Hi everyone, so after 15 failed embryo transfers in my own body, we moved onto surrogacy. By some miracle our surrogate fell pregnant on our 16th transfer but her FIRST. Hcg numbers were great and she has been suffering every day with morning sickness, which obviously I wouldn't wish on anyone but it does give me a little bit of confidence knowing she has quite strong symptoms. We had the scan at 7 weeks exactly and got a strong heartbeat of 146 beats per minute. Only thing is, she was measuring two days behind. I know it's difficult to get an accurate measurement at that time but also I can't help but worry :/ We aren't having another scan until 13 weeks as per the surrogates wishes so I'm a little nervous. Do I have reason to worry or am I just feeding my own anxiety of pregnancy after loss and failure 😟 Surro is now 9 weeks and 2 days and had no bleeding or any other reason to worry. Thanks in advance x
Surrogate is 9 weeks pregnant but mea... - Fertility Network...
Surrogate is 9 weeks pregnant but measured 2 days behind at 7 week scan... should I be worried?

The measurements are really not accurate at that stage as its too early so please dont worry!!
The measurement is only an estimatation, if you surrogate was scanned the same day by someone different it is highly likely the measurements would be different as it is extremely difficult at this stage to get an accurate measurement. There is a margin of error of plus or minus 5 days so measuring anywhere within this window is perfectly normal. Try not to worry, easier said than done I know. X
So glad to hear your good news with your surrogate! Congrats 💕 It's really common to measure a little behind when it's so early. I would try not to worry, but I know it's a long wait. Wishing you all the best with the rest of the pregnancy xx
Congrats! 🥳
I wouldn’t worry at all, a couple of days don’t mean anything, it’s never 100% accurate 💪🤞
Oh wow! What a journey for you all - congratulations ❤️
At my 8 week scan my bub was measuring 2 days behind and it freaked me out - because of course you focus on the negatives. But the nurse kept reassuring me that within +/- 2 days is completely normal - and its so hard to measure accurately when they are smaller than a poppy seed anyway! The heartbeat was strong and the sac / foetal pole were in the right place.
Everything progressed perfectly and he was born at 38.6 weeks.
Try not to worry! xx