Bleed at 8+2 - Update: Hematoma aroun... - Fertility Network...

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Bleed at 8+2 - Update: Hematoma around gestational sac

FrancyItaly profile image
18 Replies

Hi ladies, I’m 8+2 today. I had a scan on 7+3 which showed a lovely embryo measuring spot on and with strong and clear heartbeat.

I had another scan yesterday (this time I allowed my husband to attend, I was too scared before) and again it was measuring well and looked line a mini human with head, arms, legs etc and again a loud and strong heartbeat. No signs of bleeding despite me having some small light brown spotting the day before.

Today I had light red diluted bleed, it was a one off. I just don’t know what to think. It doesn’t make sense to go back, I had a scan yesterday morning, what are they going to do differently? I am on one progesterone (rectally), one Clexane 2000, baby aspirin and steroids. I’m in bed now but I don’t know what to think. I have nausea almost all day long and sore breast.

UPDATE: I went for a scan at the clinic and this time it was an abdominal scan as they didn’t know the source of it. I was sure they would not see anything but baby was there measuring 3mm more than two days ago and with a heartbeat.

I have a small hematoma just around the gestational sac. I’m off Clexane and aspirin now. They said they are not worried and I don’t need to be at bed rest but to slow down, no daily walks, no efforts etc. Did this happen to anyone?

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FrancyItaly profile image
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18 Replies
Sweethear profile image

So sorry you are going through this, it is always advice that when a pregnant woman sees a blood she should call her doctor immediately it doesn’t matter if you where there that same day or not you should always call your doctor and go to the hospital for another check up please do that asap. I had a red blood a day after visiting my doctor when I was pregnant at about 7 weeks plus I called the doctor and was ask to come in the next day for a scan which I did everything was ok and he couldn’t find out why I had it I was then put on bed rest with extra medication because I have had 3 miscarriages before that pregnancy luck for I had my daughter Please Call your doctor now

FrancyItaly profile image
FrancyItaly in reply to Sweethear

I went in for a scan and there is a small hematoma, luckily it’s not close to the baby. Hopefully it will get absorbed, they said they were not worried but I will take it easy. Luckily I work from home. I had 3 miscarriages too but never seen a bleed. Sorry for your losses and thank you for sharing xxx

Riri88 profile image

Hey hun, so sorry you are going through this as the emotions are just so difficult and I totally get the worry you are feeling.

Was your scan private at 7+3? Maybe you can go to your EPU and say you started some bright red bleed and see what they say for re assurance?

It can happen though. I had 3 massive bright red bleeds in my 5th/6th week and first 2 they didn’t see anything and everything looked fine and later they did see a bleed (sub chorionic bleed/hematoma) and we think that must have been it. But the first still don’t know what it was and I know more ladies on here have similar stories. Try to stay positive and it can still all be Oke!

But perhaps EPU can help with another scan and re assurance?

Hang in there hun, I really hope this time it is your time!!!!

FrancyItaly profile image
FrancyItaly in reply to Riri88

I had a scan at my clinic and it’s a small hematoma. I have small brown spotting now, not much. Hope it’s getting smaller not larger. Thank you! xxx

Riri88 profile image
Riri88 in reply to FrancyItaly

Ooh that is good to hear they saw that as it explains the bleed and seems quite common when you read all the stories! Take it easy till the bleeding stops and I hope everything else will go smooth from here 🥰

Hoop123 profile image

Hi love, so sorry about this. It's always really stressful whenever there is bleeding! As it was red, I would mention it just in case and see what is recommended. Can you get a referral to the EPU if you're not in direct contact?

Also was your scan internal? I can say that I had some one off very light red bleeding after an internal scan, which was just irritation. You're on quite a few blood thinners and so that can make it more likely that you get a bit of bleeding after your cervix is irritated. That might give you a bit of comfort about what's potentially going on but if you're at all concerned do get checked out. And definitely take it easy.

