Hi everyone! My hus. had a vasectomy reversal 2 years ago. (2 kids previous partener)The procedure went well but no baby yet! We live in Rochester Kent. I'm ok. Been sent to do all the blood test semen analysis etc. He has low sperm count !!! I'm waiting 28 of August to se the specialist to disscus what can we do "futher". Did anyone with a vasectomy reversal had nhs Ivf done ? Please, help me out ! The waiting is killing me😞
Ivf on nhs after vasectomy reversal ??! - Fertility Network UK
Ivf on nhs after vasectomy reversal ??!
Hi there, in the same position as you by sounds of it - we didn't even try to get funding for ivf as partner has a child pre vasectomy. We had reversal 2 years ago too but no pregnancy, we've just started icsi. I only saw a letter recently that the surgeon sent to my husband right after his reversal recommending he get some sperm frozen just in case there was scarring in his tubes later on. Not sure if anyone has mentioned this to you at any point but that was always a worry at the back of my mind that the reversal wouldn't last forever. I don't know enough about it to comment really though but thought it might be worth a mention. The embryologist at our clinic did say to us recently that the sperm can decline after a reversal so perhaps that's something to think about and ask. I really really wish you well. I have found the last 2 years so tough. Hope you're hanging in there x
Hi, and thank you ! The surgeon told us about sperm freezing but we didn't do it. My hus had 5 milion after the reverse, but now the number decline ... We were told that the only way to have a baby is by Ivf at a private clinic ! Very expensive though !
Hi my partner had a vas reversal but sadly it did not work. We ended up having a surgical sperm retrieval and ICSI and are now pregnant although this was all done privately. Wishing you lots of luck xxxx
Ohhh So nice to hear that !!!!I If nhs won't help us, will go private....
Hi. Where Did you go? How much Did it cost you? Xx

Hi the Sergical Sperm retrieval cost £1750, we got 3 straws which would have been enough for 3 cycles of IVF. I have heard some couples get more straws that than though and the price would still be the same. The price also included freezing for a year I think. I will pm you the name of the clinic as I am not sure if we are allowed to name our clinics xxx
We're at an NHS clinic but self funding so is quite a lot cheaper than private clinics, but you tend to have to wait quite long for appointments as it is so busy. If you want speed I'd go private.
You can still save some sperm now as a precaution. I'm going to ask if we can do it regardless of whether this round of icsi works or not, just because of that decline after reversal.
Good luck x