I'm 7dp5dt and the negativity has kicked in big time and can't shake it. We've been away at the weekend to try and distract us which did a little bit but since we got home yesterday lunch time I've been so down. Our car sunroof exploded whilst we were away which we thought someone had smashed it but now looks like it's a rare fault. Just can't help thinking I'm unlucky as a number of unlikely events have happened to me over the last couple of years. Even my hubby thinks I'm jinxed!
I have only been pregnant once before and that was naturally and I knew I was before we tested. I don't feel pregnant at all now and just don't think it's worked. I had some mild cramps yesterday which just feels like I'm due on. I'm sure it's only the pessaries stopping it. I stupidly took my temperature this morning in the hope of it being high but it was only 36.6 which is normally about when I come on.
I know I'm not feeling any different than most in the 2ww but I just needed to share with someone other than my husband who is so supportive and positive but also annoying rational so doesn't sometimes get the way my brain plays up!