How many of you ladies got bfp first time with ivf? I have my next app with fertility clinic in two weeks and I just know they will say Ivf is only way... but I'm so scared of it not working first time I can only afford one
IVF BFP first time??: How many of you... - Fertility Network UK
IVF BFP first time??

Have you looked into Access Fertility? You can get discounts and money back if ivf doesn't work x
Hi there, feel so grateful too that first IVF worked with only 1 surviving embryo to day 4 and am 17 weeks pregnant and all going well so stay positive. It's very nerve wracking but all worth it and remember miracles do happen. Xxx good luck.
Hi congrats to your 17 weeks
Hope all will be good with your. Can you pls let me know if you used a nhs or private clinic as we looking for a private good clinic.
Thanks so much. You will be here too soon. Sorry, cant help you there as we live in Spain so used the social clinic here and they were amazing. Took a while to get all the pre tests done but once treatment started, was really quick. Good luck. Xxz
I’m preparing for my 3rd cycle, no bfp for me yet. 3rd time lucky 🤞 good luck with your appointment xx
I got a BFP first time and then went on to have a missed miscarriage then got a BFP on my next go x
i was one of the few 'lucky' ones who got bfp first time. Now 29 weeks and still worrying almost as much as through the whole process. It's a tough journey but worth every difficult moment when you get to this stage. I'd say make sure they investigate everything first and if you haven't already push for a laparoscopy to check inside. I had hydros and had a tube removed which i think has a lot to do with why it worked for us as that was our only issue. X
The only thing I haven’t had is a laparoscopy do they do that on nhs? Will I have to push for it?x
yea nhs, was about an 8-10 week wait but worth it as gave us a reason and fix before ivf. It's better to have before ivf than risking a failed cycle and finding out an explanation after. We were NHS funded for ivf too so was referred through our clinic, not sure if privately funded if you would go through your clinic or gp. Could be worth asking both x
Yes ok, hopefully they will do the lap through nhs. It isn’t my fault my partner has a daughter already, hate being penalised it isn’t fair x
This is really interesting to hear. Can I ask was this for your first child? Have you had any hipster prior to ivf? I’m going through what is only known as secondary infertility which has no explanation why I have not received the second time round. As I had a C section our fertility doctor thinks I might have scar tissue Near my ovaries as my womb seem ok. So to him he thinks ivf is the way forward and hasn’t advised on a laparoscopy
my first yes, it could be worth asking just to count everything else out and there may be something they can do to help with the scar tissue. I had adhesions removed from ovaries and bladder during lap. Not sure if scar tissue can be treated in the same way? Your GP will be able to give you more info there
Thank you ladies! I think my fertility consultant is thinking that even if there is scar tissue in my ovaries or Fallopian tubes then it shouldn’t affect my ivf . I do remember him mentioning a text that has a wait of 8 weeks so it must have been this. I think he thinks we will be ok without this test. I really don’t know. I don’t want to wait any longer. I should have mentioned that about six months ago I did don’t night some of my eggs. Therefore, I went through a lot of different tests and drugs that you would normally take for the first stage of IVF. It was a great learning curve as I was able to see what worked for me and what did it. And also the consultant was able to see whether there were any complications with my procedure. I think he was happy with it x
Hi I got a bfp on my first go but had a missed miscarriage at 7 weeks.
I'm now with access fertility on their 3 cycle 100% refund package. My first go on that didn't work but it gave me 2 embryos to freeze and I'm now on the 2ww with one of those. Definitely look into access fertility - it helps take the pressure off. Best of luck xx
Hiya sammejayne I got a BFP on my first attempt of IVF and I’m 18 weeks pregnant on Thursday.
Good luck and take it easy.
Terri x
I got my bfp first go. There is a huge range in costs even in this country. We may try for a second next year and at the clinic we used before a frozen transfer is £4700 ish. At a clinic near my parents it's £970!!!
It's not ideal but if we do try for another I'll take time off work and stay with parents for a while and have treatment there.
Might be worth you looking around to see if there's somewhere that would be much cheaper than local ones.
Feel extremely lucky to say this but am 13 weeks pregnant from 1st try Ivf. Good luck and all the best xx
I got one but had a miscarriage they say on average it takes 3 times....I'm on my 3rd ....It's a fet and I'm 34 weeks xx
Hi, I had my first round of IVF in November, I was lucky and got a bfp and I’m 18 weeks pregnant today! The worrying definitely doesn’t stop. Good luck for your journey xx
These are amazing stories... have many of you got pregnant the 1st time on ivf with a low amh? Mine is 3.5. But I'm starting in a week and remaining calm...
My AMH was 2. We only had 2 eggs retrieved on the first round, both went to blast but one stopped growing. The other one however worked and I’m 30 weeks now. I think acupuncture made a difference to me, even just having someone to talk to about it all for an hour I think helped my stress levels!!!
