Day 3 embryo advice needed clinic quo... - Fertility Network UK

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Day 3 embryo advice needed clinic quoted "okish embryos?"

Mayaudrey profile image
โ€ข15 Replies

We had egg collection this week and were over the moon when they collected eight eggs we were expecting a lot less with my low AMH of 5. We were equally delighted when we got a phone call to say 7 had fertilised on Thursday. However this morning we revieved a phone call to tell us 3 had stopped developing which we expected and we know that's normal. However she said the four remaining are "okish" they are not amazing and she wouldn't risk putting one back inside me that won't result in a pregnancy she would rather wait until day 5 and see what they do. We run the risk of them not getting to day five but she says there is also a possibility they might improve aswell. Me and my husband are quite concerned now that we might get a phone call to say they haven't developed tomorrow the waiting around is horrendous ๐Ÿ˜ข I'm thinking this might be result of me having poor quality aswell as quantity which is frustrating as I'm only 28 years old. We haven't been able to think about much else today so any advice would be much appreciated xxx

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15 Replies


Reading your post was like our story. I've had two tries both started off great, fertilised all, then on day 3 quality dropped.

We had 16 out, 15 fertilised, only 2 left with poor quality day 3 , implanted both, didn't work.

Second time 8out, all fertilised, 6 frozen day 2 did to ohss. Defrosted 3 all survived but arrested. Next 3 defrosted all survived, 2 implanted, didn't work.

After having two 2wws with poor quality day 3s next time if they don't make it to day 5 I'm not implanting. I'd rather be disappointed early than keep using medication and being even more upset 2-3 weeks after.

It is hard but I genuinely feel that if they get to day 5 you have a much better chance, if they arrest before they probably wouldn't have implanted.

In a natural pregnancy day 3 they are still traveling through tubes not in utero yet.

I really hope and pray your embryos get stronger and their cells divide great to make it to blasto and a bfp

Good luck x

Mayaudrey profile image
Mayaudrey in reply to

Thanks Losinghopefast77 it's the waiting around and not knowing that's the worst isn't it I feel like I'm just preparing myself for the worst it's awful really hard to stay positive. Did the clinic say why your embryos weren't making it to day 5 is it an egg quality issues? Thanks

in reply to Mayaudrey


Hubby did dna and fragmentation tests on his sperm. Results came back normal thank God. Note waiting to see the doctors to know what can be done.

I need a miracle to go through it again. I'm in Spain and egg collection isn't done under anaesthetic... It is hell :(

anna0908 profile image

I too have amh around 5 but am 37. I had 5 eggs collected 1st round and 6 2nd. We found the waits for the phone calls to say how they were developing more stressful than the 2ww! Our first round wasn't great, with 3 going on day 3, and only 1 on day 5 which hadn't reached blastocyst. We had it put back as it was possible it was just slow, ย and felt grateful to have something to put back after going through weeks of injections! 2nd time we decided to have a 3 day transfer if we only had 3 left on day 3 as found the 2 day wait from then so stressful as were worried we'd have none to transfer. However, we actually had 5 going at day 3 so decided to risk going to blastocyst again. We were shocked to end up with 4 blastocysts! Especially as 2 were graded 2 and 2 were graded 3 at 3 days (1 is highest and 3 lowest at our clinic). We had 1 put back which was unfortunately a bfn but have 2 frosties waiting for us. Guess I'm trying to say even embryos that don't look perfect on day 3 still have great potential to keep developing. And having low amh doesn't mean you won't get blastocysts. Just that we are playing with less eggs to begin with. Our consultant also says age is a much more important factor in terms of success rates, so you have that on your side. Keep positive. We were told 50% usually develop from day 3 to blastocyst so am sure you will have 1 or 2 waiting for you to pop back. Best wishes xx

Mayaudrey profile image
Mayaudrey in reply to anna0908

Thanks anna0908 that's very reassuring. I am hoping we have a couple of better quality blasts by day 5 I'm glad they chose this option over putting in a day three they are unsure sure of its just the waiting is awful I'm hoping they turn themselves around and get better xxx

Hopefulholly profile image

We had 10 eggs collected I then had a phone call to say only 3 had fertilised and was told they wanted to wait till the 5th day to transfer I was so upset and worried got to 5th day and only 1 had survived I wanted to cry but 1 is all you need as I'm now well aware now I'm 23 weeks pregnant so I know the wait is frustrating and scary but if 1 egg gets to blasto stage the chances of it working are much higher. Wish you all the luck in the world !!!

Mayaudrey profile image
Mayaudrey in reply to Hopefulholly

Thanks Hopefulholly that's very reassuring I can imagine how you felt waiting until day 5 it's awful isn't it! Xxx

AllyR profile image

It's so tough. The waiting is the hardest part of ivf. Waiting for treatment, waiting for your period (if you normally have one), waiting for drugs to do their thing, and yes the phone call from the embryologist. We've always had transfers at day 2 (4 cycles) because they knew which embryos they were going to transfer. If you get to day 4 and there is still a choice then that's great. Day 5 = blastocyst and those are more likely to implant. Trust that they know what they're doing and just try to distract yourself for another day. Very best of luck. X

Mayaudrey profile image
Mayaudrey in reply to AllyR

Thanks AllyR it's my birthday tomorrow so hopefully I'l have lots of distractions lots of prayers tonight ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™xxx

AllyR profile image
AllyR in reply to Mayaudrey

Happy birthday! I hope it's a REALLY HAPPY one.ย 

EllieD profile image

Hi there

Just a quick reply hoping you got to day 5. I had a really high amh but still only got 5 eggs, 3 fertilised, 1 grade 3 at day 3. We had that one put back in thinking the worst and I've just finished his first morning feed! He's 11 weeks and totally perfect! Never give up it only takes 1 xxx

Mayaudrey profile image
Mayaudrey in reply to EllieD

Thanks EllieD that's a lovely message and gives me hope we are sat patiently this morning for our phone call from the clinic to tell us what's happening with the embryos then hopefully transfer later on today! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™ xxxx

EllieD profile image
EllieD in reply to Mayaudrey

Sending you all the luck in the world! Xxx

Mayaudrey profile image

I forgot to update you all after a lot of worrying we ended up with two top quality blasts one transferred and one on ice! Really pleased with that outcome now the dreaded two week wait begins! Xxx

LHow81 profile image
LHow81 in reply to Mayaudrey

Great news! Good luck x

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