Hi everyone, I had my scan a couple of days ago and it was confirmed I have a viable pregnancy but now I'm very scared of the nipt test for chromosome abnormalities as it will break my heart into pieces if I have to terminate my pregnancy if there was to be something badly wrong, I'm 40 years old and I'm scared because online it says a very much increased risk of chromosomes abnormalities, could any of you lovely ladies please share your stories of being older and having a healthy baby, thank you xx
7 weeks and 3 days pregnant and worri... - Fertility Network...
7 weeks and 3 days pregnant and worried about nipt chromosome testing

I'm turning 41 in two weeks and our baby came back with low risk after NIPT testing...

For more information about testing take a look at nhs.uk - Screening tests in pregnancy
Take care
Janet- Partner
I have many friends who had healthy babies in their 40s / late 30s some of them with a very unhealthy lifestyle! My mum had my sister at 40, no problem. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you and wish you all the best ❤️
Hi there.I had a beautiful healthy baby girl in May at age 41.We had the harmony test done at 10 weeks and 12 weeks.Had to get repeated as not enough fetal dna in the sample.Wishing you all the best.xx
Hi Asha, I conceived naturally last autumn, when almost 42, and our little miracle arrived in June. She's perfect! I did NIPT and it came back as very low risk. The increased odds of issues are certainly scary but remember you're far more likely to have zero issues than for something to be wrong. And Congratulations, I'm so happy you had a positive viability scan! Xx
Hi - I completely understand your concerns I had a natural conception at 42, my screening results came back with no concerns but definitely do the NIPT then you will have the in depth results that will put your mind at ease xx
Hi Asha. Congratulations. I naturally conceived my little baby boy when I was 43 (found out the day before my 44th birthday). I had the harmony test at week 12 and results came back low risk. He is now 7 months old and doing very well. I wish you the best of luck with your pregnancy.
I’m currently 30wks with my baby and I’m 40 but she was PGTA tested so we knew she was chromosomally normal. However, my work mate gave birth in June and she is 44, conceived naturally and he’s totally fine. It’s not something you can control so fingers crossed everything is ok and your little miracle continues to grow as normal 😘 xx
Hi Asha82 my mum had me when she was 45, I was the last of 6 no issues. Congratulations and all the best xx
Try to remember most babies of older mummies are absolutely fine. Increased risk doesn’t mean highly likely, it just means uncommon instead of rare. I made both my babies a few days before my 40th and both were low risk on NIPT xx
Thank you so much for letting me know and congratulations on your babies that's really good they were both low risk, I feel a lot more positive the last couple of days, I think I'm just scared because I had a silent miscarriage last time in May but I did have abnormal hcg levels and this time I have really good hcg levels xx