Hello all
Just wondering if anyone can advise to help ease my fears... as ever, there always seems to be a stress before egg collections or transfers, doesn't help doing it abroad!
I am due to go for a natural FET in Cyprus in the coming few days (my last with own eggs :/ ), I am tracking ovulation with scans and blood tests in the UK, my scan today on day 12 shows the largest follicle around 18/19, with another large one not far behind and my lining is 10.7 (my biggest ever). The sonographer said she thinks I will ovulate tomorrow... I sent this report to my clinic in Cyprus and they still want me to take a trigger shot tonight, and then based on ovulation 36 hours after that, the transfer will follow in 3 days.
I am worried that I will ovulate before the 36 hours ie tomorrow and then the timing for the transfer will be off. I tried to express my concerns but my coordinator in Cyprus was a bit short because I was questioning it. She said it is impossible to ovulate naturally once you have taken the trigger shot, I didn't think this was the case. Does anyone know if this is true?! I always believed you had to be on Cetrotide or similar to stop ovulation. any thoughts appreciated, I am desperate to make sure everything is done right to give this my best shot...my time is really running out.xxx
Thanks for reading and my love and hugs and huge good wishes to all the wonderful ladies on this journey, my heart is with you all. xxx