i have posted a few times i have just had my 5th embryo transfer 4 weeks ago tomorrow i would be 6 weeks now i think. i had a bleed Monday it was heavy lasted about 2 hours then it stopped. I did bleed for the first 11 weeks of my previous pregnacy, also an ivf pregnacy which ended in stillbirth at 34weeks. My clinic and local hospital wouldnt scan me because of covid policy's unless they suspect ectopic, so i paid for a privet scan yesterday.
The woman was rude to me and made me feel stupid she said there is no sign of pregnancy atall And said just because ive had IVF doesnt mean its worked, im fully aware of that I probably know more about IVF than her, she didnt actually seem to know anything about IVF even asked my why i have all the bruising and why im injecting. obviously I've been getting Strong positive pregnancy tests and i still am today even the clear blues are still saying 3+. no gestation sac was visible or anything. She could see a bleed the same as they could last time so i know where the bleed is coming from, but have i miscarried i asked her and she refused to even entertain the fact i was ever pregnant. They then called my IVF clinic to tell them i wasnt pregnant, who then called me and told me not to stop medication as they say it could be too soon to see anything and they have called me in for a scan and bloods today.
My last pregnancy i had a scan at this stage and everything was visible bar the heartbeat, can every pregnancy be different in terms of development stages? Has anybody had this before and everything turned out ok? I feel so confused and unsupported by the clinic and hospital especially given my history and dont know what to think.
Thank you