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Small baby, induction at 39 weeks? Any experiences?

Riri88 profile image
29 Replies

Hi all, been a while since I posted anything as my IVF pregnancy after the initial issue’s early on has been pretty ‘easy’ and straight forward. Just looking for mama’s that might have had similar experiences to what is going on with me?

2 weeks ago I had a growth scan as my bump was measuring 2-3 weeks behind and all was well. Yesterday my bump was similar size as 2 weeks ago so had another growth scan to be safe and they are seeing a stagnated growth. Baby to be expected only gained 4 ounce in 2 weeks and estimated at 6lb+4 oz. So now dropping at 5th percentile as I am 38+5 today. Otherwise all fine and no reason known to why (I am fine as is blood flow etc to baby). They recommend induction by 39 weeks and I was a bit overwhelmed by it all so did agree to this for coming Monday but also means my birth plan goes out the window a bit (need continuous monitoring during birth so no birth centre for me). Which is the safest thing but just worrying about the induction as I know it likely will lead to worse birth experiences, more likely to have assisted delivery and grd 3/4 tears or still in the end after days of induction a C-section. And just wondering are they jumping the gun a bit? As no medical issue’s other then stagnated growth are seen? Should we wait and see with extra monitoring instead to allow for natural birth to start? Or just get on with it?

I will call them today to ask questions I forgot to ask yesterday so I am not after medical advice, just perhaps experiences of people who had similar and what did you do, what did you think about it all? Was the baby indeed small at birth (I know the scans are not always accurate)? Etc. Thanks in advance!!!

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Riri88 profile image
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29 Replies
Sarakht profile image

Hi Riri, feel exactly the same. Been booked for induction for Saturday. Have no known medical issues apart from slight eleavated bp which has been controlled and no further issues with the baby all normal growth and iv been told that because it’s an ivf pregnancy they don’t want me going over 39 weeks. My actual dd is the 19th so I’m being induced one week earlier. I know induction experiences are all different for everyone but just feel abit like I don’t want to challenge it just in case it’s best for my baby.

With birth sizes I have spoken to many mums and they have told me that the scans can indeed be very off and sometimes babies are told that they are small actually turn out to be of a very healthy size and vice Versa.

I am a bit nervous just don’t know what to expect from it all tbh.

Riri88 profile image
Riri88 in reply toSarakht

Hi Sarakht, gosh so also nerve racking times and maybe also exciting times ahead for you! I do hear more often they say that because of IVF pregnancies yet mine they never mentioned that at all. Not sure the reasoning behind it but maybe also age of mum?

I did speak to the midwife on labour ward this morning and she took good time to explain. Statistically research is difficult but possible a very small chance of increased still birth if going too long with my baby stagnated growth so it really is precaution. Of course after the long road we had, I do agree with not taking any risks. It was just nice to hear a bit more about their reasoning when not shocked and being overwhelmed in the moment. Induction is expected to take a while for me as they will try mechanical option first over synthetic hormones so prepping for a longer stay in hospital and hope for the best really!

Do you know how they wish to induce you? Definitely ask questions and pro’s and con’s tomorrow but hopefully they can re assure you as well and things will unfold without problems and you will be holding your baby soon! Wishing you all the best for tomorrow and the days to come!

DianeArnold profile image

Hi Riri. Your midwife and specialist will have yours and baby's interests as a priority. They will be keeping a close eye on the placenta. Baby sounds like he/she is fine, and you will be amazed how soon baby will catch up, once born. Good luck! Diane

Redsequin profile image

Hi lovely. My doctor told me that whenever the baby seems to have stopped growing toward the end of pregnancy, it's safer to induce. I just had my 38-week scan and have to have another at 39, then at 40 for this reason. I think it's the stagnated growth that matters more than the percentile. I guess the worry is that the placenta isn't performing as well as it was earlier in the pregnancy, so it's safer to get the baby out sooner.

Also, with IVF babies, they seem keener to induce. I'm only allowed to go up to a maximum of a week over (which is more than most doctors seem to allow with IVF babies), which does make me a bit nervous as induction doesn't sound v fun. My doctor did reassure me there are things they can do even with induction to make birth easier, like helping you find an upright, open, and forward-facing position that still works ok with the continuous monitor.

Best of luck with your decision! I know it isn't always easy as you want to do what's safest for the baby but you also want the most comfortable birth possible xxx

Riri88 profile image
Riri88 in reply toRedsequin

Hi hun, sounds like they are keeping a good eye on you as well! I think you are right with the stagnation and rather be safe than sorry! And indeed will be doing lots of walking, UFO’s etc and trying to avoid epidural so I don’t end up on my back without knowing when to push. But will see how it goes! The midwife’s seem good though in trying to push for good positions and biomechanics etc. So hopefully I don’t have to stay on the ward too long not sleeping with everything going on around you (I hate hospital wards 🙈) and hopefully will be in a private room as quick as possible to use my dimmed lighting and fairy lights etc!

