feel like I haven’t even had chance to get excited yet. Had spotting for 3 days brown blood then this afternoon felt a gush of blood. My hcg levels yesterday was 9058 so I really don’t understand 😖 clinic referred me to a&e because of my history. Anyone bleed heavily & ended up being ok ?
Heavy Gush of blood 5 weeks 3 days pr... - Fertility Network...
Heavy Gush of blood 5 weeks 3 days pregnant - TMI PICTURE

I would contact epu, get a scan for reassurance. I had bleeding like this that lasted over a week and was like a full on period when I was 8 weeks pregnant. No reason for the bleeding but my little boy was all well and is now 18 months and just started walking. Please try and be positive xxx best of luck
Ah Greencook, you are having a tough time. This happened me on my first ivf pregnancy. I was 12weeks tho and the gush was so bad, I was soaked in work and they rang an ambulance. All was fine, they had no explanation. It was a little more watery than yours but still. The spotting continued to week 20. She is now turning 3yrs. Best of luck, you deserve this to be all well.x
I had a gush like that, plus clots, at 7 weeks. The 3.5 year old is terrorising the househole now.
😂❤️ did they say what it was ? He examined me & said my womb in closed so guess I will know more tomorrow with my scan but even then they say with me being only 5 + 3 they won’t see much xx
I’m sorry you’re going through this, it really is scary! I started spotting when I just turned 5 weeks, when I was 5+6 I had a really big bleed and a lot of pains/cramps to be told I was losing the baby. Turns out it was just a bleed next to the baby which had now gone. I’m 7+5 and by no means out of the woods yet, and still having some spotting but I’m learning to live with it a bit more. It’s hard to tell what’s happening but best thing is to have a scan. Wishing you all the best xx
Oh really ? Did they know what the bleed was ? I’m hoping it was just a cyst it’s seemed to have calmed down a bit now, it really is such a worrying time isn’t it. Have you had a scan to show heartbeat ? They don’t give you scans easily do they I’ve actually had to beg for an early scan, thank you I hope I get some positive news tomorrow xx
No they just said it’s one of those things! Epu wouldn’t scan me at the time as they said there was nothing they could do 🙄 but I’ve had about 4 scans since and everything is fine so far. They really don’t, I’ve had a terrible experience with my epu but that’s another story in itself. I hope you get good news tomorrow, I’ll be thinking of you ♥️♥️Xx
Yes many people including myself, it could be a hematoma and nothing to do with the baby. Have you had cramping with it? Better to check at A&E although i’m not sure what they can see or do but they might see the hematoma if that is the issue. Best of luck! x
Hi lovely, please got to a&e to get reassurance for your own sanity.
But yes I had this at week 7. Bleed through my clothes and then spotted for a few weeks. Went to a&e and everything was fine. I’m now 21 weeks. I suspect it was a haematoma bleeding out.
Fingers crossed for you. Let us know how you get on.

I went to a&e but they didn’t really help much they did observations & examined me said my cervix was closed & wait to wait until my scan today I have it late this afternoon, I have been getting dark brown stringy discharge I just hope this isn’t an ectopic again xx
I got that too and it lasted about 2-3 weeks. Do my worry about the brown blood (or stringy blood) as it’s old. Sounds very similar to me. Could be a haematoma. Wishing you lots of luck.

I really hope so, I just hope I get answers today I think I’ll go insane if I come out of this scan still none the wiser xxx
All the best Greencook! Hope the scan goes well.It happened to me yesterday, I’m 11+4. I started to heavily bleed at 3 am and then it stopped. I had horrible periods cramps following this until late last night. I went to gynae A&E, waited hours, really thought it was over…to then been told all was good and the little one couldn’t stay still during the scan. They have no clue why I bled, they couldn’t find any explanation. Hope it’s the same for you really and the little one is good 🤞🤞🤞
How are you doing Greencook? Just wondering how you got on as I'm 5+4 and had some bleeding this morning, and I'm struggling to stop worrying!
I’m doing ok I’ve not spotted now for a good few days & had a scan on Friday measuring 8 weeks. It’s hard not to worry, can you book an early scan at the local EPU ? is it a lot of blood or just a little ? xx
Ah that's really good!! I'm so glad to hear that and thanks for replying!
It's enough to be really noticeable on a pad and it was still flowing for an hour after I spotted it (because I went to check after strong cramps). It was a bit darker than a period but defo red. It does seem to have slowed right down to pinky brown spotting since but still getting lots of mild cramps which are freaking me out! I think I'm going to call the clinic tomorrow and ask to bring my 7+1 scan forward. I can't wait 11 days!!
I don’t blame you the waiting is horrific, thank you it’s still so worrying I’m hoping to enjoy it one day. That’s a good sign that it’s got lighter, I think mine was old blood & the red gush I think I had a cyst maybe as a empty clot followed the next day it was quite big too. Whenever I had any bleeding I went EPU to be checked as I’m such a worrier xx