Failed vasectomy reversal: Hi, a couple... - Fertility Network UK

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Failed vasectomy reversal

Sophy90 profile image
19 Replies

Hi, a couple of weeks ago got the devastating news that my partners reversal had failed. Only a couple of sperm in the sample so treated as a failure. He has two children from a previous relationship, from what I've been reading this seems to mean getting any icsi ivf funding on the nhs would be impossible? Even partial funding. I am 25 and assume fertile, although I've never been pregnant to confirm this. The PESA alone to see if there is sperm to be retrieved is £1800, apparently I would also need a blood test - £250, to check my fertility, and we'd need another consultation - £300. I just don't know how we can afford this, especially as it's potentially another huge sum of money to be told there's nothing there. I've been wondering if I could at least get the blood test on the nhs, but not sure how to go about this as sure if I say we've been told to do it privately they'll say no. Just very upset and unsure what to do next. Any help or experience of PESA and icsi would be helpful. Thanks xxxx

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Sophy90 profile image
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19 Replies
Kyell2 profile image

I’m really sorry that you have had this news. The good news is that the PESA/TESA would probably work because if he had 2 children then he is clearly making sperm that they can find and extract.

We’ve had the procedure privately and the costs you have been given are pretty accurate. A consultation with a urologist first, then the blood tests and then the op. Our urologist told us they would accept NHS blood tests if we could convince the GP. We couldn’t but that doesn’t mean that you can’t. I hope you can figure out a way to do it x

Sophy90 profile image
Sophy90 in reply to Kyell2

Hi, thank you so much for taking the time to reply. That is a good point and makes me feel a bit better, I'm almost just in a hurry to try the PESA because I don't want to get my hopes up and spend time waiting, only to find there's no sperm there at all. But I guess that's just the reality. Maybe better just to assume there will be, if only to calm myself down. I'm sorry you weren't able to use the NHS at all. Thank you though, will try anyway.

Thank you so

Looby25 profile image

Hey, I’m so sorry to hear you’ve had bad news! I’m sure you can ask your gp to do an ovulation blood test, I think it’s a test on day 1 of your cycle and day 21, something like that! I had these tests done at my doctors before we started ivf! My husband also had to have retrieval but it’s a 50/50 chance of success! I know it’s very early days and I’m sure you have lots to think about but there is also the option of donor, I think this can also be expensive privately but not sure how it compares to the operations and testing on your OH! Wishing you lots of luck and hope you get a positive outcome xx

Sophy90 profile image
Sophy90 in reply to Looby25

Hey, thank you. I can't explain how much it has helped just putting a question on here and having replies - I already feel less isolated which is one thing that has made this whole process such a huge struggle. Thanks so much for your advice! I will call up my doctors now I know what I can try and ask for... really thanks. God there's so much to think about isn't there! Overwhelming, but good to still have options. Thank you very much xxx

Looby25 profile image
Looby25 in reply to Sophy90

This site has been my saviour throughout this journey! We made the decision to not tell anyone about our ivf because of added pressure, so I felt able to talk and ask questions freely here! These women are amazing and the support is priceless! I wish you a short and successful journey ✨🤞🏻 x x

Sorry to hear of your news. I don’t have any experience of PESA or ICSI personally. Regarding your fertility tests- have a chat with your GP. Tell them that you’re aware that you won’t be able to be referred to the fertility clinic. The baseline tests that are normally available on the NHS by GPS are day 3 LH and FSH, day 21 progesterone (to check ovulation) and internal ultrasound. Have a chat with them if they would do hepatitis A, B and HIV testing as well and if there is any record of you having the MMR ( to check your rubella immunity). Good luck.

Sophy90 profile image
Sophy90 in reply to

That's brilliant. Thank you so much. So helpful to have this information rather than endless google searches and still unsure...really appreciate your help. Will be good to go into the doctors knowing exactly what to ask for. Thank you x

Hope14 profile image

Hi Sophy, I have also been in exactly the same situation. We had a failed reversal and had PESA ICSI after. The 1st round didn’t work but we had a successful FET after. I’m afraid it was all private. We had to take a couple of credit cards out. It’s not only the procedures that cost,the drugs are also very expensive. I can really relate to you in what you are going through,but if you are both working there’s definitely a way out. Don’t despair you are still very young!xx

Sophy90 profile image
Sophy90 in reply to Hope14

HI Hope, really good to hear from you. That is so great that you had a successful FET afterwards. Can I ask, was this included as part of the ICSI cycle? And how long you had to wait after the first cycle failed? How amazing for you though. Your success aside, it's made me feel better just reading your reply - it's felt like a very lonely journey so far for myself especially as I obviously don't have any friends who are going through this same thing. It's nice to know that the huge expense, whilst crazy to think about, can be achievable and that others like yourself have found a way to do it. It's not completely ridiculous, and makes it feel a bit more normal. Thank you so much!xxx

Hope14 profile image
Hope14 in reply to Sophy90

Hi Sophy,I’m so glad my reply helped at least a little bit and hopefully gave you more hope!

