Getting a bit lost amongst the Fertility Network TTC chat, and trying to find people at a similar stage to chat with.
My FET was 21st January, OTD was 1st February and expected due date of around 9th October.
My clinic do viability scans between 7-8 weeks, so I'm currently (in)patiently waiting for mine on 24th February.. this wait almost feels worse than the TWW!
Anyone else on similar timings? How are you all doing?
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Congratulations ! Hope time passes quickly till your scan For extra support take a look at our website " Pregnancy and beyond group " Next meeting 25th Feb - see Events & Group meeting for details and follow the prompts to register
Check out mumsnet too in the talk > infertility threads. There's usually a thread for every month in which women got their positive via ivf. I found it invaluable, especially in the difficult wait of the first trimester. Best of luck!
Firstly congrats for the positive! I am about a week behind you as I had my fresh transfer on 29 January. Luckily my clinic do viability scans between 6.5 - 7.5 weeks, but it still feels ages away. Mine is 25 February.
I am trying to keep myself busy at work, which luckily my days normally are packed so it helps a bit. I am still testing some just to make sure it is still there.
Congratulations to you, too! How are you feeling? I know what you mean.. I am counting down the days until 24th, but equally super anxious about the scan! I am also still testing every other day, using a cheapie HCG strip.. the test line usually comes up pretty instantly and is very dark - hopefully that's a good sign.. but have also heard of people who have that but then find an empty sac at scan... trying to remain positive and optimistic! Is this your first pregnancy? This will be my second (also from the same egg collection in 2017) but my son will be 7 later this year, so it all feels pretty new again to me! xx
I am starting to have some nausea, but I think that likely is do the progesterone. It’s my first so I don’t know how my body is going to react 😬 I had heard that about empty sacks as well so I am counting down the days to the scan. How are you feeling with this one?
My symptoms keep coming and going, which is driving me mad - but I've read in so many forums that this is 'normal'. Just trying to ride the waves and keep myself as distracted as possible until the 24th! It's so hard knowing what's pregnancy and what is the hormones, isn't it?! Which meds are you on?
Completely! There definitely doesn’t seem to be one set pattern or way people experience it. I am on 2 x cyclogest and 1 x lubion per day. I am looking forward to when I can come off them but I know that is weeks to come (assuming the scan is okay). Are you on any currently?
Have they said you can come off the meds at 12 weeks? I'm v similar to you, but utrogestan instead of cyclogest (think I had them last time around) so 2 x utrogestan and 1 x lubion.. oh and 3 x progynova! They've become daily habits now, but like you, I'm looking forward to coming off them too! I have so many reminders in my phone!
Wow that is a lot to remember. I find it hard enough with my 3. They have said between 10-12 weeks, but they will confirm at my scan. I should get the prescription for the last batch then I think.
Hope you’re doing ok? How are you feeling about the scan? I’m starting to get anxious for tomorrow.. quite like living in this bubble of being pregnant and so scared they will say otherwise!
In general, my nausea has gotten worse so I am just trying to find things to help it. It doesn’t help that my husband loves to talk about food 😂 I am looking forward to the scan as I think I am worrying more not knowing what is happening. Hopefully everything will be okay. At least it will calm my mind thinking of all the options. Fingers crossed your scan is okay tomorrow 🤞
I hope your scan went okay. Mine showed the heartbeat and it was measuring the right weeks, but they did see a small sarcoma hematoma. They said it should be okay, but I guess one thing to watch out for. I need to stay on my jabs till 12 weeks, which I know should help but I am dreading. x
I'm seeing lots of people with hematoma's - will you have extra monitoring? Glad that you saw the heartbeat and baby is measuring well. My scan went well too, thank you! First hurdle over, on to the next! I also have to carry on my tablets, pessaries & jabs until 12 weeks... just another 4 weeks to go! x
I am glad to hear your scan went well! My clinic said I could have an extra scan if I wanted one in a couple weeks at charge, but really it shouldn’t be something to worry about if I know it is there. I am waiting to hear if there is anything else I need to watch for from consultant. They mentioned my midwife may want to do so, but I haven’t gotten my appointment through yet on that. I only raised my referral on Monday so it is my delay. Worst case she said if I do bleed to call the early pregnancy unit for a scan. I luckily have one down the road from me. x
I’m a little behind you I had my transfer on 28th Jan 🙂 my due date is 17th October. I’m currently 5 weeks.. it hasn’t sunk in at all. I previous had a mmc at 8 weeks so been feeling quite nervous but trying to just stay positive. My clinic have said can have a scan at 6 weeks so got one booked on 21st and the next week is just going to be the longest! I am super nervous but trying to stay cautiously hopeful. Trying to keep busy each day. 😌 xx
Hey - congratulations to you too! Sorry to hear about your mmc - that must make this wait even more anxious for you... glad that you can have a 6 week scan, not toooo much longer to wait! Keeping busy is easier said than done when it's the only thing on your mind, isn't it?! xx
Thank you ☺️ I’ve thrown myself into light cleaning and organising things… I don’t have any real nausea yet but my smell is super strong and I do have some aversions especially garlic! I’m forever peeing lol sorry TMI I been allocated my midwife and spoke to her last week and felt bit better to have the support she is going to come and see me in few weeks time. It’s definitely more anxiety than the first pregnancy. I’ll probably have a few more scans in between before the 12 weeks scan which is booked for 4th April 😬😬😬 exciting just praying this pregnancy makes it xx how are you feeling?