I hope all will be Oke for you as well with the scans and your upcoming birth! Crazy idea though they will be here soon!

Redsequin profile image
Redsequin in reply toRiri88

I hope all went well, lovely!

Riri88 profile image
Riri88 in reply toRedsequin

she was born yesterday and just perfect! Induction started Monday evening with a balloon induction which stayed in for 24hr and got us dilated to 2cm. Sadly then we had to wait over 30hrs on the antenatal ward before they had space on labour ward to break my waters which finally happened yesterday morning and 9 hrs later she was born with a little help of a ‘kiwi’ vacuum due to some stress but she is just perfect and we are doing well! Just a few stitches but no other problems 🥰🥰🥰 now tired but in love and can’t believe she is here! 🥰🥰🥰 absolutely over the moon!

I hope you are doing well luv!

in reply toRiri88

Amazing news!!! Congratulations!! xx

Riri88 profile image
Riri88 in reply to

thank you!!!❤️

FrancyItaly profile image
FrancyItaly in reply toRiri88

That’s great news! Congratulations! Enjoy every moment 😍

Riri88 profile image
Riri88 in reply toFrancyItaly

Thank you! So unreal she is here after the long wait and multiple tries with IVF.

Hope you are well and not long now! ❤️

Roobs33 profile image


I don’t have experience of stagnated growth but had to have an induction with my daughter that’s nearly 5 now. My waters leaked over a number of days so they wanted to get her out as there was an increased risk of infection. My whole birth plan that I’d been discussing with my midwife for weeks before completely went out the window. I think this is very normal and a lot of the time peoples birth don’t go as they planned and they have to do what is safest for mum and baby. Once your baby is here I’m sure you won’t even worry about that. I had a pessary that didn’t do much apart from make me have painful contractions and then I had to have the oxytocin drip. I asked for an epidural before having this as I’d read that it can be painful as it is forcing the body to give birth with synthetic hormones. Everything went ok but I guess you just need to prepare for all the different ways that you can end up giving birth so that you do feel prepared and not worried. They are probably wanting to be very cautious and I’m sure everything will be fine at 39 weeks. Im currently 18 weeks now through IVF and my consultant said I can have an elective induction between 39 and 41 weeks. It must be a lot to get your head around if you thought you would have another couple of weeks. Hoping everything goes smoothly for you ❤️ Xxx

Riri88 profile image
Riri88 in reply toRoobs33

Thank you hun for your experience and congrats on this pregnancy! I know birth plans need to be flexible, just don’t want to end up with the drip, then epidural and end up on my back being forced to push. I guess that is the one thing I will refuse. Which I guess that is my fear how it will end up to be, but I am more re assured after speaking to them today. Just a shame I can’t be home for the first bit of labour so will have to dig the earphones out and eye mask to ignore the ward and try to become as relaxed as possible!

I hope your pregnancy goes well!

I didn't have the best experience with induction..but I had a gentle epidural which I loved.

I could move my legs and even stand up...

Sometimes they do this gentle approach rather than you being completely numb.

Whatever you decide is right for you, best of luck!


Riri88 profile image
Riri88 in reply to

that is a good tip to definitely try first before going full on epidural! Trying to keep a positive mindset my body will know what it is doing and hopefully can still have a positive experience even with induction. (Indeed don’t know many good stories about this) but safety first! And that is most important in the end 🥰 we have gone through so much, we can do this too!

in reply toRiri88

What I thought with my first pregnancy, the baby can't stay in! They will get it out somehow! I tried to be as informed as possible, doing the ante natal hospital classes etc. So on the day I was more clear what could happen.


Riri88 profile image
Riri88 in reply to

hahah indeed! I did do hypno birthing online so just need to remind myself about all the tools I have and keep reminding myself that soon we can hold our baby! ❤️

in reply toRiri88

You are almost there! The feeling when you see them out is just amazing!


Riri88 profile image
Riri88 in reply to

weirdly I sort of already feel like I would miss her inside of me though haha. Quite like her rolls and kicks even if they go straight into my ribs 🤣 will be weird not to feel her inside but have her there, just unreal haha

FrancyItaly profile image

Just want to say Best of luck for it all hun! Not long at all now! 🥰

Riri88 profile image
Riri88 in reply toFrancyItaly

thank you sweetie! Exciting and nervous at the same time! Trying to rest as much I can this weekend while at the other hand my mind is like ‘you can still do this and that’ but I also need sleep, because well sleep won’t be happening the next few years 🤣

how are you doing?

