I'm sorry guys but come on... I totally understand both sides to this argument and as women going through the same journey, so should you! Here's the hard facts.
Yes it's incredibly hard to see a scan photo when you've had so much heartache.
Yes you should be able to feel happy, excited and proud of your scan photo after you've had so much heartache.
We have all been in the same boat. We have all experienced pain and loss.
You can't judge someone for not being happy for you and not wanting to see your scan photo plastered all over the infertility forum when before you got pregnant you hated pregnant people too...
You can't expect to just see negative posts on here all the time. People need a bit of hope, people need to know that the years and years of needles, drugs, pain and heartache actually results in something for some people.
WE HAVE ALL BEEN THERE AT SOME POINT. We have all felt the anger, the frustration, the hate. We have all wanted to punch someone in the face for saying "ugh this pregnancy is taking it out of me" or for sharing gorgeous photos of their newborn babies. But we have all felt the joy of impending pregnancy. We all know what it's like and how when you think there's even a glimmer of hope, a 1% chance it might have worked you want to SHOUT IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS!!! So guys, come on. As you can see from my long, ranting post... there really is no 'side' to take. Because we have all been on both sides at some point in this journey...