Oh yes.. the super strong smell! My husband was cooking an omelette in the airfryer yesterday and I was so close to vomiting... I went off lots of my favourite things when pregnant with my son - coffee, avocado and peanut butter! I can't remember at what point that kicked in, but making the most of them until that point! Great that you have your scan booked already - I don't get to speak or see my midwife until 4th March! It's going to be an anxious wait in between each appointment, isn't it?! x
Hey how are you doing? I had a major wobble today I started spotting brown and tiny bit red and went into a panic..have managed to calm down a bit now and after profusely googling speaking to a nurse and my pa at my clinic I’m trying to stay strong… but I feel like the nights going to be long! Got two more full days and 3 night till scan day. Just really really hoping it’s ok in there. X
Ah no, sorry to hear you had a wobble yesterday - how are you feeling today? Has the spotting stopped? It's painful waiting for scan day, isn't it?! Is there any way you can get it brought forward if you're concerned? x
Hey I’m feeling better albeit mega tired as didn’t sleep great. But thankfully the spotting appears to have stopped. I did ask if I could bring scan forward but they said at 5.5 weeks there is a chance they may not see the embryo so best to wait a few more days. The wait is long! It’s like another Tww but for a heartbeat. How are you doing? Xx
Glad the spotting has stopped.. I think I had some spotting around 7 or 8 weeks last time, and it ended up being nothing to worry about. It's so long, isn't it?! I'm finding this harder than the TWW - at least with that I could cave and take a test.. with this wait there's nothing I can do (other than keep peeing on sticks!) I slept 6.30pm until 6am the other night, which is unheard of for me, but mostly I'm waking up about 6 times in the night so feeling the exhaustion too. Willing away the days until scans! We're almost there... xx
Oh gosh can totally relate to the toilet trips! And then if it’s after 5am ish I’m starving so I’m usually downstairs on the table having a bowl of cereal lol xx almost there for the first scan, fingers crossed 🤞 for the precious September/October babies xx
Hey scan was good we saw heartbeat 🙏🏽 and baby measuring for 6 weeks the nurse found the area of bleeding. After the spotting it went really red like a period but then stopped. And since then just on and off spotting. Nurse said it’s from implantation and should settle. But it’s been super stressful, I just feel on edge, been on bed rest last 4 days. I managed to get a referral to epu so I’ve got another scan tomorrow so nhs side can check too. Scans give me so much anxiety 🥺 but I keep saying to myself we have a strong little baby
Amazing news - congratulations! Sorry to hear you've been on bed rest - is that to prevent the bleeding? Hope your EPU scan goes well today too. I've got mine in 2 hours... I feel sick with worry! xx
Yes my clinic said to help prevent more bleeding bed rest is recommended. I just finished my scan and the hospital they can’t see the area of bleeding now so they feel it may have healed up which is good 😊 Now I’m worried that baby is measuring 2 days behind.. it’s measuring 6 weeks 2 days and I’m 6 weeks 4 days..nurse was happy and not bothered but my ivf brain is like if it’s not exactly normal I start worrying 😩 mind you it’s so small there could be differences in how it’s measured. Just hope baby grows nicely 🙏🏽 they’ve booked me another scan at 9 weeks but knowing me I won’t last that long 🫣
Great news the bleeding has healed 🤞🏼 urgh it’s horrible when you get different results like that, isn’t it?!
