Hello everyone im new to this
My periods are not regular I have a period every month but either 4-5 days early or late however since jan 16 they have been 1-2 day early or late. On my first appointment at the hospital I was asked the question are you periods regular isaid yes. Ithought by this she meant if I have a period every month but she ment if I had period every month on exact date. Irelised this after I left the clinic. The dr gave me blood tests to take according to what I told her. She wanted me to go for blood test on cycle day 3 for fsh lh hirmone. And day 21 progesterone test. But should I not be going for progesterone blood test on a later cycle day like cycle day 26 as my cycles are 32-35 days long. But since jan my cycles have been
13may these are my period dates so when should I go for progesterone test dr says cycle day 21 but im so confused becuz now dr is saying dont do it at all as ive had 2 periods in april