Hi all, hope everyone is well.... just a quick question, as many of you may know, the wife had 2 embies placed back awhile back and on early Feb, we gut a BFP. Whilst enjoying this moment and continuing the pregesyron injection twice a day, aswell as Fragmin once a day. After a few days, she experienced a bleed, my thought at first was we should get this checked ( although reading a lot of people had suggested "bleeding"'early stage is iercectky normal l, but neverthe less we wanted to double check. Abdcstopoed the Fragmin for 3 days
We then found out that one of the embies couldn't be found ( this may or may have something to do with the bleed, but the other embie has developed into a pregnancy sac with yolk, which was wonderful news.
Going on to our 5th week, we continued The injections aswell as the Fragmin, and the bleeding started again, so we spoke with our clinic and the consultant had suggested to stop the Fragmin again until 8 week scan.
So next Friday will be our 8 week scan, I'm just wondering those that are beyond 8 weeks, did you get told to stop Fragmin, I can't help but think this bleeding only occurs when the wife has Fragmin.
She's has had on the odd occasion, the very little sign of brown discharge ( I'm guessing maybe this is old blood just working it's way out) when wiping it but nothing major.
Any advise would be appreciated. I know people have suggested her body will start beginning to produce extra secretion around her cervix, but even still I guess we just need re assurance that it's normal and wether we should be prepared to continue Fragmin after 8 weeks or would it simply be continuing the progesterone.