I was diagnosed with an incompetent cervix following 2 pregnancy losses. I have had stitches put in and I am currently 14 weeks pregnant with my most recent ivf attempt. I have been told to stop prontogest which is the intramuscular injection and only carry on with one cyclogest pessary a day. I wanted to ask if anyone has continued on intramuscular progesterone throughout their pregnancy? I am so worried about losing another pregnancy and want to know if it’s harmful to continue if I wanted to for my peace of mind. Any advice would be welcome. Thank you x
Continuing on progesterone beyond 14 ... - Fertility Network...
Continuing on progesterone beyond 14 weeks pregnant

So sorry about your losses 💗I can’t offer advice I am still waiting for my consult with the preterm labour team. I’ve stayed on one pessarie a day for my own peace of mind.
I had lots of procedures on my cervix 20yrs ago so I’ve been put on high risk for preterm.
Can I ask you if you don’t mind what it’s like having the stitch procedure??? I don’t even know if they are going to do it but it panics me I have so much anxiety about my cervix from past experiences.
They are only seeing me from 16wks and I am 14wks now. Thinking I should of been seen earlier?
Wishing you a very safe healthy pregnancy 💖
Thank you. I had a pre pregnancy abdominal stitch and then an occlusion stitch at 12 weeks. The stitch at 12 weeks was fine. I didn’t feel anything as had spinal anaesthetic. They’ll measure your cervix and monitor you from then on. All the best with your pregnancy too xx
Hi lovely, I stayed on lubion and cyclogest until 13 weeks then stopped cold turkey.
However, at 17 weeks I then had a subchorionic haematoma and started bleeding - my consultant immediately put me back on cyclogest and I stayed on that until about 24 weeks.
My point being that it's fine to stay on progesterone - and the main reason my consultant put me back on it was as a precaution to keep my cervix closed.
So if it makes you feel more comfortable you should be able to carry on.
I would just tell your consultant how you feel.
Both ivf pregnancies I stopped progesterone pessary at 12 weeks
Hope everything goes well with your pregnancy!
Hello lovely,I am so so sorry for your losses. It is so hard! I have suffered from recurrent miscarriages and on this IVF pregnancy, I was put on a higher dose of progesterone until 12 weeks, when they asked me to stop it but reducing it slowly for a few weeks. However, I have had bleeding in the second and third trimester (I'll be 30 weeks tomorrow) and I am at risk of pre-term labour, so the doctors have advised I continue with one pessary every night until the end... My consultant told me progesterone doesn't hurt during pregnancy and giving my history, I should continue to use it... Hope the rest of your pregnancy goes well. x
Thank you. It’s such a hard journey and I’m sorry to hear you suffered multiple miscarriages. I have been told to continue with one pessary each night too but it’s good to know you’ve been told it doesn’t hurt. I’ll ask if I can do a little more for my peace of mind. All the best with the rest of your pregnancy x
Sorry for your losses and I completely understand why you're concerned either way. It's not quite the same but just in continuing progesterone, I started bleeding and spotting when I tapered off progesterone pessaries and injections at 10-12 weeks, and as soon as I started back it stopped. Midwife kept saying it was just one of those things etc but when I had it investigated (because I was worried about incompetent cervix) it turned out to be some unidentified growth on the cervix - they're not sure what it is (maybe endo) or why it seems to go away with progesterone, but they don't think it's a risk for the baby. Consultants were perfectly happy for me to stay on progesterone pessaries even if they didn't see any risk to baby - i.e., even to stop me worrying about the spotting - and they said it wouldn't do any harm if I took it all pregnancy. Don't know about intramuscular but maybe if you have a consultant they could help on that?
Thanks for your reply and for sharing. I’m pleased to hear you were told that it doesn’t do any harm. I’m due to see the prematurity clinic tomorrow and will ask them if I can carry on with the extra progesterone I have left over. I just need to get past 17-18 weeks as that’s when I lost my babies . I’ll speak with the consultant. Thank you x
Sorry for your previous losses. I’m currently 24 weeks pregnant and still on progesterone pessaries only because I suffer from poi. They’ve told me to come off it at 26 weeks. I e now reduced it down to 1 pessarie a day. I’ve also suffered from a m/c and had some usual bleeding at the beginning of this pregnancy. Hope you are well x
Thanks for your reply. I have managed to carry on and am doing 1 pessary a day. Currently just over 28 weeks. Counting down and hoping for the best for the rest of the pregnancy xx
Can I ask, has your consultant said you can stay on the pessaries until you are due, I’m really anxious about stopping them on Wednesday. I can feel the difference in my body from dropping them down to 1 a day. X
Hi Ladyluck11 if you are feeling anxious I’d insist on staying on them, I’m sure your consultant will be fine with it. My consultant recommended reducing my dosage, but I told him I didn’t feel comfortable changing something which seems to be working, and he said he understood that and was happy for me to stay high. It’s no trouble to them writing another prescription xxx
I'm so sorry to hear about your losses! It's so devastating! I've lost two babies too and am now 8 weeks pregnant with high risk for preterm birth due to previous cervical surgery. I'll only be seen for a cervical length scan at week 16 - do you think it makes sense to have one done earlier privately? I'm worried due to my history of loss. As to taking progesterone, I was recommended by my recurrent miscarriage consultant to stay on progesterone until week 16 (3x400mg/day) - mind you, I would be OK continuing to take it beyond that if it helps reduce any risk. Please keep us posted and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!! xx
Thanks and sorry to hear youve also had the same devastating experience of losing previous babies. I started getting seen at 14 weeks so you could to be seen sooner. The nhs should be able to see you then as you have previously lost babies so you are justified to ask. I was on a the intramuscular progesterone and then switched to cyclogest twice a day until 24 weeks and now once a day cyclogest. Currently 28+6 days but baby has some fluid so I’m being monitored in case he needs to come early. All the best xx