My scan went well thank you - I now feel sad we’ve been discharged from my lovely fertility team - they’ve been a part of us for over 7 years! I didn’t get exact due date today because their equipment isn’t accurate enough, but he said I’m def showing as 7weeks+ and I calculate 7+4 from dates. Now to try and hold out until 12 week scan… can’t remember when I get there, I guess when I see the midwife next week she’ll sort that.
I’m hoping it might start sinking in now I’ve seen there really is something in there! Xx
I’m so glad your scan went well! I’m looking forward to seeing the midwife next week too, the fertility team discharge is difficult so will nice to have the support
I’m so glad your scan went well too and the bleeding is healing. Also great they booked you another one. I hear the tolerances can vary on the measurements. The IVF brain is real
Thank you 🙏🏽 yes I’m just hoping baby keeps growing and this one makes it. Even though I’ve had two scans I feel nervous for the upcoming weeks..pregnancy after loss is hard…but trying to stay positive 😊 got through Monday lol and really glad you ladies are on here… you’re all amazing support and it helps to know ivf brain is real lol and not just me going mad 😂
How are you feeling? I’m sorry to hear about one of the twins..I am sure the remaining twin is a fighter and super strong 💓 xx
Yea it’s a nervous time. One minute I’m full of confidence and the next it’s all lost and that’s all within an afternoon!
It was a surprise and not a surprise with twin but overall, better to happen earlier than later. I’m hoping the next weeks go smoothly but it’s hard. Taking each day as it comes x
Hi I'm also due around then,maybe a couple of days difference. The morning sickness has hit and I don't vomit but just feel very sick pretty much all day. I also keep spotting which freaks me out. How are you doing?
Congratulations to you! Similar to you, I've had nausea (without any sickness) on and off most days, a couple of days where it's completely disappeared which is unnerving! I haven't had any spotting this time, but I'm pretty sure I did around week 6 with my son in 2018... just keep an eye on it, and any concerns speak to your clinic. Have you got to wait long for your scan?
Got a private scan in three days. The nausea is horrendous, it turned into actual vomiting two days ago so I'm trying cyclizine currently. Wiped me off my feet 🤢
Yeah they are being OK so far. Had the scan this morning, baby is 0.76mm big, heartbeat seen but they didn't measure the HR. Now 12 days to wait until official clinic scan 🥰 xx
I'm due on the 4th Oct and had my FET on 16th Jan. This is my first pregnancy at 36 and I'm so anxious. I felt so sick all last week but then I seem to feel ok this weekend. I've been spotting too but they think it's from my cervix. I had my scan last Tuesday and we saw the heartbeat but the sickness suddenly going is filling me with fear and doubt.
Hope everyone has smooth pregnancies and we have our babies in our arms in October xx
Congratulations! How wonderful that you saw the heartbeat - I find it so incredible that you can see it so early on. Hope you got some reassurance from that. I'm with you though on the nausea coming and going - I've read so many posts and forums though and LOTS of people say the same. Are you booked in with a midwife now? xx
Congratulations to you too! It must be such an anxious wait to your first scan. I feel very lucky that my clinic scans at 6 and 8 weeks. They only did one HCG beta blood test though, whereas it seems a lot of clinics retest after 48 hours. I haven't heard from my midwife yet; I completed the self-referral last week and had an email saying I'd be contacted by my midwife between 8-10 weeks. Have you heard from yours yet? Xx
Oh wow, so you've had your 6 week scan and due the 8 week one soon? I will be 7+4 for my scan on 24th... exactly the same as with my son, and I remember being amazed that I could see his heartbeat! I didn't even have a blood test, literally just a pee on a stick on OTD, email results in and book the viability scan for 3 weeks later! I have my first midwife appt on 4th March... ticking each day off between appointments! xx
Thanks for your message. I hope your scan went well yesterday. Devastatingly, I almost certainly miscarried on Sunday night and ended up in hospital as I was on my own (partner is away). I have my 8 week scan today but I think the best case scenario is that it shows a complete miscarriage and I don't need surgery. I really hope you go on to have a smooth pregnancy xx
