.Hi this is our first and only attempt at IVF we're self funded. Day 3 of buserelin today Has anyone got any experience of IVF working first time? The more I read I'm starting to realise it can take a fair few goes to get lucky xx
Just starting out first attempt IVF - Fertility Network UK
Just starting out first attempt IVF

Hi, I wouldn't think further rounds increase the balance of probability. It only takes one so try to stay positive. I've actually heard the opposite is true that your chances decrease with each round but then on this journey you can read so much so it's hard to know what to believe! How's buserelin going? I start mine next week. Good luck!xx
Hi Hun hope it goes well. I had a failed cycle in November. Cycle 2 for April BUT my best friend had a BFP on first go so it does happen xx
Thankyou it's so hard isn't it I hate the unknown I'm a control freak!! Buserelin so far so good I'm a nurse so again the control freak in me wouldn't let my husband help with the injections at all. My friend had ivf last year and she had chronic headaches on the buserelin but so far I've been ok. I wish you look starting treatment xx
Its a russian roulette game her so you never know we are about to emabrk on our final cycle and this is round 6 all privately funded 4 fresh cycle 4th a success but lost him at 17w and 5th fsiled but 6th got a good feeling about.
Word of advice make hubby feel part of your journey its a lonley ride when u try to do it on your own for whatever reason we forget that they go through it too perhaps.not the physical part but emotionally and mentally and in some ways physicslly when they are banned from being intimate and we are in a mood from all.the drugs it does take it toll and tests even the stronget relationships.
It could work 1st tine or it may not but who knows a perfect cycle may not work as i have learnt.
Be good to one and other.
Good luck

Tamtam1 I really like your advise. My OH would so agree with you!xx
we failed 4 cycles of ivf and now we will start our 5th with the de in europe. Unfortunately, it didn't work for us. As far as I know some women can't be pregnant from the first ivf, there more than 80 per cent you'll be pregnant from the 2nd try. I don't wan't to break your dreams, it was just my experience. My fingers crossed for the good results.
I'm on first time around also self funded IVF. Test day is Friday 😲 I'll keep you posted 🤞xx
It worked for me 1st time 🙂 Anything is possible so stay strong, focused and positive! 🙏🏻🤞🏻👶🏻👍🏼
You just never know in the mind field of IVF but there's plenty of 1st time success stories so keep the faith x
There are no guarantees either way.. for some it takes several rounds and even midcarriages and some get lucky the first time around - one of my mates was ttc for 11 years, ivf pregnant with first funded cycle and she's at around 24 weeks now and happy!! Good luck and all the best to you xoxo
Thankyou for everyone's comments it's such a difficult journey hey! Good luck to you all xx
Hiya, I'm on day 9 of DR, and first round of ivf. I've not had any headaches either and just excited to be getting underway. Got my scan on Friday to see if I can start stims. Good luck in your cycle x
I started DR weds so on day 4 now...no side effects yet but I'm determined to stay positive! We're practically cycle buddies so I look forward to hearing how you get on!
Just having my AF. Was a bit bad but probably more due to my endo rather than being on the drugs. When are your first scans?
6th of march is my first scan so not to long now. I haven't had AF yet next week it should be. Friday isn't long at all is it, where are you having your treatment? I'm at CRM coventry they seem very nice there my consultant is very new age alternative therapy sort of person but she's very nice. Xx
Hi Oliver, good luck with your cycle. I hope you are one of the lucky ones and it works first time, there are lots of positive stories out there, it can and does happen. All the best x x x
I was on the IVF plan, and fell pregnant just prior to injections, very lucky and very unexpected esp by specialists. So just keep believing, will pray for you guys, only thing I did different was increase activity, 2 mile walk to and from work each day, no idea if it helped, but I would do whatever I was told to do, as did my partner, and boy it was hard. But we both became very healthy in the process :). Good luck, keep trying xxx
Good luck with our cycle wishing you lots of luck and baby dust xx