You can text me anytime with any questions or even if you need a little rant- believe you me,it’s all a part of this journey.

Unfortunately FET,embryo freezing etc is not a part of ICSI- the only good thing is,you don’t need as many drugs for it and they aren’t that expensive. I think we waited 3 months or so(it was 4 years ago so I don’t remember all the details).

If you do go for ICSI I hope you succeed the 1st time,if not,like I said,time is still on your side so you are definitely very fortunate there! Wishing you luck and I’m always there for

Sophy90 profile image

Hi, thanks so much for you reply! That is not a bad piece of advice actually...maybe one step at a time! It's hard not to get carried away and just want to know now when it can happen and how, but you're totally right...maybe it's best to have a consultation first. Thank you very much xxx

jenny34 profile image

Hi and sorry to hear about failed reversal. There's a couple of things I wanted to add to the above helpful comments. To decide whether you are entitled to funding I think you BOTH have to have investigations. Don't quote me on this but I'm pretty sure that if you had some fertility issues (in addition to the failed reversal) you might be able to argue for funding? So initial investigations should be done by GP as above. Also, for the sexual health screening, this can all be done at a GUM clinic for free. Then you can ask them to send a letter with your results to the ivf clinic. This is what we did...

jenny34 profile image

I hope that all makes sense. A failed reversal is not the end of the world clinically; his sperm works so it's just a case of retrieving it and doing icsi which is v effective. Not to trivialise the journey and the cost and the stress of course!! Wishing you lots of luck. My 2 miracles are both icsi and fets xxx

Emmanev1 profile image

Hi Sophie, i am in a similar situation. We had the operation done back in October and got our results back in January which showed 30,000 sperm. The consultant said it could be scarring, there is no definitive answer in any of this which stresses me out. My partner also has 2 children previously had i have one so assume we are fertile. We have decided to wait another 3 month and try another SA as they do say it can take up to 12 month. I know i'm clutching at straws but its worth while there could be a miracle. id like to now how you get on on your journey as i think we will have to go down other options route also and it would be useful keeping in touch with someone going through the same thing. xx

Hi. I know exactly how you feel ! I’ve been through this myself and my husband. I’m currently on the 2 weeks waiting after ivf/icsi. My husband had a sperm retrieval and fund sperm enough for 4 ivf treatment. You may need only one sample for one ivf. The reason I’m saying this is because on one ivf cycle you may end up with 3,4,5,5 embryos. If you don’t get pregnant with your first try, next time is much easier I heard. Just a few medication. You don’t start the hole process again, because you already have the embryo in the freezer. All together with pesa,blood,hiv,hepatitis BC,ivf,icsi injection,medication will cost you 10 000£ more ore less! Is very expensive. Don’t go to nhs whatsoever, they won’t help you because he already “has” 2 kids !!! I did it and lost 6 month. They are so cruel/idiot that won’t tell you from begging they won’t help you. Funny though they did a free vasectomy on my husband wen he was 29 years old?!!!!!! Bastards! They government destroys families! Don’t worry we’ll get there in the end and have those baby’s xx

Emmanev1 profile image
Emmanev1 in reply to

Hi Roza, I find all this so confusing I read all sorts every day. How long does the process take for ivf/Icsi? Even though I’m in this I still feel very naive about it all if honest. We had the option to freeze sperm at the time of the reversal which I said no if it doesn’t happen it’s not meant to be, but funnily enough now I’m here my opionion has changed on it all. I hope it all works out for you and you get that bundle of joy you want so badly. The worst part of it all is I never really wanted children even whilst I was pregnant with My daughter and know I feel this is karma biting my arse. Thank you for your post any information is very useful and sounds you are further on than us at the moment xxx

in reply to Emmanev1

Hi. I completely understand you ! With blood test ,scans etc is 2 month more or less. Put it this way: if you have your blood,hep, hiv, sperm freeze etc you can start your ivf cycle the day your period start. Basically on day one you call the clinic and on day 2-3 is your first scan. To check your follicles. Also after your first scan they will tell you to start the injection. The money is the big issue ! Very expensive and not 100% sure. You have to try if you really want it! Is hard but you’ll get there XX

Emmanev1 profile image
Emmanev1 in reply to

Right I see, where are you from Roza if you don’t mind me asking? I’m from West Yorkshire and don’t really know how tot start all this process. What we both have ageeed is as will pay upfront as I don’t want to be still paying for it it the outcome isn’t positive. We did this with the reversal and it’s a killer. Please let me know how you get on as I would love to know and fingers toes crossed for you xxx

in reply to Emmanev1

I’m in Kent. The clinic we chose is on Harley street. Monday is test date

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