advice please so I’ve had ivf and had a bleed at 6 weeks which stopped but came back Friday worse than previous had to wait until today for a scan worst weekend of my life.. I had written it off but to my amazement there was our wriggly baby with a heartbeat measuring perfectly!! Question I have is I was on aspirin but fertility said to stop it because of the bleed but nurse at early pregnancy said 75mg was fine as long as the bleeding had stopped… I’m also on progesterone cyclogest twice a day ? Advice please xx
haemorrhage 9 weeks pregnant - Fertility Network...
haemorrhage 9 weeks pregnant

I'm so glad everything was ok, it must have been a nightmare wait!
Do you have a midwife you can ask about aspirin, or else your GP? It sounds like they don't think it'll make too much of a difference either way if you take 75mg but it might be good to get another opinion.
Midwife is now on holiday for two weeks I guess I could call gp tomorrow or maybe another early pregnancy clinic ? I just want to make sure everything is helping the baby x
So happy to hear your update, this is wonderful news!
I was told by my clinic to stop all blood thinners until bleeding has stopped for at least 48hrs. So perhaps wait another day or so until you have a clear 48hr gap (no spotting etc) and in the mean time double check with your GP.
Wishing you all the best x
I think you should continue all meds. It’s likely a subchorionic bleeding and can be heavy but stopping aspirin may be harmful to the growing foetus.
I had the same at 6 weeks and then 8 weeks. Currently 18 weeks. They found a heamatoma which probably was the cause of the bleed and after the last one I didn't get anymore bleeding. I was on pessaries 3 times a day and had switched from front to back as I found these caused spotting. I continued with aspirin 75mg and I am still on it. Consult your doctor to see what is best. They told me to stay on it as I am over 40. Even though my test came back as low risk for pre eclampsia.
Hi there
Could I please ask, when did you restart taking the aspirin after positive pregnancy test? I’ve had 2 miscarriages and have always stopped aspirin prior to embryo transfer and never been advised to recommence. I’m wondering next time whether I should recommence but what week if so? I’m also over 40.
I took it as soon as I was pregnant but they’ve asked me to stop because of the bleed x
Hi! I am sorry you are going through this. I had a large scary bleed at 5w3d. Like you, I was on baby aspirin and was told by my clinic to stop it immediately as it increases the risk of more bleeds and contributes to the likelihood of developing subchorionic haematomas, which cause these bleeds as it is a blood thinner. I kept taking my cyclogest and was told to take it for longer. They also suggested I take it easy - work from home if possible, no standing up or walking for more than 20 min at a time etc. The haematoma resolved itself by the 12 week scan. Very best of luck - I hope you recover soon!
Hi, am so sorry you're experiencing this, bleeds are really stressful. I was advised the same by my clinic after a bleed at around 6 weeks, but then a v senior consultant at a different clinic advised I start again asap, so I did (my clinic advice was 'you can stop, just in case', whereas he was very definite in his advice).
Can I ask why your on aspirin and why did they say to stay on it ??
Yes ofc. I had two (natural) losses before this IVF pregnancy. I had clotting tests, among others, which didn't show anything, but the Dr said there are so many different clotting disorders that they can't test for, so it would be worth it as a just in case / preventative measure. When I had my bleed, there was nothing obvious on scan to show cause, and the Dr said there was a chance it was a placenta related issue, which the aspirin would help (due to improving blood flow). So there isn't a definitive reason for me, but moreso due to previous losses as a belt and braces measure x
I have been told to stop it but can’t help but think I’ve got this far in my pregnancy because of it this is the latest I’ve gone without a miscarriage… I took aspirin Monday had a bleed yesturday so I’ve stopped again today and it’s slowed I’m just so confused midwife couldn’t advise me either looking back on my notes at recurrent miscarriage clinic they said I didn’t have any clot disorders but I did have a septate uterus which they fixed with two surgeries
I'm so sorry that you're going through this, it is so stressful and upsetting. I am not sure that there really is an official right answer, as my IVF clinic said stop, but the Dr at another fertility clinic said to continue. I went with him just because of how sure he sounded and his level of experience, but I would have gone with the IVF clinic if I hadn't spoken to him. Is there any way for you to speak to another Dr for an additional opinion? Do you have any private clinics near you that offer one off consultations?
I’ve tried another hospital no one will speak to me I am at a loss of what to do it’s making me so anxious
I'm sorry you're feeling so anxious 😢. If I were you, as you're very unsure, I would just accept your Dr/nurse advice. Looking at your replies, every clinic seems to advise differently, so it feels likely that there isn't a strong right or wrong here. I have paid for extra reassurance scans due to my anxiety, so you could consider organising one or more of those to hopefully give you peace of mind? Wishing you the best 🩷
this has made my mind up to continue once the bleed stopped which is what the nurse at early pregnancy said to do so that’s what I’m going with going to call gp today too just don’t like the idea of stopping it all together like fertility said .,, how long was you ladies taking it for x