Aw I’m so sorry to hear this.. 😞 I did have a lot of bleeding and clot around 6 weeks and was 99% certain the pregnancy was lost but the next day they saw heartbeat and found the area of bleeding so maybe try and see what the scan shows today.. sending lots of hugs your way x
Thank you so much for your message - I cannot believe it but I'm still pregnant too. I had a subchorionic haematoma (still have a small one). I was so certain the pregnant was over as the first clot I passed was the size of my hand and there was so much blood but baby is still doing well- measuring 8 weeks and 4 days and has a good little heartbeat 💓. I'm so glad yours worked out too xx
Omg I’m so happy for you! I hope our little group has strong babies.. I’m going to be 7 weeks tomorrow and just cautiously taking it day by day. The bleeding does calm down.. mine took about 3-4 days and I was advised to bed rest to help bleeding.. and I feel it really helped so try and take it easy.. don’t lift anything don’t rush around be nice a slow and rest as much as possible ❤️ xx big hugs
Thank you! I had a subchorionic haematoma and baby is still doing well. I'm still in shock as the hospital sent me home on Monday with a little memory box including a candle, certificate of life etc. What a whirlwind of emotions!! I hope everything is going smoothly for you x
Oh wow - so pleased to hear baby is doing well! What an absolute rollercoaster of emotions for you! Bet you'll be counting down to your next scan - will you wait for the 12 week one, or have an extra one? xx
Hello everyone. Please to have spotted this post as I am due 18th October after a FET which I was convinced wouldn’t /hadn’t worked. Put myself through hell messing around with tests repeatedly which has not proved very helpful! But still I continue to! Got a very early scan on Friday due to history so just counting down the hours and minutes and wishing my life away. Also struggling comparing this pregnancy with my little boy who is now 20 months (fresh transfer from same batch of embryos ) so hard not to ! 🫣 anyway hope you’re all doing ok today 🥰
Hello - congratulations to you! Haha I think being serial testers comes as part of IVF'ers, doesn't it?! Although having said that, I haven't done one for a few days now.. the tiredness, nausea and strong sense of smell is keeping me on my toes! Hope all goes well on Friday, how many weeks will you be? My last pregnancy was 7 years ago and I'm struggling to remember whether or not I had these symptoms.. I know overall I loved being pregnant, and perhaps the fact I was finally pregnant over-rided any of the struggles! xx
Thank you ! And to you too 🥰 yep defo a side effect of this ivf , if only I had known in advance I would have started saving for bloody tests years ago!
I’ve had some brief nausea which was short lived so now my obviously paranoid, anxious mind has jumped straight to the worst conclusion. Oh I so wish it would come back . Who in their right mind WANTS to feel sick?! 🤣
I’m 5+3 today so 5+6 on Friday. They said they’re not likely to see much it’s just to make sure it’s in the right place as I’ve had 3 previous ectopics 😩. And even if it’s a case of that scan is ok it will be the fear until the next one waiting for heartbeat etc! Never ends!
I know! In the 7 years since my last pregnancy I'd completely forgotten how much tests cost! I got as far as the 3+ on the digi ones, but now I stick to the cheapie HCG strips from ASDA.. Haha I know what you mean about nausea, I think sometimes I'm worse when I've got time to stop and think about it, days I'm busy I *almost* forget about it!
I'm so sorry to hear about your ectopics - what are the symptoms of that? Did you have any idea you were experiencing that? Although we've been TTC since 2012, we've only ever had two positive tests - our son in 2018 and this one now.. it's been a long journey but I've been fortunate not to experience any problems.
Glad that you get to have your early scan, and you're right.. some very light reassurance until the next one!
Hi all, it’s so lovely to read this thread! I had my transfer a week before (Jan 14th.) I’m 39 and this was our 6th transfer and it’s taken us 5-6 years to get our first pregnancy.
After spotting and symptoms coming and fading, I had my first scan and we saw 2 heartbeats! (We had a double transfer) The nausea/hunger the last 2 weeks has been unreal. Quite difficult to cope with but trying to take each day as it comes.
