Viability scan 1 day behind *updated* - Fertility Network...

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Viability scan 1 day behind *updated*

Missl73 profile image
19 Replies

I had my first scan today at 6+5, saw baby with heartbeat and yolk sack and was measuring 6+4 (although she did manage to get 6+5) on one measurement. Now I don’t feel all that reassured because with IVF babies measuring behind rarely goes well (I’ve read every story on the entire internet I think last time this happened to me). With my MMC I measured 5 days behind at this point and a week later I was a whole week behind (baby died around 8 weeks). Am I overreacting to being one day off?

Just in case anyone comes across this, I had another scan at 8+2 and baby is absolutely fine and now measuring 2 days ahead of dates!

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Missl73 profile image
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19 Replies

Hey lovely,

Firstly congratulations!! 🥰

I wouldn't be too concerned with being a day behind. I never measured on track and was always either 1-2 days behind or 1-2 days ahead with all my scans. Did you hear baby's heartbeat? I'm pretty sure at around 6 weeks I was 2 days behind but all turnt out well.

I was so anxious for the first few months of my pregnancy so I think it's completely normal especially with everything you've been through! X

Missl73 profile image
Missl73 in reply to

Saw it but they wouldn’t measure it and I didn’t hear it. Looked normal to be compared to my successful pregnancy. So hard not to compare!

KiboXX profile image

Just to echo why the Lily has said, it’s nothing to worry about. Both my viability scans the baby has measured behind and both have been fine. They are so small at this point that’s it’s really hard to get an accurate measurement so a day behind is not a sign of anything bad, the heartbeat is the most important thing so try and focus on that xxx

Missl73 profile image
Missl73 in reply to KiboXX

Thanks this is really reassuring. My son measured exactly bang on or ahead the whole time so I was kind of hoping for that as it would have given me more comfort but I know we’re talking a couple of mm with only one day off xx

KiboXX profile image
KiboXX in reply to Missl73

I completely get that, I remember being really upset my daughter measured a day behind at my viability scan because you desperately want it all to be perfect for reassurance, especially when you’ve had a previous loss. Everything sounds like it’s looking good for you so far though, got everything crossed that continues xx

Medes profile image

I think it's hard to be accurate during 6 weeks because baby is so small. The heartbeat is the most important part at this stage. I had my scan on Monday and the doctor did not even measure him/her before I asked. He did it very roughly and said it's 6mm (I was 6 weeks and 4days that day) and that everything looks normal. He didn't even told us what is the heartbeat rate but both my partner and I saw it and we believe it is around 2 beats per seconds 🙏They booked me for another scan in two weeks time and hope we will have more information at week 8. We will be also with a different doctor.

Cinderella5 profile image

One of my twins was 2/3 days behind the estimated dates. It doesn't mean anything being a day or so out so try not to worry!xxx

Purpledoggy profile image

My clinic told me up to 5 days was fine, others I have seen a week. My son was 3 days behind at viability but 1d ahead at 12 weeks. 1mm measurement difference can make a difference to the days so 1 day really is nothing. Xx

Missl73 profile image
Missl73 in reply to Purpledoggy

Thank you it’s so reassuring to hear positive stories right now. Congratulations on your pregnancy! Hopefully our little button will be absolutely fine. I can’t decide whether to get another scan before the 12 week one - I didn’t with my son but he measured exactly on dates from the viability scan so I felt more confident.

Purpledoggy profile image
Purpledoggy in reply to Missl73

I can understand your worry - I had a scan at 11 weeks as I wanted to do a private NIPT and it included a scan and it was nice to see him bouncing around. But I am not sure whether I would have had it otherwise. Go with your gut 🙂 xx

Missl73 profile image
Missl73 in reply to Purpledoggy

Also debating on Harmony test. With my son we attempted it 3 times and there was never enough of his DNA in my blood so it didn’t work which was stressful in itself! If that hadn’t happened I’d probably go for it this time. It’s never straight forward this journey!

RecipIVF profile image

Hey, if it helps reassure you any my baby measured either 5 or 6 days behind at 7weeks and at 28 weeks he was measuring somewhere between the 90th-95th percentile. Fingers crossed all is ok and I hope you feel better soon 🤞🏻 Xxx

Missl73 profile image
Missl73 in reply to RecipIVF

This makes me feel so much better! My son measured ahead from 10 weeks on and he’s now nearly 2 and on the 99th centile and everyone thinks he’s so much older than he is! Hopefully this little one is just a bit smaller than his/her giant brother! Xx

Throughout the whole of my ivf pregnancy so far I’ve never been told any measurement. 6 weeks is very early for a heartbeat so that’s good you saw it and perhaps they weren’t able to measure it. I wouldn’t worry about a day behind, they often date a day or two behind or in front. But I can’t help thinking that perhaps I’m all the better for never knowing the size. After viability they just said they weren’t going to redate according to size because it’s ivf and so it’s accurate

Missl73 profile image
Missl73 in reply to Positivechangeplease

I think it’s because my son was a big boy (still is 99th centile age 2) so I was redated because he was always measuring ahead of my IVF dates by about a week. I kind of hoping this one might be smaller because it’s a girl 🤞 I’d be happy with either but would love to experience one of each

Missl73 profile image

Thank you all for making me feel better. Your experiences have been a timely reminder to me the reason that so many bad experiences are out there on these forums is because people are more likely to post when they need support. Just because it’s happened to me once, doesn’t mean it will happen again xx

Congratulations on your pregnancy! I totally understand your nerves - I’ve had multiple miscarriages and it always seemed to start by baby measuring behind. But in this pregnancy (my first to ever get last 7 weeks - I’m now 13+3), I measured behind by a couple of days to begin with and panicked myself like you did. It was an IVF pregnancy and I thought it wasn’t possible to measure behind. But baby caught up and from about 9 weeks onwards it’s always been bang on dates. So please don’t panic - it definitely is possible to measure a few days behind and catch up x

Jana483 profile image

I think one day behind is just a miscalculation, the sack is just so small that being behind by one day or ahead by one day is fine!I am so sorry for your previous loss hope things go well this time!

sun-and-rain profile image

I can just echo what every other comment has said: Don't worry about one day! I myself was measured one day behind on first scan (7+5 after IVF, adjusted to 7+4, which makes sense due to a difficult start of the pregnancy so it might have taken a little extra to settle to start growing for real), then another day behind at 10+4 (bit then they kept it with the date they gave me three weeks before). They were not worried at all. Strong heartbeat and what they considered normal growth. At this stage 0,5 mm more or less could make quite a big difference. (And I'd say it doesn't necessarily get any better later on: My firstborn was estimated to 3300g at 37w, whick gave the estimate that he would be 3700-3800g at 40+3. When he was born at 40+5 he weighed 4440g!)

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