FrancyItaly profile image
FrancyItaly in reply toRiri88

I’m good thanks! I can’t believe it could just be one more month! Is everything ready at home? Yes rest and enjoy it! So exciting!!!

Riri88 profile image
Riri88 in reply toFrancyItaly

so exciting! Time just suddenly gone so fast after the first 4-5 months took forever it felt. Very exciting! And yes, I think we have everything ready at home. At least essentials and then see how we get on 😅 small house so trying not to go mad with all the stuff.

Good luck in your last stretch! Hope all goes well!

Hi Riri 88, sorry things aren’t going quite the way you planned. We have just been told today we might have to have an induction at 37 weeks which I’m terrified about as seems very early but I’m going to go with it if safer for me & baby. It’s a shame about the birth centre as we were hoping to take that route too but not to be. Our new plan is to boost that natural oxcytocin by making that ward room as positive as possible. We will be that couple with the massive suitcase😂. We are taking a birth ball, Pregnancy pillow with us, got the rebozo blanket packed & music on the phone. When it comes to the continuous monitoring, you can ask for a break to move position stay active. If everything’s going ok you can take 20 mins on monitor & 20 mins off if you like to keep things going. We just spent a night on the ward & really wasn’t as much noise/ disturbance as I expected. What we didn’t expect was little to no phone signal so I would have some music pre downloaded if you plan to use it, also a long charger cable as plug sockets were not close by. My husband also noted due to the heat ( yes even in winter) he is taking shorts & t-shirt so he can comfortably support me(birth partner comfort very important too) Also, if you have time, take a trip to the hospital early, ask the staff where the “quiet cafes/ lounge areas are” then if you do need to go somewhere whilst waiting for the induction to start you are comfortable with your surroundings etc. All the best plans get tweaked & you have got this👍😃.

Riri88 profile image
Riri88 in reply to

hahaha Ooh I know, I am taking my diffuser and fairy lights and lots of nice snacks and pillows and my husband was like previously: you don’t need a travel suitcase as a hospital bag and I was like ‘uuuh, yes we do’ 🤣 better be prepared!

Good tip about the WiFi/phone signal. Was planning on downloading things on Netflix as well on the laptop and have Spotify things pre downloaded for offline use. And I hope especially in the beginning when things are not moving along quickly yet they allow me to go for walks etc. I also know they have 2 wireless continuous monitors at my hospital so I will have my husband remind them I want those once available haha!

And thanks for the tips for clothes as well! Will be re packing the bag tomorrow and will take your tips into account! Thank you!

Sadly I know the hospital too well after being at the EPU to many times prior and even the specialist we spoke to was like, I remember you due to my ectopic history 🤦‍♀️ but thankfully much better circumstances this time round for being there🥰

How many weeks are you now? 37 weeks is indeed scary early but like you said, if there is a reason, do it! We just want our babies to be safe 🥰

Ha ha, I love that you have over packed as much as us🤣. Some excellent tips from you too. I don’t think our unit has wireless monitors but something I will definitely ask.

We are 35 weeks on Sunday so still a little way to go but just a few tiny indicators for possible preeclampsia. All borderline but that’s me now on enforced mat leave and extra checks. Just another little hurdle on this journey. Thankfully baby monitors all good & they might do a growth scan next week so can’t complain about excellent care. x

Riri88 profile image
Riri88 in reply to

oooh that is really good to hear and of course also important they are keeping an eye on you too! Just as important as the baby!

Hang in there for the last few weeks and try to enjoy your maternity leave! Good to take things slower and be able to do some bits and then rest again to not over do things!

JenRoy profile image

I had a really positive induction experience with my daughter in 2018. Just had my waters broken. Labour started a few hours later and once it got going she was born 5.5hrs later. Normal delivery, no intervention required. The outcomes for induction are skewed by the indications for induction. I know lots of women who’ve been induced and it’s been straightforward and uneventful!

Small babies and reducing growth are good indicators to get little one out early.

Best of luck. I’m due induction this Thurs at 39 weeks x

Riri88 profile image
Riri88 in reply toJenRoy

thanks hun for the encouraging words! I hope all my body needs is a kick start and takes it from there! Good to hear positivity as I think induction has a lot of negative stories we tend to focus on. Big day today!

Wishing you good luck as well for Thursday and I hope all goes smoothly 🥰🥰🥰

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