Signed off work by GP? : I'm just... - Fertility Network UK

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Signed off work by GP?

Xmishell37 profile image
30 Replies

I'm just looking to hear about people's experiences of getting signed off work during or after IVF? I'm in the middle of round 3 (egg retrieval possibly next weekend) and I'm not expecting the results to be great based on previous rounds. I'm 100% sure I'll need time off work if the result isn't positive but the closer it gets to it, the more anxious I'm becoming and I'm not sure if I can even wait another few weeks to find out while working in between, I know it's very individual but how long have people taken off? And how did the GP respond? The thought of even speaking to a GP about it makes me cry but I feel like it's inevitable the longer I feel like this 🙈 xx

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Xmishell37 profile image
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30 Replies
Allotmenteer16 profile image

I felt the same as you and got myself into a state about asking the GP to sign me off. In the end it was absolutely fine and they were only too happy to do it. In fact, quite a few surgeries now just have a link they send you where you fill in why you need a sick certificate and they do it within a couple of days without even seeing you. Good luck on your cycle x

Allotmenteer16 profile image
Allotmenteer16 in reply to Allotmenteer16

Sorry in answer to your other questions. I self-certificated for 7 days and I think I then had another 10 days on the GP certificate, this was so it took me to my test date and a few days after to come to terms with any result.

Xmishell37 profile image
Xmishell37 in reply to Allotmenteer16

Thanks! My problem is if I get signed off, I cant see me being ready to go back any time soon given that this is my third and final round (and third unsuccessful round if it fails), I'm not sure how I'll cope and the longer I'm off the harder it will be to go back but I'll need to re-evaluation all of life's plans 🙈 xx

Allotmenteer16 profile image
Allotmenteer16 in reply to Xmishell37

It's such a hard journey isn't it, usually once you've been signed off once, it's relatively easy to get it extended, certainly a lot of the people I line manage never have trouble, and as I say it often doesn't even involve a discussion with the GP.

Xmishell37 profile image
Xmishell37 in reply to Allotmenteer16

Thanks, I had a bit of a meltdown day last week too and felt a bit better the next day so I'll maybe see how I feel tomorrow, I'm usually quite an optimistic person but everything is telling me this isn't going to work, and I think well what difference is an extra few weeks off work going to make cos I'm going to end up off anyway 🙈 urgh it's all a big nightmare situation 😔 xx

DianeArnold profile image
DianeArnoldPartnerNurseFertility Network UK

Hi. Do have a look at the section on Fertility in the Workplace fore up to date info. (FITW) Diary

Xmishell37 profile image
Xmishell37 in reply to DianeArnold

Thank I will do ♥️ xx

Connie290 profile image

Definitely speak to your GP. I went through several failed transfers and have a high stress job and emotionally had reached a breaking point. My GP was super supportive and signed me off for a month, and then when I said I didn't feel ready to go back he signed me off for another month, no questions asked.

I felt ready to go back by the end of that second month, but I honestly feel if I'd needed longer off he would have signed another note for me. It was also mostly done via online portal, so I don't even think I actually spoke to him, is that an option for you? It might save you some emotional trauma to save you having to actually talk about it with the GP, although obviously talking sometimes helps. Does your IVF clinic also offer counselling? If so I'd take them up on that xx

Xmishell37 profile image
Xmishell37 in reply to Connie290

Thanks, I've decided to call the GP tomorrow as I've not had a good day, my clinic does offer counselling and I've had one session but didn't find it particularly helpful so have reservations about doing it again, I also got really anxious on the lead up to it which didn't help xx

GranolaHippo profile image

My GP and docs have signed me off at various points for 2-4wks at a time (depending on what I asked for).

Worth noting that, legally, you can self-certify for the first week of absence. So, you only need to ask GP after that (although you might like to ask earlier).

Check your work policy for the specific details.

All my doctors have been lovely about it.xx

Xmishell37 profile image
Xmishell37 in reply to GranolaHippo

Thanks, I've decided to call my GP tomorrow or at least speak to my boss as I've got a feeling they will tell me to self cert for the first week or so, I find the whole process of explaining to someone (either GP or my boss) stressful so hopefully will feel better tomorrow once it's done xx

GranolaHippo profile image
GranolaHippo in reply to Xmishell37

Thinking of you today and fingers crossed for a kind GP. They are humans too, so perhaps they or their friends/family have been through similar.

Hoping you feel a lot more peace today. xx

Xmishell37 profile image
Xmishell37 in reply to GranolaHippo

Thanks! Ive txt my boss and agreed to call her later if I can pull myself together long enough for a phone call 🙈 she's great tho and puts no pressure on me, the GP will call me after 2pm today, I'm going to ask to be signed off for 1 month, I'm reluctant to ask as I asked for 1 month off after an early miscarriage and was given 2 weeks and told to call back after the 2 weeks 🙈 will see what happens xx

Goldy23 profile image

I took 5 months off. When we decided to start ivf I went to the doctor to get signed off as the clinic said to reduce stress in my life in order to give myself the best possible chance! The gp and my boss were amazing. We now have a 16 week old daughter! Go to the gp and get signed off. I definitely think reducing stress and doing lots of meditation and positive thinking helped our chances x

Xmishell37 profile image
Xmishell37 in reply to Goldy23

Thank you and congratulations 💓 I've txt my boss this morning to let her know and will fone the GP soon (who will probably tell me to self certify for a week) xx

Rcs11 profile image

hi, I’m in round 11 (FET, only ever done 2 egg collections thankfully). I’ve signed off 3 or 4 times across the whole ‘journey’. I found signing off HUGELY BENEFICIAL. I’m a midwife & found my work too much at the time of ivf. Also we’ve been so understaffed that it was overwhelming, way too busy & stressful, so I signed off. I wouldn’t even think about it if I were you- the hardest bit is signing off, once you’re off you’ll relax & not think about work. On all occasions I’ve been off for 2 weeks (1 week self cert, 1 week GP). They never questioned me. It’s a very well known thing how hard ivf is on the emotions. Maybe consider going off sooner than later, you want to be nice & relaxed while making your eggs!