As one twin is slightly smaller we have another scan this Friday at 8 weeks+1. Trying to get my head around it all after our journey. It’s all a bit mad. Wishing you all the best for your scans. I think we’re due in Sep as it sounds like twins come earlier. We’ll see what they say at the scan…
Hey, congratulations to you! So nice that there's a few of us at a similar stage. Wow - it must have been incredible to see 2 heartbeats!! Have you felt double the symptoms and tiredness?! Hope your scan on Friday goes well and the smaller twin has caught up x
Thank you! Yea it was amazing to see! I dont have anything to compare the symptoms to but talking to a friend, it does sound on the extreme side. I’ve got into having supper before bed but before I did that, the hunger started at midnight, then I’d wake so hungry every few hours. It’s cracker packets by the bed at the moment. I’m also struggling with food and smells. I’m sticking with chicken and rice type dishes atm but struggling to cook due to feeling weak so sometimes ordering them in. I’m really grateful for symptoms though as it’s a helpful sign but I read so much that symptoms didn’t always matter early on which was reassuring too.
I’m looking forward to the scan and seeing what’s going on.
So on the morning of the scan my symptoms significantly reduced which made it a good day for a scan.
Unfortunately the smaller baby hadn’t progressed and there is no heartbeat. I’ve read it happens in 36% of twin pregnancies which is crazy.
I felt in some way at peace as it’s healthier for everyone but now I’m having anxiety about the other one. I’ve had some weird feelings in the last 24h but may just be related to losing one. My hunger is still there so that’s good just less nausea.
The rollercoaster continues. My next scan isn’t until 12+6 and im now 8+3 so I might have a private one at 10 weeks depending on what happens over the next week or so.
Hope everyone is doing ok. Off for a scan today, so extremely nervous I don’t even want to go 😔 I’ve had so many scans over the years and bad news given, I’ve just come to expect it . Or even worse than bad news - limbo news . “Oh it might just be early or let’s check again in a week maybe it wil be ok” .
Don’t really know what the point in this post is I just needed an outlet 😩
ahhh thank you so much guys for asking! All good they could see everything they said they needed to see at this point including a teeny tiny heartbeat 🥹 they said I have to go back in one weeks time for another scan to measure as they said it will be easier to do that then . I’m elated ! But know this will be a very long week now and anxiety will no doubt creep in very soon. I have tried everything to just try enjoy these little moments and be reassured but I guess the damage from previous times is never erased sadly! Have you got a scan booked soon? I’m really surprised with my clinic actually as I am a paying patient now I’ve got my little boy this time but they still seem to be doing all this extra (and not charged me)!
Ahh amazing news! Congratulations 💫 enjoy this moment of reassurance while it lasts. Glad that you’re getting the extra scans and monitoring.. that will help with some of the anxiety!
I’ve got my scan on Monday, when I think I’ll be 7+4… it’s going to be a long weekend waiting! xx
Oh yes, the waiting and torture inbetween never ends does it! Hope you have something nice planned for the weekend to pass the time? I think I was about 7ish weeks when I had my first post transfer scan with my little boy, you could see so much more than I could today so will be lovely when you do see , I mean it’s still just a little blob but it makes a world of difference seeing it doesn’t it!
Huge congrats! I had my transfer on the 25th January last year and my son was born on the 15th October. Only advice I'd say is stock up on plenty of colostrum from 37 weeks pregnant. With winter colds going around at that time it really helped when our baby had a bit of a cold and after his vaccinations. Best of luck with your pregnancy X
We have the same due date! ☺️ I agree, waiting for the scan is just as un- nerving as the TWW. I had my scan on the 21st at 7weeks 1 day and was terrified 😨 thankfully baby is growing perfectly and we even got to see the heartbeat 🥰
Ahh congratulations 💫 was your transfer 21st Jan too? We also got to see a heartbeat at our scan on the 24th.. amazing isn’t it?! Is this your first pregnancy? I had a son in 2018 from the same egg collection in 2017 so it almost feels completely new again to me! xx
I did IUI and not IVF so our conception date was actually the 17th. Seeing the heartbeat was incredible, I cried. So did my wife! Yes it's my first pregnancy. We have been incredibly lucky as it worked first time for us. We had months of cancelled cycles due to follicles not being large enough but after 6 months we finally got there with the right amount of hormones etc. That's amazing, I'm so happy for you and you get to give your little boy a sibling. Wishing you all the best and a smooth pregnancy ☺️ x
How is everyone doing this week? I have my first midwife appointment tomorrow, which I'm looking forward to. Symptoms feel like they're easing a little bit... and I feel like I'm wishing away the time until my 12 week scan (which I don't even have a date for yet!)
