hi Lovelies,
Although the recent FET was natural and it failed, with spotting starting from 7dp5dt and heavy flow at 8dp5dt, in the past cycles I have always had my periods before the test day even while given HCG shot after transfer and taking daily progesterone
I wanted some advice from you all if this is normal or there is something to be checked?
I have regular 30 day cycle with ovulation on day 16 or 17.
This time Ovulation was on day 18, still the period started on day 30 🥺
Sorry if the question or observation is silly but just wanted if you can help me with some experience, guidance!
Ps I told this to my clinic doctor but she responded- there is not explanation as my cycle is regular and hormones levels are all as it should be. Endometrium was at 12. something before transfer 🥺