Good luck xx
Mine hovers around 4 (I did get a fluke reading of 7 from one AMH test - hurrah!) Only got a few eggs both IVF/ICSI attempts but pregnant both times (first one ended in miscarriage - completely unrelated to low AMH - rare complication with a twin pregnancy) and am 16 weeks now with a singleton from second attempt. Staying calm is fantastic! I freaked out for a long time about my AMH result and wish I hadn't wasted so much time worrying.
I didn't really understand it at first... but j keep thinking... it's very low. I know there are people who probably unfortunately have lower.. and I know to an extent it's luck tk whether you get a good egg and it takes. But the more I read thd more I worry...
I know - it's best to avoid google altogether (though how you do that isn't quite clear to me - please let me know ). I found Robert Winston's Essential Fertility Guide very useful as he explains it. AMH levels are actually very misunderstood - they used to be a seen as a marker for fertility but really they should just be used by fertility clinics to set markers for level of drugs to give you (they tend to be good at predicting how you will respond and how many eggs, etc but not quality of eggs or whether you'll get pregnant or not). We are just unlucky in that we have to go through IVF in the first place (in my case it was male factor infertility that meant we had to be put under the microscope. There are millions of women out there in the general population who have low AMH or what have you but don't have a clue as aren't put under the microscope and made to worry about these sorts of things. I am assuming that the whole thing is genetic and probably runs in my family, and I'm the only one to have to go through assisted conception (my sister conceived no problems, as did all cousins etc). The first clinic I went to did treat me as a bit of a leper because of my "poor response" - despite getting pregnant first time with twins (chance to try and upsell me all sorts of weird, wonderful, clinically proven and expensive! treatments!) So it was wonderful to go to a different clinic and have a very common-sense approach and be told by the embryologist and consultant about all those other women out there who just get pregnant naturally and don't have a clue about AMH or what have you. We also had a consultation with another clinic specialising in "poor responders" and low AMH and they weren't too freaked out by my test result either and were very calm and reassuring about the whole thing.
That helps so much.... thank you so much... it's true many women have no idea about it.... but the way the doctor spoke to me and she was nice... but she said a few times don't focus on the amh eesult. Immediately you do and I was told I have no time to waste really.. I'm well aware clinics are there to make money also... but it scares you a bit. Good like to you and thank you for the wise words... xx
Hi there I have my 2 year old Son sitting on my lap drinking his morning milk. He was our first attempt IVF success - against all the odds too as we had 2 8 cell embryos transferred on day 3 but they were said to be poor quality as fragmented!!! There is nothing poor quality about our littleboy 😉
We then had IVF in Summer last year with a good quality day 5 Blastocyst but sadly miscarried at 11 weeks in October 😢 ......Hope this gives some hope though if anyone going through IVF and end up with day 3 transfer and not top quality - can still be successful! I'm currently 6 weeks 5 days pregnant with our 3rd and final round (my parents paid for this one as we alreadyself funded 2 rounds!) - I have a scan Friday but feel this may not end well as HCG levels were low and I've had some spotting. However again with our Son i did spot from 6-13 weeks so I'm trying to remain positive!
I am lucky enough to say I got my BFP after 4 years of trying with my first round of IVF. I’m 18weeks tomorrow. Good luck and stay positive xx
I got my BFP first round on NHS funded IVF. Fertility issue was tubal, only one left after infection and it is blocked. No other known issues. Husbands sperm wasn’t perfect but by the time we got to egg collection it had greatly improved. Currently 25 weeks. We did look into haven’t IVF in Cyprus in case it didn’t work as it would have been cheaper. Good luck xx
I was successful on my first transfer with identical twin girls. They are now 17 months. It did take a while to get to transfer though as I had 2 cycles cancelled. 1st due to a cyst. And second they didn't give a high enough dose of of meds so only had 2 follicles. I started in the September and got my bfp in February x
Hey Hun, we were really lucky and got a BFP first time. I think it was due to the fact that we had male factor which meant we had ICSI which effectively solved the issue for us. I’m now 17 weeks pregnant and just found out we are having a little boy! 💙 Wishing you all the best! X
I was lucky to get ivf on the nhs but I only had 1 egg and it worked frank is 6 months xx
I was so lucky and had a BPF our first round of IVF after years of trying, I now have a nearly 2 year old little girl and am currently 28 weeks pregnant with another little girl from our first FET
My friend got a BFP first time of IVF and is now 5 months pregnant x
We were lucky enough to be successful on our first IVF try on NHS. 10 eggs collected but only 5 went on, 1 halted at day 4 the other 4 went to day 5 blastocyst but on transfer day only 1 embryo was good enough to transfer. We had nothing to freeze, I was so worried and throughout But I’m so lucky that we got a BFP and she is now 18 months.
One bit of advice I would give and I don’t know if it has anything to do with it but I truely believe it does as has helped other friend too with various fertility issues. We had acupuncture at key points in the IVF treatment, before egg collection and on the day of transfer about an hour and 30 after. May be worth looking in to finding an accupuntutist that has fertility as a speciatility to support it.