Hey doing ok 👍🏼 battling nausea and fatigue.. but equally grateful each morning when I start to feel a bit sick it’s like phew.. feeling very anxious coming to 8 weeks in couple of days 🥺
Aw that’ll be nice to have a chat with your midwife tomorrow.. I’m sure she’ll give you your next scan appt 🥰 did you have any more scans or just the viability one? X
Oh my word I thought I was the only one who was happy to feel like absolute shit 😂 I had one morning where I was spared the hideous nausea and I was hysterical almost ended up booking a scan for the next day but then it returned with a vengeance !
Haha same! Yesterday morning I was brushing my teeth and felt ok no wretching.. got to lunchtime had a sandwich quite nicely and then was like maybe I need to book a scan and started the whole can I handle a scan situation in my head! Then me and hubby went sofa shopping and I was saying to him I don’t feel as much nausea today and within 5 mins it came back couldn’t even finish my chips from Burger King or walk around the store … and somehow that made me feel secretly happy 😊 I’m 8 weeks tomorrow and just dreading the next week as it’s the same time as last mmc.. hopefully the nausea and fatigue will keep me company ☺️ xx
I feel like a bit of a zombie at the moment. Trying hard to accept that’s ok. It’s hard not feeling yourself. All the best with your scan. Yea the scan anxiety is so real especially when you’ve had past trauma. Thanks for sharing here. We’re definitely all with you
Hello! Pleased to hear you’re feeling a bit better. I am still battling the nausea and exhaustion. Didn’t appreciate how easy I had it last time now I’m enduring it with a toddler to contend with 🫣🫠
I’ve just contacted the midwife finally this morning… been putting it off incase something went wrong. And the entirely irrational thoughts that if I call up and tell them it might jinx it 🤦🏻♀️!
Oh wow, I can’t imagine this with a toddler. I am in awe. In some ways I wish I had more distraction but I’m not sure I could manage 😆 that’s good you reached out to the midwife
Another week gone! Are weeks going slowly or fast for you?! I'll be 10 weeks on Thursday.. which feels slow, but then I reminded myself that's a quarter of the way through already!
How are everyones symptoms? I've had a bit of a dull ache in my lower back the last 24 hours... not sure if it's related or not. Horrible that a lot of pregnancy symptoms mimic period symptoms, isn't it?!
My midwife booking appt went well last week (I forgot how much paperwork is involved!) so now I'm just (impatiently!) waiting for a date for my 12 week scan and also my first consultant appt, as I'm going to be shared care.
Hope everyone is well and been enjoying the sunshine! x
It’s going ok for me. I’ll be 11 weeks on Thursday. I’m struggling with nausea today. It’s from about midday until I go to bed and some days are better than others. I’m grateful to have my mornings back but struggling a little. Trying to give in to the fact nothing is in my control. I had a good midwife appt and my scan is 12+6 so another 2 weeks to go. It’ll be so nice to pass that milestone. My husband and I went to the baby show at the excel at the weekend so that was cool. We test drive some prams and learned a lot from some of our chats. I know what you mean about period symptoms, I had a wobble last week. Every day is another step forward so trying to take it one at a time
Hi I’m one week behind you and yes I agree it feels super slow! I’ve been getting a lower back ache comes and goes and also twinges and shooting type pains down there literally for seconds then goes. I’m assuming maybe the uterus changing shape or something. Nausea comes and goes mainly in evenings atm. The fatigue is major too. But grateful for the symptoms also.
I had my booking appt yesterday too it was nice but was like hour and half lots of information to take in. I’m shared care too 😊 have you got the badger app? Maybe they’ve updated the dating scan appt on there?
I have FINALLY got my 12 week scan date - 31st March - when I'll be 12+4 by my dates..
Everything seems to be going well (touch wood! - still pee'ing on sticks yesterday!) apart from my midwife said my urine sample from the booking appt last week came back with traces of E.coli in - cue serious panic after Dr Googling. I've got to go and do another sample this afternoon in the hope it was a contaminated sample.. if not, it'll be antibiotics. I had sepsis in labour with my son in 2018, so the thought of anything bacterial fills me with anxiety!
My urine sample was ‘contaminated’ and off the scale for something. I have an app with my hospital and one of my bloods also came back super high for something and I was in tears after Google overwhelm. I later got a message from them saying ‘normal result’ - such an emotional rollercoaster. I’m not going to look at the app anymore 😌 It’s just been one of those weeks. It’s exactly 2 weeks till my scan today. Just can’t wait
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