First consultation before starting IVF - Fertility Network UK

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First consultation before starting IVF

CRxMRx profile image
19 Replies

Hi everyone❤ Finally had my first consultation today at ninewells dundee, had bloods taken and height weight etc, they said around 3 weeks we would get our amh level back but didn't say much about when we would officially start a round how long did everyone else wait from first appointment to the official start of an ivf round? Should say its NHS also and not private, bit of back story- Its been a long road already after finding out 3 years ago I had both fallopian tubes blocked but told I was too over weight for IVF and also was a smoker, I've worked my a** off and lost 4.5 stone and stopped smoking completely its been hard but if it gives me a chance of being a mum it'll be 100% worth it, me and my husband couldn't afford private my hubby has 3 kids to previous marriage (me and my husband have been together 6 years) we have joint custody of the kiddies so would be far too much financially for us, NHS is really our only hope, have 3 tries so just any information to help would be greatly appreciated, I would lituarly do anything to be a mummy🥺 any tips anyone has would be amazing! So eager to start but understand its not a quick process, thanks xx

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CRxMRx profile image
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19 Replies
Waitingonarainbow profile image


I would say it’s never too early for both of you to start taking the prenatal supplements. There are so many brands and everyone seems to have their own preferences.

My clinic recommended Proceive max for me and the Proceive Men for my husband. She also put my husband on extra Vitamin D.

My experience of NHS was that when we got to the point of blood tests, they asked me to give them dates of my cycle and then they had me scheduled in within 2 months.

Wishing you both lots of luck xx

CRxMRx profile image
CRxMRx in reply to Waitingonarainbow

Perfect I'll definitely give those supplements a try! my doctor has given me folic acid so taking that just now, I'm so clueless to all of this 😔 are you going through NHS treatments if you don't mind me asking? Feels like alot of information to take in, they just gave me kind of loose information about egg retrieval and transfer etc and said it would be around 3 weeks id hear back from blood test for my amh levels but no actual time to start the first round, thank you so much xx

Waitingonarainbow profile image
Waitingonarainbow in reply to CRxMRx

There’s so many brands of the same type of supplements, so you’re sure to find something that suits you both. The women’s one has folic acid included too!

If I’m honest, I still find so much of the guidance out there confusing…and depending on what you read you could be taking all sorts of different supplements and throwing out half the contents of your house because of chemicals and ingredients.

Try and find a balance that your happy with and that’s not stressing you out.

We have experience of both NHS and private clinics. I found that they tend to assume you know the ins and outs of everything, and we were pointed towards online videos rather than someone actually going through things with us. In fairness, the videos were grand, and the nurses have been approachable enough that I have never felt like I’m asking a stupid question if there’s something I’m not sure about!

This forum has been a complete godsend…everyone is always generous in sharing their experiences, and it is helpful to know that you’re not on your own on this completely crazy journey x

Yuki33 profile image

Hi! So good to see your post on here as I'm currently on the waiting list for Ninewells too!

Can I ask, how long did you wait for your first consultation? We got a text through yesterday asking us to complete a load of documentation, but to be honest it was so out of the blue we were wondering if it was legit! Do you remember getting a text? Does this mean our first consultation is soon?

Would be great to hear how you are getting on. Terrified of this whole process.

Can I also ask, how did they diagnose the blockage in your fallopian tubes?


CRxMRx profile image
CRxMRx in reply to Yuki33


Yeah we had the same! Was a text and the link to fill in consent forms, it was genuinely about 3 days after we got the text that our first appointment letter arrived in the mail so hopefully should be the same for you! First appointment was yesterday and was just height check weight etc and blood test so need to wait for results from bloods now for my amh level they said, I've never been pregnant and me and my husband had been trying for years so went to our doctor had to get a dye test through my tubes and thats when sadly they said they were both blocked completely as no dye passed through them 🥺 hope you get your appointment through soon❤

Yuki33 profile image
Yuki33 in reply to CRxMRx

That's so encouraging to hear, I was told it could be another 3/4 months before we get our first appointment so hopefully things get moving quicker than we expected.

See, I've still never had the procedure to check my tubes. They put me on hormones to stimulate regular ovulation, and they want me to have a laparosxooy because I get quite bad pain. Can I ask, was the dye procedure painful? My nurse had advised I get it before ivf but I now feel I'm running out of time and she has put the fear of god in me about it - she says it's pretty horrendous?!

We lost a baby last year and have been trying ever since with no success. It's such a difficult thing to go through. Wishing you all the best and like I say, please do keep me posted on how you're getting on x

CRxMRx profile image
CRxMRx in reply to Yuki33

Yeah we thought it would be alot longer for the first appointment as well! When we got the consent forms we were like hmmm thats a bit out of the blue! Then days later we received the letter with first appointment that was about last month then had my appointment yesterday so hopefully you get your appointment soon now❤ ahhh really? May be different because you've been pregnant before maybe? I've never had a pregnancy so maybe why they done it so soon? I had it done way before I was put on waiting list for IVF, it wasn't honestly as bad as I thought, its uncomfortable for sure and I had a bit of pain during then a bit after but was just kind of like period cramps, had a bit of spotting after but honestly it wasn't as bad as I was thinking🙏

I'm so sorry for your loss🥺 wishing you guys the best of luck on your journey❤ of course feel free to message me anytime, ill let you know when we hear back from the blood tests etc and let you know xx

Yuki33 profile image
Yuki33 in reply to CRxMRx

Hey, you were spot on - first appointment letter came 3 days after the consent form text. Although, I already have my amh results so I don't need to go. Don't know what happens now.....i suppose they start putting a protocol together based on amh results?

