I'm feeling so low since our second failed IVF last week.
I know it's normal but I feel like maybe I'm depressed? I'm not sure.
My moods are quite low. Nothing excites me. We booked a holiday and I don't feel excited. I can't explain it, it's just like nothing is making me happy.
I feel awful for my partner, he suffers from depression and I'm continually snapping at him and giving him a hard time over nothing. Obviously because he's the closest thing to me I take it all out on him and I know it's not right.
I feel let down by some friends. It was a friend who I only meet a few times a year who text me most throughout this second chemical pregnancy, my best friend I haven't heard from in a week. She's the one I thought would have been there for me and I just feel like this journey is showing who my true friends are?
My pregnant friend is telling me I'll feel better in time and will be ready to go through it all again. Yeah I will, but how does she know? She's never faced anything like this. I know people try to be kind but I hate how some things people say makes you just want to slap them!! My dad and sisters haven't even been in touch much. Ire like nobody thinks it's a big deal but it is to me.
Sorry for the rant but this is the only place I can come for a rant where people truly understand