I'm between groups at the moment. According to my dates I'm 6w6d pregnant but I don't have my viability scan until 7w6d. For the last week I've had nausea to the point I have to spend the evening lying on the sofa and haven't eaten proper dinners. Last night I felt absolutely fine and this morning too. I'm starting to worry. I'm taking cyclogest so don't have the reassurance knowing that if I'm not bleeding I'm likely to be OK. I've tried to look for previous posts about this but been unable to find anything recent with my times. Am I over thinking or is something wrong? Do I just need to wait until next week and hope my symptoms come back?
Assume it's pointless doing a pregnancy test as this may confuse me more.
UPDATE: my clinic refused to bring my viability scan forward and just told me to do a pregnancy test today and Monday. We've been for a private scan and been able to see the heart beat. Everything was as it should be. 🤞 It continues