going private & getting the tests done. Fingers crossed you will fall pregnant soon though, it's still early days for trying x

Cinderella5 profile image

Has your partner had a sperm check? The GP might be willing to do a sperm analysis. Its usually a year of trying before they would do any further referrals to the hospital where they would carry out the other tests that you mentioned if all routine tests come back normal unfortunately!xx

Aleelilook profile image

Ah it's so frustrating, however they normally say it can take a year of trying just because every month you may just not catch it on the dot, I'd try not to worry, 4 months isn't really very long, I know when you really want it can be upsetting, but perhaps give it a few more months and then go private?

Sweets1 profile image

I had bloods done and it showed that I wasn't ovulating, but they also wanted to test my partner. I had 1 ultrasound that came back normal, although a second doctor is suspecting psos. But I'm having a HSG ( they dye) done on Tuesday to see if the tubes are blocked or anything. Im guessing that like it's been mentioned you might have to have tried for longer or maybe pay to go private. Hope that helps, it's a very frustrating time no matter how long you have been trying, good luck, take care and hopefully things will happen soon xx

CountryCat profile image

I know how frustrating it is as time ticks by without success, but you will not be offered any further investigation on the NHS until you have been actively trying for a year. Even at my (older) age, we were not offered fertility tests in our first year of trying.

You can always go private, or get a sperm analysis done on your hubby so long.

All the best and good luck xx

Sherry07 profile image

Hi, I agree with previous replies. Normally they wait for 1 year of ttc, but a sperm test will be a good next step! x

Sarahlou23xx profile image

Well this month will be the 4th month.

I'm just feeling down,seeing friends become pregnant first month of trying and I'm onto 4th month.

Do you think it was a good sign ultrasound was fine? And it shows I'm ovulating?

But my tubes could still be blocked

Aleelilook profile image
Aleelilook in reply to Sarahlou23xx

Definitely a good sign, perhaps you could use the ovulation kits and if you're not already start taking the pre pregnancy vitamins. There's also some great books out there to help improve chances of getting pregnant naturally, perhaps check out amazon, wishing you luck xx

_MrsC profile image
_MrsC in reply to Sarahlou23xx

Hi Hun. It is hard seeing others get pregnant quickly but try not to compare yourself with them. It will drive you insane. The girls are all right. 12 months is considered standard before any investigations are carried out or in my case it was 24 months. I am 60 months ttc with no success at all even with ivf. That may make you feel a bit better in terms of comparing. There are ladies here who are ttc longer than me. Unfortunately, it can be one of those things that we assume will be fine and then when it isn't, it's a real shock. I'd say try to take some pressure off of yourself. It's highly likely you'll be pregnant within a year. Just enjoy the process while you can. All the best. x

in reply to _MrsC

too right. It does drive you insane comparing to others and its pointless as we are all different.

mupcake profile image

Hi sweetie, as far as I know, majority of couples get pregnant within one year of trying on their own without any assistance (if both of them do not have any fertility issues). I would say invest on a good ovulation kit and do lots of baby dance without worries. Hope you get your good news soon & you don't require any assistance in conception.

Only one in six couples get pregnant in the first month of trying. Equally only one in six couples will suffer from infertility. Therefore it stands to reason that everyone else pretty much gets pregnant in a timeframe of between 2-12months I guess!

4 months really isn't long. I'm amazed that you persuaded the dr to do any tests at all so quickly, as the other ladies have said.

You could use ovulation predictor kits to try to help you get to know your cycle and make sure you're having plenty of sex before ovulation. Nhs guidelines suggest sex every 2-3 days throughout your cycle to give you the best possible chance.

Scarlett13 profile image


Sorry to hear you're not pregnant yet. I waited over 2 years before I went to my gp for testing, then discovered all my issues, so although you've gone too early for NHS guidelines, it's positive that you are on the ball about getting tested for an issue quickly - try and relax and enjoy sex without the added pressure of trying for a baby at this early stage. If you are stressing out about falling, this could be the cause of not falling yet - I know it's hard to relax though when you desperately want a baby. I'm sure you're doing a lot of things to help already, but things like....

1. Have sex regularly

2. Have sex most regularly in the 7 days leading to ovulation (I used cheap ovulation sticks off eBay)

3. After sex, put a firm pillow under your bum, get those legs in the air!

4. Use a natural lubricant that's not harmful to sperm - some supposedly speed sperm up

5. Relax and enjoy sex and wait until one year of trying to see your gp

Good luck!

I understand the frustration when we want something so badly, particularly on the timescales you are talking.

For normal fertile couples, it can take up to a year, if not more. Totally agree with Lizzielizzielizzie above, I am surprised your Dr tested you at this early stage in your TTC journey, given the strained resources. You must be in a good area.

Did the Dr not explain the averages to you? They will put your mind at ease. Here are a few tips.

About 84 couples out of 100 get pregnant 'within a year' of trying.

So, perhaps adjust your expectations. I understand the want for a child, but nature most usually takes longer than this.

Most people I know have taken between 3 to 18 months to achieve pregnancy. This is quite normal, although I understand it's frustrating, especially when you seem to be surrounded by unusually fertile people. I rarely hear of people getting pregnant within the first month of trying, for their first baby, so try not to compare yourself. It will only make you sad.

If you are frustrated with the GP service, and it seems you need to move at quicker pace than what the NHS can practically and financially provide; private fertility clinics can do these tests at reasonable costs. It may be worth the expense for your own peace of mind.

Just to set your realistic expectations, I was not offered an HSG until a few years of trying, although that should have been 1 year after trying. And it took me 10 years to have my baby via IVF (most people on this forum are in similar situations).

I am sure you will not be one of us - and I hope not, I would not wish that on anyone.

Good luck on your journey. xx

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply to

Very well explained 👌🏻 xx

Fredaflintstone profile image

Usually they say to wait longer. Check the rules for your area. If you have just come off the pill or other contraception it can take a little while for your body to adjust. Worth getting the ovulation monitoring kit to pin point when you are ovulating and make sure you're baby dancing at the right time. Xxx

Hannah143 profile image

4 months is not long to be trying at all, it can take a good year of trying naturally, so they will probably want to see you in another 8/9 months time. Xx

If you feel you are being fobbed off ask to see another doctor in the practise for a second opinion as you instinctively know when somethings wrong so fight to get those tests if you feel you need them.

sarahfischer profile image

i dont wanna be rude, but honest. 4 months is not the longest period of trying I've heard about. people are trying for years. its my second going. but keep trying and good luck tho!

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