It was my God daughters birthday today, my friends little girl, why does being around kids hurt? I sat there And watched her family and her family's kids smiling wondering will I ever have that. I'm due to start icsi next week, her nan was showing me pictures of baby's and asking me when we're gonna start a family, they have no idea, and she never even had to try for her babies. I know I feel like a right cow for feeling that way, but I'm almost 25 and all my friends had kids young bar one! Only a handful of my friends know about Ivf, I suppose less people know less pressure, I can't help but feel jealous... my husband tells me I must not let it get to me and to stay positive. It's just so hard when I don't know what the future holds! I guess we all have our future in our heads how we think it's gonna be. I realize I'm being negative it's just this friend, I say friend is more of a old friend now I hardly see, I would be in my elements having a kids party, she's already had two abortions and when she told me about her being pregnant with her ex she's just spilt with of 3 months that was hard to take.. she said I've had two abortions I can't get rid of this one and I don't want to. They weren't even trying -.- all a bit hard to take!
Feeling low after kids party! - Fertility Network UK
Feeling low after kids party!

Hi sorry your feeling down after the party,
It's one of those things that happen to all of us that are longing for it to be our turn,
The dreaded questions when you having kids etc,
Siblings/friends having babies,
Christmas, family get together then friends/families kids birthdays.
Then Mother's Day! Loads to list they get harder each year,
Somehow you have to try and keep it real, I've always hidden mine behind a smile and my answer is I've got plenty of nieces and nephews to borrow and give back,
When really I want to say don't ask such a personal question and if I could have them I would! It's hard life this ttc malarkey!!
Big hugs your not alone in how you feel.
This group is full of lovely people to chat too when your feeling pants xx
Hi, completely understand I'm 24, all my friends have children just had my goddaughters 1st bday this week.. I'm happy don't get me wrong and love her to bits but some days it's tougher than others, just keep positive on your journey if you can Hun, cos I really believe positivity is key!! x

Hi De192. Oh it's never easy dealing with children's parties when you so desperately want one of your own. Perhaps you needed to go to your God daughter's party, I don't know, but I feel that if you are not up to children's' celebrations of any kind, then just send a card with some money/voucher in and say have a good time and you will see them soon. Be careful who you spend your time with for the moment if you can, and maybe just confide in a close friend or family member. I do hope that you manage to feel better soon and move on and look after you. Thinking of you. Diane
Don't be to hard on yourself your feelings are completely normal and it's feels incredibly painful when others ask when it's your turn like it's the easiest thing in the world, i think ppl just talk about it like general chit chat like as if they talking about the whether and I just think it's a lack of understanding and education for most ppl.
I think we can become so sensitive around anything baby related like knowing your friend had two abortions is really hard for girls in our position to comprehend.
Best of luck with your ivf treatment hope all goes well xxx
We all understand that feeling.hipe u r feeling a bit brighter now? Big hugs xxx
no you are not being a cow feeling like that as it hurts when you see others experiencing things you would like for yourself but have sadly lost out on.