Today my friend found out that her 1 lonely embryo didn't make it to transfer on her first attempt at IVF. Does anyone know if the second attempt would be more successful? They don't have insurance and live on a modest income so they would have to pay for it again. She want to, but she is so scared. She is so depressed she can't stand it. They only were able to retrieve 3 eggs. Does anyone know why she produced a very few. She hear about others who retrieve 12 eggs and up. She is just wondering if anyone can give her any insight. Thank you. Waiting for answers.
first attempt at IVF: Today my friend... - Fertility Network UK
first attempt at IVF

You can't guarantee anything unfortunately, I've just failed my second, I know a few people that have took 4 attempts some 10 and yet some 1 everyone is different, I'm hoping my change of clinic will make me third time lucky!
Good luck to you're friend
Hello! Every protocol is different however the clinic should be able to advise what your friends egg reserves are like and therefore almost predict at least if there is likely to be a good or poor response. To go through taking all those drugs and then get one lonely egg is quite a lot and a very emotional journey.
It may be that your friend is at the point in the journey where she should consider the option of egg donation. It may seem daunting however there is counselling available should she need it.
For some it is the next logical step when own eggs just don't seem to get the message.
Good luck to her and merry Christmas all. Xx
Either your friend has a very low ovarian reserve ( which is most likely) or there was a problem with the protocol.
It is possible that changing drugs, adding in a supplement called DHEA, and doing multiple cycles, may work.
I got 2 eggs my 1st cycle , got pregnant but miscarried. 2cycle cancelled as I developed cysts. 3rd cycle one egg no fertilisation. 4th cycle I ovulated before egg collection.
5th cycle I went abroad and did a tandem cycle ( you can't do it in the UK). I was stimmed as was a donor ( my ex was v anti donor egg treatment at the time so it was a compromise). I got 2 eggs one embryo which was transferred along with 2 donor egg embryos. I have twins who are 7 now.
It depends on what your friend wants to do. If it is very important to her that the child is from her eggs and she can accept the fact that she may do multiple cycles and still be unsuccessful then go for it. She may get lucky.
However, if finances are limited and the important thing is having her baby, moving to donor eggs will increase her chances.
Get her to look into epigenetics.
I love my children to bits ( I also have a 2 year old by a different egg donor). I wouldn't swap them for any own egg children, tho I am occasionally a bit sad when I see a Mum with a mini me that my kids don't have my eyes or my grandma's nose. But they are their own people and no way would I change them at all.
And it is great that you are looking out for your friend. Infertility is a lonely journey. I lost many friends along the way between the infertility and the cause of it - endometriosis. So let her talk when she wants to and talk about other things when she wants to do that. And accept the fact that it really knocks your confidence and view of yourself - you feel less a woman. So she may not feel up for so many party nights out and more up for a party night in with either just you or a few close friends.
X c
I had the same thing happen to me on my first round. Its sounds like she has a low ovarian reserve but I could be wrong and her clinic may be able to adjust her meds next time. If not though she could try taking DHEA which is what I did and came off better in rounds 2 and 3, got to 5 day blastocycts even although I didnt get a pregnancy.xx
So nice of you to look out for your friend and be supportive enough to ask the question. I had 3 eggs collected on my first cycle, I have relatively low ovarian reserve. The clinic learn from each cycle though and adjust drugs/protocol accordingly, and I got 5 collected on my second cycle. However the success rate isn't only dependent on number of eggs (after all, you only need one egg), so each individual case is different and you need all the information in order to make a decision. It's so difficult though and a big financial commitment. There are finance plans available if your friend is interested, where you commit money up front to cover 2 or 3 cycles, then you can get on with it without the worry about financing the next cycle hanging over you x
Hi I've just had my first ivf cycle and I only got 3 eggs with only one good embryo that was ready to transfer. I have a very good egg reserve apparently but my right ovary seemed to work better than my left when stimulated. If this cycle doesn't work we will try again.
I had a poor supply of folicles first round and had to abandon the cycle but second time had a change to my drugs and things worked well 2nd attempt with 10 being collected so tell her not to worry too much. First round is always a bit of a test run. I am now 30 weeks following FET. Miracles do happen. I wish your friend lots of luck xx
Hello everyone, thank you for your answers and support for my friend. We read your comments together and my friend thinks that it is possible to use donor eggs. She also believes that this will increase her chances. But she thinks that she needs to consult in another clinic. Because she visited only one doctor and now she is interested in the opinion of other doctors. Of course, the using of donor eggs is very exciting for her. But she understands that if there is no other way out, she will agree to donor eggs. But there is another problem, my friend does not have a lot of money. This is an ordinary family, whose income is not very high. My friend was thinking that they need to save up some money and maybe they will be able to go for consultation in a clinic abroad. I read in the comments that many of you have traveled abroad. How was your trip, with what difficulties did you encounter? We are very interested in your opinion on this matter. And also, my friend will be grateful to you if you say you how much cheaper cost treatments abroad? Especially if it will involve the using of donor eggs. And what difficulties can arise when there is a selection of an oocyte donor?
Hello, in our country not all options exist, so we have to go abroad. My husband and I, for example, went abroad a few years ago. Because we entered the program of surrogacy. Because in our country there is no commercial surrogacy. But I can say that this has its positive aspects. Because we were able to spend less money than if the surrogacy were allowed in our country and we entered the program here. Although we did not choose the VIP package, but we did not wait very long. And besides, we were provided with good apartments, where nutrition was included. It seems to me that your friend just needs to get advice from other doctors. And then she will be able to understand what options will be useful to her and how much it will cost. The using of donor eggs is quite common now. I know that when you select a donor, you do not see his photo. But you can choose a donor by description, and also you can tell the doctor your wishes. But the doctor sees both you and the prospective donor and he picks up the one who is most similar in appearance. Blood group and Rh factor are also taken into account. You can also say that your friend was picked up by a donor with approximately the same physique.
I only had three mature eggs in my first round and only one fertilised. In my second round they changed my protocol, still long protocol but gonal f alongside menopur instead of just menopur and a 37 hour trigger instead of 36 to give the eggs chance to mature. It was almost a year later so my amh was lower but I got 11 eggs, 8 were mature and they fertilised 6 with icsi (instead of traditional ivf). I still didn’t get my bfp but we think that’s due to an issue with my husband- he has a chromosome translocation which causes invisibly abnormal sperm. It’s not uncommon for a first round of ivf not to go so well and there are quite a lot of tweaks that can be made. She needs to see what they say at her follow up and even consider getting a second opinion from another clinic if they decide to pay for a second round xx