Keep us updated and hang in there xx

Hoop123 profile image

I've just seen your update! I'm glad you went to get checked. I had two small haematomas and had bleeding at around the same time as you and earlier on - they resolved themselves over the course of a couple of weeks and weren't there at all at my 12 week scan. Keep an eye on things and do take it easy: don't push yourself or strain at all (no heavy lifting, etc.).

I think there are quite a few stories from people on here who have had similar! x

FrancyItaly profile image
FrancyItaly in reply to Hoop123

Thank you for sharing! No, I’ll take it easy, luckily I work from home. I’m going in for intralipids tomorrow and they will scan again. Maybe I have an internal scan and we can see better. Thank you xxx

Fudge1980 profile image

Aww sorry your having this worrying time 💗 how are you now? I think a lot of us have had bleeds and it’s so scary xx

FrancyItaly profile image
FrancyItaly in reply to Fudge1980

I know, it would be too boring otherwise 🤣 I had a scan today as I went in for intralipids drip. It’s all looking the same, it’s a small one and I only have a little dark brown spotting, not much. I had 3 scans this week and I am amazed to see the growth spurt, looks like a fat turtle 😆 first time I have more than one good scan so as long as he/she is well I’m fine. Time goes so slowly and I can’t wait for this month to pass! Congratulations on reaching your third trimester 🥳🎉

Fudge1980 profile image
Fudge1980 in reply to FrancyItaly

That precious little one is tucked up nicely and this is the start of the worrying about our child 🥴😂 Hopefully it won’t cause anymore concern!

We’re off for our 4D scan and we are so excited to see her little face well that’s if she cooperates 😅 she’s quite stubborn!xx

FrancyItaly profile image
FrancyItaly in reply to Fudge1980

That’s wonderful! Good luck then! 🥰

Char2383 profile image

Hi lovely! Sorry to hear about the bleeding scare, I also had a haematoma and an ovarian cyst. With each scan they reduced in size so hang in there and take it easy. Lots of self care and relaxation for you 😉 You’ve been through a lot to get here, no feeling guilty for not being active all the time! You’re doing great ❤️ xx

FrancyItaly profile image
FrancyItaly in reply to Char2383

Thank you hun, luckily I work from home so I can take it easy. My brown spotting stopped completely and I hope it’s all going to be smooth from now on ❤️

Not long for you now right? Xxx

Char2383 profile image
Char2383 in reply to FrancyItaly

That’s great to hear 😊 We’ve got anywhere between 8 and 12 weeks to go depending on how ready she is, still struggling to believe it even though I feel huge now! So excited though, I met my friends newborn yesterday which was amazing 🥰 Take care and send us an update with your next scan ❤️ x x

FrancyItaly profile image
FrancyItaly in reply to Char2383

That’s so exciting! 🥰 I wish time could go faster for me, at least until the 2nd trimester! Will send an update next week xxx

Jenniwenni profile image


I’ve got a hematoma too. I’m 11 weeks today. I started bleeding at about 5 weeks, and have bled ever since. Which, bizarrely, I’m just used to now. 🤣 I’ve had to wear a pad everyday. I had a massive bleed at about 7 weeks, accompanied with cramping. I’ve had 4 scans and every time everything has been fine.

There’s been a big research study done recently that’s said hematomas don’t negatively affect pregnancy outcomes. You can hear the main researcher sharing the findings on this podcast:

It really reassured me. I stopped googling and just focused on what they said. I hope it helps you too. 😘

Bizarrely, you can have bleeding all through the first trimester and everything be fine. And even bleeding with cramping - crazy!

My 2nd scan, the hematoma looked bigger, which terrified me. But my 3rd and 4th scans showed it getting smaller.

My doc said hematomas are really common. He said he usually doesn’t tell women about them, because they just get reabsorbed and don’t cause any issues. In my case, it’s not causing any issue, but it’s ‘bleeding out’ as opposed to reabsorbing.


FrancyItaly profile image
FrancyItaly in reply to Jenniwenni

I will look at the link you sent. I was just checking with Dr Google now 🤣 and was starting to worry. I’m not spotting for now so fingers crossed but I don’t know what’s happening until the next scan 😫

Thank you for sharing 😘🥰 hope yours goes away soon!

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