Hi! I'm just wondering if there is anyone else in my situation, I keep waking up every night sweaty behind my neck and lower back and it doesn't matter what I do I have the window open I'm dressed lightly and I still can't avoid it, I've been told by my clinic before they discharged me that overheating in pregnancy especially in first trimester is really bad for the pregnancy but I don't know how to control it in my sleep, also I should mention it only happens once through the night then it goes away it's rather strange
9 weeks and 4 days pregnant waking up... - Fertility Network...
9 weeks and 4 days pregnant waking up through the night sweating

Hi Asha, I'd say firstly that overheating is different to night sweats, which I did get while pregnant early on. You can take your temperature to reassure yourself?
Night sweats are related to hormonal changes X but mention it to your midwife or the EPU if you're worried!
Thank you for letting me know, I'm not to worried as it only happens in my sleep but I will mention it to my gp next week, I don't have my first antenatal appointment until I'm 13 weeks but I am doing my nipt test next Wednesday and I have my 12 week scan booked in
Check with your doctor to make sure you don't have an infection but it could just be hormones - I found it really difficult to control my temperature during pregnancy - too hot and sweats at night vs being freezing during the day, and then that could be completely reversed. Add to that pregnancy insomnia at night but being exhausted during the day and napping at my desk... I think the overheating advice is based on some quite old research on women who had bad fevers during the first trimesters, that's also where the no hot baths or jacuzzis etc comes from too. If you're not ill with fever or baking all day to the point of overheating, then hopefully fine x
Thank you for letting me know, I'm pretty sure it's just my hormones as during the day my body temperature is good and I don't have any problems with sleeping, it only happens once through the night x
That's good, but I get the worry and it's best to check these things with a doctor/midwife if somethingdoesn'tfeel right - they will have heard it all. And like another response said, just wait until after birth and then the sweats are like nothing else!
hi Asha, I think night sweats are not uncommon in pregnancy. I think I had some too for a few weeks. Also sweating is your bodies way of cooling down so it’s actually helping to regulate your body temperature. It would be more worrying if you were super hot but not sweating.
But I know that it’s all so worrying when pregnant after ivf so if you are worried contact your clinic or your midwife. But I’m sure it’s all fine 😊
I had the night sweats quite often throughout pregnancy. I think they were caused by the hormones, so I wouldn't worry but do check with your midwife if you are concerned.
Thank you for letting me know, I didn't have them last night, I dressed cooler and I was fine but yes I do believe they are caused by hormones