Hep89 profile image
Hep89 in reply to CRxMRx


I think I’m in the same boat as you, but a few weeks behind! I had my HSG a fortnight ago at forth valley, after looking at the screen then googling what it should look like, I’m pretty sure I’ve got 1 blocked tube. I don’t get the official results for 4/6weeks. I’ve been doing some googling, it looks like Stirling refers to Ninewells for IVF… can you remember how long it was between getting your xray results and getting on the waiting list/ having a consultation?

My little sister had her first baby a fortnight ago- I’m absolutely ecstatic to become an auntie, but privately it’s been really hard. Between Xmas, and the uncertainty around what the next step in my own journey is, isnt helping with my mental health. So any light you can shed would be amazing!

Wishing you lots of luck on your journey!


Annemarie02 profile image
Annemarie02 in reply to Yuki33

Hi both,

I am in ninewells too! Yes the first text we got was to do with forms. And it does mean you should get your appointment for first consultation shortly. We were referred July 2023 and got our first appointment Jan 2024. We’ve had various appointments since then but we’re currently waiting for my husband to get surgical sperm retrieval and then hopefully find out soon when we’ll be starting treatment! I have some info on times on my profile if that helps!

HelloLaura profile image

hello, we’re just about to start treatment at the Dundee ACU. We had our AMH appointment early October then had the result back two weeks later. We then had a video consultation with the consultant early November and we’re due to start in January. It moved a lot quicker than the timings they told us ☺️

CRxMRx profile image
CRxMRx in reply to HelloLaura

Hi Laura❤

Thats amazing!! So fast, thats so helpful thank you, they said around 3 weeks for blood tests so hopefully get them but thinking with them being closed for Christmas period it maybe won't be till January for next appointment maybe, is this your first round also? Wish you all the luck in the world for January 💫xxx

HelloLaura profile image
HelloLaura in reply to CRxMRx

Hopefully your AMH results come back quickly. The consultation with the consultant is by video so they told me they usually just put that straight in the diary once the AMH result is through. I email them after every step and ask what’s next and when it’s going to happen 🙈 it’s probably annoying for them but there’s so little information available I feel like I have no choice 🤷‍♀️ they are always super nice and helpful though.

Yes, it’s our first round. I’ve got everything crossed it works. Best of luck to you too 💖

CRxMRx profile image
CRxMRx in reply to HelloLaura

Aww perfect hopefully should have an answer on a start date by January time then🤞 yeah absolutely! I will be the same its all so confusing and got so many questions its alot to get your head around they'll know that as well❤ I'm an over thinker as it is so I'm constantly thinking about it, its hard not to, just want it to work so badly😔 best of luck to you both on your journey, if you don't mind me asking have you told your family friends etc? I've told a select few we are on the waiting list but we've decided not to tell anyone through it, just think its too much pressure and alot of people don't understand, I've not got anyone else i know close to me that has went through IVF all my friends have kids of their own etc so its a bit lonely at times🥺❤

Weareback2 profile image
Weareback2 in reply to CRxMRx

I can only talk about my experience, but i didnt find it helpful telling friends/family. Only because IVF is so unpredictable and often waiting inbetween appointments i found it draining having to tell people the same story. People want it to work for you and think they are being helpful but they kept saying "have you friend got pregnant after a few cousin went through ivf and now has her baby etc etc. I also found it horrible telling people that it didnt work and constantly seeing there reactions. First fresh round we told people, that didnt work. We never told anyone for our frozen...which did work. In saying this ivf is such a taboo subject that there isn't alot of knowldge for those not gp6ing through it, also alot of people need to tell people close to them for the support. I honestly feel it is a persinal thing. I did however tell my work as needed a bit of flexibility for appointments. Wishing you all the luck. I had my ivf at the royal in edinburgh.

CRxMRx profile image
CRxMRx in reply to Weareback2

Also thats amazing it worked for you🙏💫 congratulations mumma❤

CRxMRx profile image

Yeah absolutely, I've had all these comments also like " I know someone who got pregnant while waiting for ivf" or "i struggled for a year then got pregnant" so frustrating when I know I have 2 blocked tubes the chances of natural pregnancy are basically 0🙈 I've told people were waiting but just keeping the rest to ourselves its a stressful thing and about to get worse with appointments medication etc, just feels a bit lonely when you don't know anyone going through the same thing or has done etc, I've told my work for time off they've been amazing theyve said any time I need anything for days off just to say which is a load off my mind❤

Yuki33 profile image

Hi! I had my first face to face consultation at Ninewells today, just wondering how you're getting on? Have you started treatment yet? They told me I wouldnt start for another 5/6 months which was a bit disappointing to hear 😔

Scotivf40 profile image

Hi i just had an initial consultation with Dundee they took bloods and done a scan. How long after this did you all wait on treatment starting. I'm self funding with a donor if that helps. I hope your ivf journeys have went well.

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