Hi all, been a while since I posted anything as my IVF pregnancy after the initial issue’s early on has been pretty ‘easy’ and straight forward. Just looking for mama’s that might have had similar experiences to what is going on with me?
2 weeks ago I had a growth scan as my bump was measuring 2-3 weeks behind and all was well. Yesterday my bump was similar size as 2 weeks ago so had another growth scan to be safe and they are seeing a stagnated growth. Baby to be expected only gained 4 ounce in 2 weeks and estimated at 6lb+4 oz. So now dropping at 5th percentile as I am 38+5 today. Otherwise all fine and no reason known to why (I am fine as is blood flow etc to baby). They recommend induction by 39 weeks and I was a bit overwhelmed by it all so did agree to this for coming Monday but also means my birth plan goes out the window a bit (need continuous monitoring during birth so no birth centre for me). Which is the safest thing but just worrying about the induction as I know it likely will lead to worse birth experiences, more likely to have assisted delivery and grd 3/4 tears or still in the end after days of induction a C-section. And just wondering are they jumping the gun a bit? As no medical issue’s other then stagnated growth are seen? Should we wait and see with extra monitoring instead to allow for natural birth to start? Or just get on with it?
I will call them today to ask questions I forgot to ask yesterday so I am not after medical advice, just perhaps experiences of people who had similar and what did you do, what did you think about it all? Was the baby indeed small at birth (I know the scans are not always accurate)? Etc. Thanks in advance!!!