Good luck
Hello, I got a BFP on our first round - I'm now 7 weeks (I have my scan in a couple of hours - eeek)! I'm 40, my partner is 33, and the problem was with him so we had ICSI. Best of luck with everything xxx
Hey our first round worked using ICSI and currently 12 weeks. So far so good x
Hi I was in the same boat, partner already had children. But we paid privately for IVF, I only had two eggs and only one fertilised. I now have a gorgeous 6 month old and never take for granted how lucky and blessed we have been. Good luck x
Aw wow just like me... how much was your ivf ?.. I’m getting married April next year so I just don’t know what to do and when xx
We bought a package £9500 for 3 cycles, although if you fall pregnant at any stage that’s your package completed. We thought we Best Buy the package because we didn’t think it would work first time. We were so lucky xx
So did you still pay £9500 even though I worked first time?x
Yes unfortunately that was the deal. We did also really change our lifestyle - didn’t drink, ate really healthily, gave up caffeine, took supplements and had acupuncture starting a month before we started x
I would never afford that..
I’m the main earner in our relationship too so I feel pressured Which doesn’t help I worry about money when we do have a baby as il be on a lot less money x
I haven't had any IVF. But my friend has. She failed all 5 times and gave up. Thankfully the clinic offered a payback in case of failure. It was quite heartbreaking. She wanted a baby so bad. Ivf is no longer a good option for her because of her age. So she is looking into adoption and surrogacy now. I hope it works out for her. I hope it works out for you too. I think you should look into some clinics that offer a guarantee or some sort of concession. Nobody can ensure 100% result of course. I really hope it works out for you. Sending baby dust your way. Much love. xX
I’m also a lucky who got a BFP first time. My son is now 21 months and I’m in the middle of my second 2ww trying for no. 2. Are you not eligible for NHS funding for a round? If not, as Scarlett said, there’s are a couple of money back programmes out there that would be worth investigating. Good luck!
Hi no not eligible my fiancé has a daughter already so that means I’m out x
I think that is such an unfair rule. If both partners have children I can sort of understand it but when one doesn’t you’re penalised. I really hope your first round works for you. If youre able to get any embryos to freeze a frozen round is much cheaper than a fresh one which could help you have more than one attempt.
Thank you, I am
Getting married April next year i don’t know whether to do one this year or just wat until I’m married x
Funding does exist on the NHS it’s just a postcode lottery unfortunately. It depends on the Clinical Commissioning Group in your area. I know that in South Wales where I live they offer funding for couples in your situation. It’s crazy that treatment in this country can be dependant on where you live within it 👎🏻Xx
Hey lady.Don't take the stress.I knew you are getting success with first IVF.Keep your thoughts positive and high.I am sure it will 100% getting positive for you.Think positive and positive things will happen.In this time you have better option to go for it.As you said that you have one can afford.But there are some clinics that have to show their much positive success rate.Especially the thing inspired you that is their packages.I really impressed by their cost rates.It's really affordable and suitable to all of us.I am hoping that you have better result through this process.Try to stay strong and positive.Every good thing takes time.But we never said that was not possible.Don't be scared and worried.I am sure you have to gain success in the first cycle of IVF.Stay healthy and blessed with great.I hope in future you have a lot of baby dust.
Hello my dear. The recommendation is that going into ivf you should prepare for at least three fresh cycles as only 1/3 of women successfully get and stay pregnant on the first round. You could get be of the lucky 1/3 but you should really consider being in this for the medium term at the very least. All the best
I did get bfp first time with fresh transfer but unfortunately at the 8 week scan there was no heartbeat and had stopped growing at 6 weeks 4 days!!i had a frozen transfer with a 6 day blastocyst last saturday and still waiting for bfp on this one!!Fingers crossed and still 2 more in the freezer!!
Even through the bad times try to stay positive it is not an easy process but miracles do happen!!good luck <3xxx
Hey there! I have had a BFP with my first try. But number of tries was not such a big problem as it was not limited in my package. You should focus on getting and staying pregnant rather than worrying about not getting pregnant. It helps really. May you get a BFP with your first try. Meanwhile do everything you can to help things along. Eat healthy. Sleep well. Do some stretching or something. I have heard acupuncture works too, I don't know how or why. Try everything you can. Just don't give up. May odds be ever in your favor. May you get there sooner than you think. Much love. Xx
We got a BFP with our first round I’m currently 26 weeks pregnant x
I got BFP and currently 9 wk pregnant on 1st round of IVF & ICSI as my husband had a failed reversal. I was given 33% chance of success. The ER 11 eggs of which 7 fertilised. There were 5 embies that made it to day 5 for ET after my 4BB was transferred i had 2 frosties left (which one hatched) my sister feels sad for the hatching one as its unlikely we can afford more children as my husband had 3 from a previous relationship. We did 50% refund access course instead of 70% refund. I am happy to answer and questions. You can PM me anytime. ☺☺☺
Has anybody had ivf lite it natural ivf and got pregnant first time?