Hi all, I would like to ask people that have experienced a subchorionic hematoma during the first trimester to share their stories and outcomes please.I was diagnosed with one at 6 weeks so 9 days ago.since then I've had 3 big bleeds, the last one with cramps and I went to the hospital for a check up. At all times embryos seemed to grow fine and measured as expected. The hematoma still there. I've only had two scans and in the first one the hematoma was not measured so I cannot yet tell if it's improving. I have another scan next week and I shall see. Last time it measure (the hematoma) 26x12x14 mm.
I guess what I'm asking is stories of all kind on how long it took the hematoma to reabsorb if it did and how did you pregnancy develop?
I'm am so so down that I refuse to think of myself as pregnant and I regret telling the few people I told so far. I wish nobody knew again and I could just pretend this is not happening
It's quite sad.
Thanks for sharing everyone 🙏