Side note but as for trying to be positive, someone on here recommended ‘trying to get pregnant & succeeding’ book to me & it’s been slightly game changing for my brain. Not a long read. I got a second hand copy from Amazon xx

Xmishell37 profile image
Xmishell37 in reply to Rcs11

Thank you! I dnt normally find my work stressful but I have recently as I've had zero interest or motivation which has resulted in me falling behind, so I've txt my boss this morning (who said she sensed I was stressed out!) and will call the GP this morning when they open! Xx

aso328 profile image

Do it. You very much sound like you need some time off. They will be sympathetic to you. Better to be off than not need than need it and not take it.

Xmishell37 profile image
Xmishell37 in reply to aso328

Thanks I'm waiting on the docs call me back 💓 xx

Endowarrior36 profile image

Please take time off work. I am currently off work as we are going through our 2nd round of ivf and I have no idea how I did it last year while working. I thought I'd be stressed about being off work and over thinking everything but honestly it has been lovely. I'm going out for walks and resting when I want to. We are on day 4 of the stims so I know I'll be feeling a lot more tired soon. Its such a stressful time and then when trying to spin so many other plates- something will smash. Please look after yourself in all of this. Totally get how emotional even speaking about it makes you - i am so similar. But it's because it is so important. Way more important than work. Work will still be there in a few months time. Look after yourself xx

Xmishell37 profile image
Xmishell37 in reply to Endowarrior36

Thanks 💓 I'm waiting on the docs call me back, I'm going to request a month off and no doubt they will suggest 2 weeks like they did with my miscarriage, not sure why I find it so stressful but I'm hardly ever off xx

Endowarrior36 profile image
Endowarrior36 in reply to Xmishell37

I really hope you got sorted today. Even if you got 2 weeks, you can extend the sick line. Do it. You won't regret taking this time off but you will regret going into work feeling so stressed. Please put yourself first. You have been through so much with the miscarriage xx

Ree_Laine profile image

Hey Mich, sorry to hear you’re struggling mentally. You know my thoughts already and I say you get yourself signed off. Self certify for 7 days and then ring your GP to get signed off. The GP’s are really understanding and supportive about mental health stressors and going through this last round for good reason your anxiety about the outcome will be high. Taking the stress of work away will definitely take a load off and don’t worry about how work will cope without you, you come 1st. Please still stay hopeful and encouraged, you just don’t know with this round that they’ve saved the best til last 💕💕. I will DM you next week to see how you’re getting on xx

Xmishell37 profile image
Xmishell37 in reply to Ree_Laine

Cheers love 💕 bits been a crazy week and the anxiety hit me like a ton of bricks after that lovely few months away from it all!! 🙈🙈 But I've now told my boss and waiting on the GP call me back, IVF and selling a house at the same time seriously wasn't a good idea!! Xx

Gardener0001 profile image

my GP was amazing, she had been through IVF herself. Signed me off with no issues and they don't have to put IVF either they can just put gynae reasons. Then I had an mmc and the other GP continued my sick note and she was also amazing and had been through a miscarriage herself. I ended up off work for 3 months in the end

Xmishell37 profile image
Xmishell37 in reply to Gardener0001

Sorry to hear about your mmc 😔 I had an early MC and asked for 1 month off but was given 2 weeks and told to call back after that, so maybe thats why I'm reluctant as I'll likely have to keep calling back for more time off xx

JeniLou84 profile image

You are protected if your employer is aware of the transfer date. Once embryo transfer is done, you have all the same rights as a pregnant person when it comes to work. At this point, you literally just speak to your surgery, doesn't even have to be your GP, and ask for a sick note that states "pregnancy related problems". They won't bat an eyelid and will just do it.Your employer will record the sickness but can't count it as a sick period as they normally would. If you want to extend your sickness, just call your surgery up again when it ends and ask for another sick note stating the same reason for however long you feel you need.

I'm currently on pregnancy related sick leave and got myself all wound up worrying the GP wouldn't want to help. I was waffling away to her about all my issues and she stopped me and simply said "you're pregnant, you don't need to explain anything. You didn't even need an appointment. I'll give you 4 weeks and see how you go. If you want another when this ends, just ask reception for another sick note to be written for you."

Xmishell37 profile image
Xmishell37 in reply to JeniLou84

Thanks, my egg retrieval will be either Friday or Monday, I hadn't told my boss I was getting IVF during the first two rounds but had to tell her this morning as I just couldn't face going to work today, waiting on the GP calling me back this afternoon xx

JeniLou84 profile image
JeniLou84 in reply to Xmishell37

It's not worth waiting if you're feeling that bad. IVF is so hard and hits in ways you never expect.

GPs are really supportive and she even told me that people get sick notes for very little in comparison to IVF and pregnancy so you really have nothing to worry about.

Good luck with everything, keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Xmishell37 profile image
Xmishell37 in reply to JeniLou84

Thanks! The GP asked me alot of questions but was nice and has signed me off for two weeks, no doubt I'll renew the sick note online without speaking to anyone as that's what I did last time, the anxiety has really hit hard this time 😔 xx

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