Hi all
So at EC we got 8 eggs, 7 were suitable and 5 fertilised, at day three all 5 embryos were still going strong with three in particular doing especially well, and could be left to progress to day five (yay!).
Got the call this morning (day 5) regarding transfer and of the five, 2 are looking 'OK' to transfer and one of the others may improve if left to day 6. The rest haven't progressed. So it's all systems go for a transfer of 2 embryos this afternoon - woohoo!
Whilst I KNOW this is good news, the embryologist wasn't exactly raving about the 2 they want to put back in, using the grading system of 1-6 (6 being the best) she said these were a 2 and 3 which has made me a bit nervous. I do feel a bit deflated that there probably won't be any to freeze, as it does put even more pressure on this go working now. I know we are in a good position but you know what it's like - your mind starts working overtime & it was such a different phone call to the extremely positive one on Saturday telling us that all 5 were still going strong. The embryologist was just using so much jargon and rabbiting on for ages so I really had no idea what she was saying except that the only two viable for transfer were 'OK'. She didn't exactly fill me with confidence. Waaah! This bloody IVF rollercoaster!
I was just wondering if anyone had a similar story which resulted in a BFP? Thanks x